I really really wish this was me

i really really wish this was me

Attached: 1542394424795.webm (1920x1080, 1.62M)


gimme sauce

Nothing purer than yuri (yaoi)

Why does that girl have a penis?

Hold on a sec am I just really drunk or does that girl have a penis.

can someone explain why that penis has a girl?

Is that how fags kiss? Man, they're terrible at it. Just chomping away at each other. Learn some technique.

there are no girls with dicks, just men with tits

it's a girl with a female penis, and the quicker you embrace this new based reality the better for all of us

They're probably gay for pay, my dad said that if you're a loser you'll be the best at the job you hate.

>female penis
keep telling yourself that user, i'll go look for female vaginas instead, thx for concerns tho

Is this a trap with a tomboy girl? or both boys? wtf? 2018 and I'm here wondering we should be on MARS by now wtf

Those girls are living life.

Reminder that the only reason we have a space program is because of military purposes, if Russia never got the nuclear bomb or never tried to expand out then we wouldn't had went to the moon.

If anyone would be so kind as to provide the source, I'd be very grateful.

>Reminder that the only reason we have a space program is because of military purposes
true but also elon musk

Some girls have penises. Deal with it, faggot.

Sauce pls (oregonoli)

post the fucking sauce god damn it i beg you

Attached: 1499940647940.jpg (304x293, 50K)

>i really really wish this was me

Life's not fair. Some people get to do that stuff, others just get to watch. Not fair at all.

Please be trap on female porn
It's so hard to find the good shit