What is this line called on a female? Where to meet females with this leg line? What causes this line...

What is this line called on a female? Where to meet females with this leg line? What causes this line? Ever since I was around 5th grade or so and saw a qt girl woth this leg line I have fallen in love with them, it seems kinda rare though and sometimes I can go days without seeing one in real life. Do any other robots love this line?

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I'm a guy and I have that line, it's called not being a fat fucking American

Don't know what they're called but they are usually present on thinner girls without much fat tissue in the thighs, and the line/crease is caused by frontal thigh muscle group showing through without fat compensating on the side. Which explains why they're rare (assuming you're in the United States)

Not a huge fan of them myself though, dont hate them either. Does not really matter to me.

It's called muscle separation between the front muscle and back muscles dude.
All women/men have them although it shows more on people who are more fit.

Mostly black girls have them, since it's an African American genetic feature

it's called ligma

Thats caused when the vastus lateral muscles are more defined than the iliotibial band. Literally anyone can have that if you're skinny enough but still walk

I'm a guy too and never had one, even when I was skelly.

Im in the US. But I even see very skinny girls that don't have them.

whats ligma??


I have it even if I'm a little chubby, because I have really muscular legs from doing tons of sport.

Probably because of underdeveloped muscles in your legs.


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Fucking based holy shit user I'm kekking

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I may be full of shit, but i think that's just a mildly developed quadricep.
You see op, when girls enter puberty, they have a greater development of thigh muscles behind the femur, rather than in front of it (as is typical in mature males), that's why there are "manly legs" and "girly legs".
Too much quadriceps = manly legs
Too much hamstrings = girly legs

hamstrings + a little quadriceps = androgynous legs, basically what you're talking about, that's why it's "rare" because most women don't excersice for shit aside from jogging (which doesn't really trains a lot of muscle, and even then, it trains mostly the hamstrings).

Its interesting you made this post because that line usually shows in men and is the reason why i though this bitch is a guy. Its caused by very low bodyfat and a decent musculature which is a feature of testosterone. Basically it means you like masculine women.

if i can recall it is rubma

rubma what, user?

rubma dick

I have this and I'm a fat fuck. Weight doesn't really factor into it.

Either way its a sign of testosterone so if you're attracted to it you like masculine women

it might be sugondese

One of my first funny feelings about a girl's body was as a young child during a bible class. We were sitting on the floor while a lady was reading to us and her shapely thigh was visible past her shorts.

What's it like being fat?

It's the same as being thin except my legs rub together when I walk.

Is it? Since when is basic muscle tone a sign of excess testosterone?

whats sugondese user?

It is in women

>Still falling for this.

That shit makes me lol. Obligatory ligma balls senpai.

It is not, you fat fuck.

It's the wrench muscle in my pic. It connects near the front of the femur.
t. artist

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Says the fat fuck himself. What does this have to do with being fat, retard? Its an objective fact that that look in women is caused by more testosterone than the average woman. See

i like this line, you can see it on girls thighs when they move their leg sometimes
my other favorite line is where the thigh goes 'in' before the panties

It's just the user replying to himself.

It's muscle tone, flabby women don't have that line. It's all about exercise.

>tfw you immediately know who that's a picture of

It's the hamstring muscle. The big muscle at the back of the legs. All you gotta do to have that line is not be a fat fucking whale.

Are you retarded? I literally said its a mix of muscle tone and low bodyfat, both being causex by higher testosterone

Girls have that muscle line too but that person in the image is not a girl and not Nyan either

You don't need low body fat for it to show. Just muscle tone.

Twice I've saw this meme today once here and once on osrs

>know 250 lb 5'10' girl
>she has those lines on her legs
apple shaped girls are interesting.

This is the weirdest fucking thread I have seen in a long time. Even for you guys.