I redownloaded Skyrim like I do every late November. What about you lads?

I redownloaded Skyrim like I do every late November. What about you lads?

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got back into playing nier automata after only playing for 5 hours last year

comfy gang

im actually about to start a wood elf vampire hunter/woodsman character
winter time always makes me wanna play skyrim again im right there w/you

I literally just started downloading it as I saw this thread

tfw you have 273h in skyrim, started 6 chars but never completed the main quest

I just downloaded it too. is there any way to play online?

Just started a new game. Haven't played since summer. Making an imperial jew who is gonna use mass illusion to trick all goyim. Imperial for the shekels of course. Thinking i should have done high elf tho for the self centered nature and the hate they get from basically everyone else... idk tho. I always wanted to play a minimum combat focused character.

Only five? How is possible?

this is me but with 142 different characters

I prepare to play Starbound, like I always do before christmas

Wish I hadn't fell for the Skyrim meme. Since 2011 I've put in like 10 hours total, just can't get into the game. Been having a lot of fun with RDR2 recently, though.

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desu Oblivion modded is way better for timesink

Any specific mods, or just in general?

I feel like we really shouldn't have to mod a game to have fun with it (not counting fan patches, sometimes, since companies do run out of time and money)

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Morrowind bb

oh I'd say if you're willing to overlook the dated graphics, plethora of glitches, and wonky combat system then you'll have a blast. personally I love vanilla Oblivion for its atmosphere, variety of quests, and ethereal OST but I'll admit it has its faults
The good news is these are easily fixed and you'll find the base game much more enjoyable

I was going to buy Morrowind on Steam today as a matter of fact, this sounds crazy for an ES fan but I've never actually played it

Ive put 1500 hours into skyrim, and more into oblivion

Im really excited for valenwood, my second favorite lore universe

I play on legendary with a mage that i have never leveled health on, one arrow kills me most fights take over a minute

How many terabytes did it take?

Cant stop binge playing Mountain Blade like an addict

Me neither. I just watched vids on it. I heard the magic is good and that melee isnt viable or something. But i really have been interested in oblivion and morrowinds magic. They both have way more fun and unique spells than skyrim.

Oblivion looks good enough for me really, most of my favorite games are even older than that.

comfy as fuck, especially if there is snow outside irl and you're doing a quest in a snowy area.
I might unironically learn how to do basic archery with a real bow and arrows because it looks pretty fun.

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Playing World of warships desu.

awesome, it's great all around

What iso program to you use on w10 to load the .iso?

Just downloaded The Forest, having a goddamn blast with it

Last time I tried to play i download a bunch of porn mods.
Couldn't get anything working so I quit.

why not play it every month, every week, every day for 7 years like me lad?

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um..sweetie it's not Valenwood, but Hammerfell

How do you do that? Dont you get bored? What mods do you use to keep yourself from getting bored?

used to just create loads of different characters and scenarious, but now mods are a thing for the console, I use ones that provide extra things to do like player homes, quests and the Bruma one is awesome

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Playing heavily modded as a half elf who has been living deep in the woods outside riverwood. Got all the immersiveshit mods and wet/cold and frostfall to really get that oppressive Skyrim winter feel going and used the alternate start mod to spawn in a camp in the woods. No ultimate goal yet, just gonna feel this one out.

There's a main quest?

Too much of a good thing makes you /v/ermin.

>There's a main quest?

Never got past bringing the graybeardd the horn before, the gazillion sexmods always broke the game to hell around that point.
Think it only worked this time since SSE is far more rugged.

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This is a nice art user, thanks for sharing

np, I saw it from another Skyrim related thread and stole it. It unironically brought a tear to my eye when I first saw it as it's so beautiful, and I've spent 1/3 of my life there.

I dont have the patience to stick with a single character for several hours. I aoways get bored of my build.

snekky mage here

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Just got special edition for a bargain after putting it off for so long.
Just started a save where I'm doing a "Canonical Dovahkiin"
>Sword and Shield
>Drinks gamer girl pee

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I tried playing Oblivion but I found it incredibly boring, atleast Skyrim had some comfy.

>Drinks gamer girl pee
u wot

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