Why are cartoons so shitty now?

Why are cartoons so shitty now?

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capitalism wrenches the heart and soul out of everything when it comes to media

>goes into a thread unrelated to politics
>shits it up

politics affects everything you do, user

Money. Once something makes substantial money they try to pinpoint and replicate whatever made that show profitable. After that, they water it down only to what makes it profitable so that it continues to cash in but at a low cost of production.

I think it has less to do with capitalism, and more to do with our decline as a species. People are so much less inspired today than they were even just twenty years ago.

It seems so long ago that this show first aired. Had a crush on that qt goth girl and that blonde one.

It was over a decade ago (TEN (10) YEARS)

not him but money (i.e capitalistic motivation) is what ruins everything with a heart and soul.
t. not a commie and a proud american

calarts shitting out talentless passionless idiots who need a job
it used to be that only really talented people with a passion pursued an animation career. now every 2nd retard looks at at available majors and just picks "what sounds cool"

>inb4 western animation was never good
That's not true. Sure, bad cartoons have always outweighed the good ones, but there used to be a lot of genuinely enjoyable western cartoons. In 2018 I can't even think of one.

A lot of it is the same people who get okayed by their friends in the industry to start their own show. Not a lot of people actually have talent anymore cause its an exclusive club and they bring drama into everything. If your pitch doesn't fit the group or if you had beef with one of the other people then your show won't air. Typical scenario with steven universe, ok ko, idk about teen titans go but a lot of the calarts style shows have that shitty drama with them.

Damn time does really past

Still boggles my mind that were about a year before 2020 starts.

Gumball's pretty good
And that Loud House show on Nick is pretty good
There were a lot of shitty cartoons in your childhood too you just don't remember most of them

If anyone's responsible for the decline, it's definitely calarts.

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>In 2018 I can't even think of one.
are you trying to think of cartoons that came out this year, this decade or what?
Because I can think of a good couple that you could classify as "modern"

All too true user. It has a lot to do with popularity and such. If i was to ever do something like western animated tv i would probably just get okayed by netflix or some shit. Unless i get roped into some shit contract i guess.

We've been on a serious decline for the past couple of years, early Adventure Time and Regular Show were very good.

Side note... One of my favorite old shows were the misadventures of flapjack and chowder. I have spent more time figuring out what time period flapjack is set in than actually watching the show.

This is now a calarts hate thread.

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>misadventures of flapjack
I never understood why everyone hated it.

is calarts a school or a design style(like material design) or something?

Cute blonde
With the HUGE titties

sure, those two I consider good. but I also consider Gumball which is currently CN's #1 rated show and MLP which so popular its now getting its 9th season good

I can't actually think of anything that came out the past couple years that's good, though, and that's worrying. Looks like with the death of traditional TV might also come the death of traditional animation

Did people hate it? I guess it was during the cn live era with dude what would happen and such. Though idk, i thought it was good. At least better than what ever is on now. Some episodes even had morals.

calarts is short for california institute of arts.
I don't really know why every one of its graduates seems to have a very similar art style though

California Institute of the Arts. California ruins everything.

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Why are you, an adult man, concern about cartoons?

Why can't I like cartoons as an adult? What is the difference between liking Western cartoons and liking anime?

Cartoons are entertainment. Anyone can like entertainment

>Some episodes even had morals.
Flapjack was probably the last of it's kind. At some point, cartoons stopped having morals entirely and that's sad. Now it's just complete nonsense and noise for 10-20 minutes, rotting kids brains. Older cartoons managed to be very entertaining, while having SOME educational value, and I'm not talking about edutainment.

Well yeah. I also think the shows that do try to have morals tend to get too convoluted and draw away from a proper message. Stuff like steven universe kinda has some morals? Maybe? Idfk if its trying to teach kids morals when it gets over complex and shit.

>I also think the shows that do try to have morals tend to get too convoluted and draw away from a proper message
Subtlety is important, and doable if the writers are actually talented.

>implying adult men that watch anime don't deserve ridicule
Do you listen to Mary Had a Little Lamb? It's for entertainment. What would be wrong with listening exclusively to simple songs aimed at kids? Nothing, except for the fact that you're probably retarded or autistic, just like watching cartoons would be.

Yes, yes. Whatever. Go prove how adult you are somewhere else.

>Why are cartoons so shitty now?
We bare bears is one of the best cartoons ever created

Don't blame calarts
Blame rough draft Korea

They've animated all those shows and virtually every other big kids TV show for the past decade

Wow, what a retort! I am in awe of your eloquent argument.

You could listen to marry had a little lamb if you wanted but taste and preferences change. There is a reason why there are also adult cartoons and adult videogames. Its because there is a demand for it. Some people just like it and enjoy it. I doubt someone saying that its childish will change much.

>Blame rough draft Korea
But they aren't responsible for the art style, CalArts graduates are. Rough Draft Korea animated Ren and Stimpy, Dexter's Lab, Beavis and Butt-head, Angry Beavers, Futurama, The Powerpuff Girls, SpongeBob SquarePants, etc, etc. A whole bunch of shit with extremely different art styles. Rough Draft Korea just makes the pictures move.

Here's a complete list of everything they've animated.

People also listen to mumble rap and eat hersey's vomit chocolate. At the end of the day, the reason your tastes are bad is because you're underdeveloped. The idea that every form of entertainment is equally valid is pants-on-head retarded.

you know the animators just do what the storyboard artists send them, right?
they don't come up with the designs. they are just animation monkeys with zero personal input.

Because people try to pander to literal children instead of a good target audience (12-17). They tend to forget that their channel isn't sprout or noggin and that kids won't be scarred by more mature topics. Steven universe had promise but went down the sjw path and has like 8 month hiatuses after 5 episodes.

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Name an acceptable form of entertainment then you totally adult human being, so you can enlighten those less fortunate.

Explain to me how anime is childish, without saying everything that is animated is childish. Not every anime is Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh

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Well i never said every form of entertainment is as valid as another. There is a reason why op is arguing that certain shows are better than others. There is quality in many things, cartoons are no different. My point was that there are many childish things aimed at adults and purchased by adults. Adult swim has a lot of animated shows for adults. South park is an animated show aimed at adults or at least teens or something. The arguement that cartoons are for children can only be valid if there weren't cartoons aimed at adults.

alcohol and other stimulants

>he posts lain
>implying it's supposed to be anything other than run-of-the-mill schlock
You're hopeless.

>just fuck my neurotransmitters up, senpai
Absolutely degenerate

>Adult swim has a lot of animated shows for adults.
Barely employable, stoner, societal drop out adults. Just because there is a market of manchildren doesn't mean adults should be watching cartoons.

Please go back to Jow Forums, or whatever straight edge shithole you crawled out of. If "growing up" means conforming to what's deemed socially acceptable and liking/not liking certain things based on groupthink, I'm not interested.

>being employable is a high virtue
>dropping out of society is bad
>drugs are bad
I don't want to be a part of your shitty society, go back.

Well that form of logic can be applied to a lot of things. Just because there are manchildren doing things doesn't mean its for children. I bet there are manchildren who do things you like to do. Though i wouldnt say that because manchildren like it, it makes it for children.

>death of superheroes grandpa
>resurgence of the female hyena

ending my life mkay yup

Society finds alcohol acceptable. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.

It is viewed almost EXCLUSIVELY by manchildren and the autistic.

Oh boy you'd be surprised.
You just showed us that you know jack shit about adult life, watching those cartoons doesnt mean giving up on your life to watch them dumbfuck
pic related is you on a good day

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So user, what do you enjoy doing? What is your refined and adult hobby that makes you so much better than us manchildren?

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Adult swim? Or cartoons in general? Would you consider an adult watching a nostalgic cartoon as being a manchild? Why do you have such a distaste for cartoons anyways? It seems something odd to rally against. I understand not liking something and voicing your opinion but its a little much to go out of your way to drag a discussion from its initial purpose.

My girlfriend likes this show and she always says that we're like that fat black chick and skinny ginger dude because that's us.

>My girlfriend likes this show
>females have no taste

Kids don't watch tv,they just look at their devices. I remember my sister telling me our little cousin watched the whole Despicable Me series in its entirety for 13 hours.

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>pic related is you on a good day
I guarantee that most if not all of those watch either anime or adult swim.

I don't cast pearls before swine.

The first season of this was actually pretty good

>saying a ten year old girl has shit taste for liking a show aimed at ten year olds
What's it like being autistic.

it's not calarts desu
Calarts actually has a pretty high barrier for entry compared to other schools that offer animation, especially since it's basically a pipeline into film and not tv

>I don't cast pearls before swine.
So you don't even have an answer? Fucking incredible. Your hobby is telling other people how much more of a man you are than them on an anonymous imageboard created to discuss ANIME.

You're much more pathetic than those you call "manchildren".

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>I remember my sister telling me our little cousin watched the whole Despicable Me series in its entirety for 13 hours.
My sister's ten years old, and I rarely see her look up from her phone. She watches those awful YouTube cartoons, and on top of that she's gaining a lot of weight. Her mind is rotting, and there's nothing I can do about it. I remember when she had a healthy imagination.

>I don't cast pearls before swine.
lmao good one, I actually lost
Now fuck off with your pol LARP go get a job and work hard if you're so conservative and diligent.

No, I just realize how retarded that argument would be. No matter what I propose, you would attack it for no reason other than the fact that I hurt your autistic fee fees. I'm not even convinced you posses the faculties to realize what value is. But go ahead and tip the board over and declare yourself the winner. It's what all mature people do, I'm told.

I dont think it matters where the message board came from. It matters more on where it is currently. Though still it is a bit petty to go into this thread about how shit modern cartoons are to talk about a personal gripe with people who watch cartoons

Nobody brought up politics, buddy. Your mind has been ruined by media, so now you can only argue with memes.

Get her watching something good? Maybe get her to stop watching shitty trash? Maybe prove to her that its bad for her and she was better before?

Politics and economics are extremely related to media production you retarded zoomer

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Only if your skull is soft

Why don't you go circlejerk over fine art and classical music with your buddies on Jow Forums instead of wasting your precious time talking with us pathetic manchildren?

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they learned that they can just make lower quality stuff with no penalty since kids arent rotten tomatoes critics

Point still stands.
Why would you neckbeards on the internet concern you as an adult man?

I like how this thread went from bashing shit modern cartoons to bashing manchildren for watching cartoons. In all honesty it doesn't really matter if you are called a manchild or not. Regardless of maturity you can have tastes that set you apart. Some people will just naturally like things you don't like. As long as its not illegal and not actively being a nuisance. If its just existing and not doing anything its not something anyone should waste their time on bashing.

One can ask questions out of curiosity, brainlet. Maybe one of your cartoons will dumb down and explain this concept to you.
If you don't like what I'm saying, why do you keep replying? Seems like that picture you posted was meant for yourself.

You're not going to get an answer, user. He's probably already left to go look at /sig/ and calm his nerves.

I think those self improvement guys are wankers too.

Though you can argue that some people would want things they like to be better i guess

>One can ask questions out of curiosity
You entered this thread with outright hostility, not civilly asking questions.

Welcome to Jow Forums. Where did you hear about us?

I liked Bridgette, the surfer girl better.

Not that I didnt stare at those tiddies all the time. The show was watchable, although when I first saw the trailer for it I thought the opposite.

My point is you saying "one can ask questions out of curiosity" is bullshit because you entered this thread ridiculing anyone who watches cartoons from the start.

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Its a little bit petty to not have anything of merit to contribute.

I wasn't asking for you to change my mind. I was asking for you to explain what you find appealing in cartoons. All I got was "hurr durr, I can watch what I want!" And then you wonder why I think you lot are all mentally stunted.

You're the one who obviously came to Jow Forums in 2016.

>Jow Forums Jow Forums Jow Forums
Been here since '06, friendo. Keep going off like a pull-string doll, though.

You should know asking the wrong question in the wrong place won't end up well
have your last (you) from me

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What else are we supposed to think when you keep going on about traditional values and never elaborate on what your values/interests actually are?

There is no right question. This board is full or retards and spastics. There is a reasons that only bait threads get bumped day after day.

I never said anything about traditional values. That's you fighting an illusion, you dumb shit.

I remember watching Toy Story on VHS every day for like a week when I was a kid
fuck I love toy story. despicable me is zoomer trash though.

> donates 6 billion to Israel so they can ruin your country with the things you just complained about

so long as we get loli gwen, ooh boy

>I never said anything about traditional values.
You were talking about being an employable, productive member of society, so you might as well have been.

I imagine it's due to marketing executives trying to capitalize off of formerly popular IP's, and an overall lack of creativity in an industry led by backwards millineals that aim towards recreating the appeal of the internet on television

They are NPCs. It has nothing to do with them providing for society. If I believed that, all women would be useless, as they are across the board a net drain, save for baby making.

Aren't most of the cartoons getting distributed by netflix nowadays? TV cartoons is has been dead since the slashing of Saturday morning blocks.

That and the old farts in their positions refuse to retire and pass down their wisdom to the next generation of animators.