Is renting an apartment for a couple years a waste...

Is renting an apartment for a couple years a waste? I'm saving money living with my parents but I'm 29 and I really strive to be independent. Unfortunately I don't have enough saved up for a home yet I got $15,000 saved up. Should I just rent and get cheap starter furniture and live like that for a few years while saving up still?

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You're supposed to split rent with a roommate or partner ya maroon

Im in the same boat man. Im 26 and i really just need to get out on my own. Everything is so damn expensive though. Even shitty studio apartments are like 1000 bucks around here.

Why give up when you are almost there?

It's usually better to rent unless you can get a really good mortgage and plan on staying in that place for a long time (over 20 years).

Thanks, i agree

I'm 31 and also have $15,000 saved up.

I have no reason to move out though, I get along with my parents just fine.

Your own house is a waste of money (mortgage + taxes cost more than what you could ever sell it for)

Just rent

Depends on the country you live in.

In my country home-ownership is not taxed.

Home owners here get rich, while renters stay poor.

I wish there more tiny apartments. Sucks that it's so difficult for young adults to find cheap housing when moving out is the best way to become a full adult.

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How did people afford to move out 20+ years ago? Rent and owning is way too expensive for a single adult these days, along with cars

Depends on what your income is I guess, it's very easy to burn through 15k near instantly. But if someone doesn't get along with their parents then by all means it's probably worthwhile to get out, getting practical experience of living on ones own is helpful too.

Same, I'm 37. Getting some pressuring from various outsiders to move out for the past few years though. I own 3 houses, but one is sitting empty and I've got tenants in the other 2. It's just far more efficient and economic that way.

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And some will say tiny apartments are bad because it ''supports'' the problem. But forcing adults to have to share a home with complete strangers is much worse.

I mean, it depends where you live. Many people need roommates nowadays, so that's $400 for that, $200 for a car, etc. Most people have jobs that could cover that. And in the past homes were much cheaper. Deregulation of mortgages have hyperinflated home prices.

OP here

My income is 47k and my 2nd part time job nets me 5-8k a year depending on how many hours I work. Typically post tax my full time job earns me $2750 a month and my part time job earns me $400-700 a month

>join military
>get va loan
>save your cash
>buy house

That's rough, user. Where do you live?

Not him but I live in the Chicago metropolitan suburbs and $900 a month will get you an out dated old shitty spic infested apartment. A decent apartment is $1100-1300 a month for a 1 bedroom

Interesting, what do you do for a living OP?

This I'm in the Chicago burbs

Kek, wageslave get cucked


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>Living with parents



This also is relevant to me

Planning to move put hopefully before 2020 into a home around 30k

Buy a tiny home. Luxury furnishings and finish for under 30k

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29 and I live with my mother and sister
I pay all the bills because it's still cheaper than what I'd spend living on my own and I get someone else to cook and clean as a bonus

Really the only advantage of moving out is if you have a gf or bring girls over. I of course have no need for that since I'm a robot.

Na man keep living with parents and saving.

These cucks telling you to rent will still be renting when youve saved up for a downpayment on a house

From a purely financial perspective sure, but shit man i dont want to stay here anymore. Besides the social stigma of living with mommy at 26, I have no privacy, and my mother is such a negative person. It really wears on me hearing her constantly complaining about the most pointless bullshit.

That would run you a lot more thank 30k nigga not to mention the land purchase and taxes in perpetuity +permits to put tiny homes where a lot of places don't also utilities hookups can be thousands alone

Robots are not capable of maintaining acceptable living quarters. You are better off staying with your parents until they die or you get married.

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Parents still criticizing their adult children further hinder the child's ability and self confidence to fully become an adult. There's no point in arguing with your parents if you're in their house, it's their rules and their home. When you move out and make it on your own, people will respect you more as an adult.


Then go to jail for free housing when neetbux runs out

Yes, it is a gigantic waste. Go buy a trailer in the trailer park. You will at least own that and the value might increase 1000-3000 dollars by the time you are ready to move out. The rent is also cheaper since you would just be making payments on that.

>Trailer trash

No thanks I'm not a spic or inbred

buy a condo and rent it out when you upgrade.

>va loan
is garbo. you can only buy overpriced tract houses with it.

Am I getting scammed by renters?
>want to move next week
>they say there's no available rooms
>but two people are moving out next week
>want me to send an application and pay $50 fee

That's an even worse idea

Be prepared to spend money on repairs and other maintenance shit as the landlord

Depends. Quality of life is different for many alone. Eg can date girls and have them over. More freedom. Less subconscious stress. If you like your parents and dont care about the above why move. If you have disposable income and will still stack some into saving sure. If youll eat into your 15k dont do it. If youre desperate to buy, which is dumb because the market is going to crash soon imo. Get a fha loan. You can buy somewhere with your 15k.

If you're planning on staying in the area you might as well buy a house, mortgages are generally cheaper than renting if the sizes of the places are equivalent. Also, 15K is more than enough for a down payment on a modest home and you can put the extra money you'd spend on rent on making repairs and upgrades to your place to increase the resale value.

Don't forget taxes, PMI, home owners insurance, HOA fees if applicable

I think renting an apartment for a couple years is a good way to start becoming independent and learning to budget and save. You don't take money for granted once you're on your own.

out of my 5900 monthly mortgage, about 4k of it is currently going towards interest and only 1900 going towards the principal. That 4000 is truly lost. I probably would have saved more money if I just rented for a few years and buy this place in cash instead.

While paying rent might feel like money going into thin air, paying interest on a mortgage feels much much much worse

I'm looking to buy a house and sell my condo and am currently staying in an apt while I fix up the condo, should I just rent and forget buying? Should I invest the condo money?

it depends, how much do houses cost in your area?

i bought a decent sized house for 1.5 million and put 300k down, so the interest on the rest of that 1.2 million ends up being 4k a month- way more than if i just fucking rented. in my case, it makes way more sense to rent for a few years, but too late for that

if houses are cheap (100-600k range), then buying is probably more worthwhile than renting even if you just have enough for a downpayment

Application fee is pretty standard in my experience. It's for background check and credit check. But if they say there is no room, don't move in.

Fuck roommates. I choose to live in a van because i dont have to answer to anyones shit or owe anybody money or deal with weird idiosyncrasies. If you value true independence and solitude, highly reccomend the van life.

Buy apparently makes sense if you will live there more than 10 years. Otherwise there is an argument to invest the down payment and rent. Grant Cardone, Martin Shkrelli and Superspeedersrob are all wealthy, rob being the poorest of the 3 by far, but they all say this. That renting is good in situations.

How do you only have 15k saved? With an income of $3000/month you would only have to work 6 months to save that.

He's 29, you retard. They won't let him in.

Because I literally got the job 6 months ago. Was a recent college grad with a shit retail part time job for a while.

Lmao kill yourself

I had 40 grand at 22

>living with my parents but I'm 29 and I really strive to be independent

just not be a neet and get yourself and appartment, im 21 and have 2 years living by my own, just because i wanted to, move to another state and renting a a dep with a roomate, our forniture is what other people dump, you'll never get a house fool we're on the 21 century