Look who came out of his cave!

Look who came out of his cave!

Attached: untitled.jpg (650x433, 94K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm here to CUM...

I wish I had family like that. I dont have anyone.

>tfw I didn't even do anything for Thanksgiving yesterday

Attached: WHEN'S 2B.jpg (508x458, 75K)

you have us

I am actually hiding out at my friends apartment right now because im terrified of seeing the rest of my family. Why you ask?
>27, still live at home klhlv
>unemployed for 2 years
>gained probably 50+ pounds since I last saw them
>depression is real

a bunch of family is over so ive been hiding in my room all day, pissing in bottles to avoid walking down the hall
but this is a normal holiday for me
what makes this the best t'giving day ever is my hot cousin left her used panties in the bathroom,
i have never furiously masturbated so many times in a row before feels goodman

Fuck all of you hope you die and especially you ya dumb lil four-eyed adopted bitch.

You silly americlaps, with your native genocide celebrations.
I honestly wouldn't mind trying it

We're a country built on slavery and ethnic cleansing and that's a good thing

Don't do that though. Running away won't fix anything.


>Did you finally beat the boss?

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I'm not intimidated by my family at all.
Even the ones with significant others are way up shits creek in other aspects.
They think i'm the smartest guy on earth.
I just kinda let them

happy thanksgiving buddy

>tfw cousin mary in front didn't turn out pretty

Attached: 1536703305250.jpg (313x389, 21K)

>you told me to invest in Bitcoin last year and now I'm financially ruined! Go to hell you weeb!

Attached: 11111111.jpg (640x360, 156K)

spanks is a fucking faggot

Yeah, and now you're a racial melting pot and the jews run you. Based white genocide

I'm a lower middle class brazilian why the fuck am i in a american household that seems to be having a thanksgiving feast, is this a new Isekai genre?

I AM the boss!

>tfw pretending to be a normie 3 hours from my rdr2


is there a story to this?

>That door location


why is my bedroom in the sky?

Go back to R9K you autistic faggot.

satoshi vs the FED

why isnt it? are you poor or something?

Fuck families.

Attached: fuck anons.png (1000x1000, 177K)

Isekai me to Japan please

Attached: I can't believe Yotsuba is fucking dead.jpg (640x261, 55K)

where the fuck am I supposed to sit

why is this comic backwards

>"So user... hows life? Got a girlfriend yet?"

Attached: 1542729531377.png (1258x2560, 1.83M)

>D-Dad! user broke out of his feeding cupboard again!
>God damn it Martha, those tenders didn't do shit. I told you you can't bargain with an animal! Bring me my whooping rod and a padlock.

It's not actually a comic book, it's a japanese Manga, which is read from right to left.

qt girl


>do you have a girlfriend yet?
>do you have a job yet?
>are you still in school? What are you even doing now?
>when are you planning on moving out of your parents' house?

it's a youtube video youtube.com/watch?v=TUCUsNx1HTs

Why is my family white now?

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they look Italian to me

Damn, you are like me

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>Schauen Sie sich mal an, wer sich entschieden hat, aus ihrem Bunker zu kommen!

Attached: 1522448184071.jpg (1600x1083, 684K)

Why don't you spike her drink with some roofies and rape her all night long? That's what I did with my aunt last year.

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yea im gay

Why are you gay?

the crimson chin is kind of cute


/v/ help me
I'm actually stuck in a thanksgiving dinner right now

Attached: Sauce.png (845x1200, 244K)

based and redpilled

Tell your cousin you like how her armpits smell

>on /v/ on Thanksgiving
>the smart one

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eat harder

>user is actually lying on bed eating his lonesome thanksgiving dinner while shitposting on Jow Forums

Please tell me this is staged.

I love women too much

>>do you have a girlfriend yet?
>>do you have a job yet?
>>are you still in school? What are you even doing now?
no. working.
>>when are you planning on moving out of your parents' house?
no plans to.

>"I look up to Master Chief"
It's staged dude

>absolutely fine around strangers and friends
>really enjoy talking to new people
>turn into a shy mega autist around family

Why would they be recording it you retard?

Mention Trump. Like don't even express a viewpoint or anything, just casually say his name loud enough for two or three people to hear. Watch as the table quickly devolves into all-out war and your family tears itself apart.

No. Working and writing.
When the cost of living goes down or after I have multiple thousands of dollars saved up and have financial security.

Attached: what do you think.jpg (1110x703, 120K)

when it's your turn to talk, mention that you got silver in League


>skipped out on family thanksgiving this year
>instead gonna just shitpost on /v/ from the other side of the country
take that, family

Just got done with thanksgiving dinner. Man I love thanksgiving.

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>user, it's okay to admit you like boys sweetie. You know we'll support you no matter what

>americans unironically celebrate eating food
>they even made up a holiday for that
it's not even funny at this point

this physically hurts to watch

Who the hell are you people? I hope you brought some food. I'm willing to share but there might not be enough

Happy Thanksgiving /v/

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it looked real until the master chief part
then again those old fucks look way too genuine to be acting
man I don't know

also, I assume everyone shits on the guy being your average autistic sperg
but fuck me, that dad is one thick headed clichee boomer piece of shit
inb4 everyone tells their story how they loved getting the belt, because they have stockholms with their redneck dads

stay hungry my third world friend


>that picture

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Everyone is against him except an uncle that isn't here. There's no discourse.

I'm ok with family meeting but for fuck sake only this one thing
>user when will you introduce your girlfriend to us? (said the curious aunt for the 2886th time)
>Haha user still hasn't been in a relationship, like ever (cousin giving me a look like it's the weirdest thing)
>"Is he gay or something?" (whisper whisper)

based, I too gather my family from across the country into my home and then dont feed them, my fellow european

Call them normalfags :)

yep' that was an old Christmas pasta

>racist tuxedo frog reveals why he is bitter

I loved it when my dad spanked me for being naughty ^_^ , I'm trying to convince my bf to do it too but he thinks it's weird :(

Just fuck your cousin.

I'm making a 5 pound Tri-tip roast, I can stay in my cave if I want to, fuck you

Canned cranberry sauce that still has the shape of the can when you plate it is the only way to go. Fuck anyone who makes it themselves, they're doing it wrong.

It must be horrible living in a third world country, I feel sorry for you.

Your cousin's trying to drop hints. Fuck her.

t. obese mutts

>tfw I'm going to get asked these questions when I finally get back home

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Every culture has a harvest festival, dumbass. You just happen to be a guest on our site so you have to listen to us talk about ours.

>Machine gun fire intensifies

yeah I feel bad for americans, they don't even have basic health care


Why is it whenever you say you don't have a girlfriend, assuming you're gay is ALWAYS the first place they go?

Based M$ bought a Thanksgiving dinner for the office today, we've just been taking it easy and eating.

no need to be upset friend I meant no harm

America is the only country that could be considered first world though, I was talking about that hell hole across the sea.