Robot Thanksgiving

How is Jow Forums's thanksgiving looking?

I couldn't afford any turkey and am alone, but I was craving some gravy so I made myself some pasta and gravy. It's okay.

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Well, I haven't had thanksgiving yet. Will have it in 2 and a half hours.
Enjoy your ramen

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Pretty shit I'm going to have a sissy come over in 4 hours and pretty much rape him he wants to be dominated so I'm going to choke him spit on him slap him degrade and use him as a human toilet should be fun for me and hopefully not for him I'm going to slap his testicles too

Good got a 18 pound turkey almost done I need to mash the taters and put in green bean cas and start the fucking gravy I'll eat it with the some CRANBERRY and Jalapenos cuz I can you know

Years ago I heard about this amature porn video where therr was a party going on and this drunk college age girl was saying "stuff my little turkey" the guy stopped mid pumping said she was stupid and left I have NEVER been able to find this video I have been looking for like 12 years

I don't do cause britfag and no I do not post them shite/britfeel/ things

>27 with autism
>Parents going many cities away to celebrate
>"Would you like to come with us user?"
no thank you, is it okay if I stay here?
>"That's fine, keep your phone on you and remember to call or text us"
>They drive away
>Ride my bike to liquor store cuz no car.
>Liquor store lady grabs the same bottle of rum I always get
>Just finished crying
What the fuck is wrong with me?

Turkey, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, yams, and stuffing made with plenty of onions of linguica.

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>green bean casserole
why the fuck do wh*te people eat this garbage. Just make collard greens

>He doesn't like green bean casserole
What are you a fucking nigger?

you don't like green bean casserole, you just don't know any better you fucking pleb.

They're not all that comparable, plus they're simple and tasty.

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Wrong goy mang

How did you find one

>I'm going to slap his testicles too

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use doublelist or xhamster dating pleb

Green bean casserole is top tier you subhuman

Grindr senpai I might take pictures and post it on /b/ I'm going to make him cry

Not him but that's super weird and mega gay

can you post it in this thread if it's still up?

Not bad im also alone. Made some steak and rice I didnt let it marinate so it was a bit bland but still good and had 2 beers and also had thc lemonade earlier today. Not bad

Eh fuck it if I can I will if not I'll make one later

>What the fuck is wrong with me?

I've been talking to a couple, 50 year old woman and 55 year old man. They have a channel on a porn site and potentially want me to be a bull.

They want to start with a vanilla date to see if I click with the wife. If it goes well I'm going back to their house to fuck and creampie his wife on camera so they can use it for their channel (no face).

I had some microwaved progresso soup
I hate being with people and enjoy the quiet lonesome life, yet I still don't want to die alone. thinking of just killing myself young, life doesn't seem to get better for misanthropes.

try again. reading comprehension you fool

I ate some leftovers. Will probably make some pasta or something later.

I'm 32 and did pretty much the same thing, and I don't even have autism. I just can't handle the shame of being the complete failure at a party full of successful people, particularly because my uncle (who's hosting) recently remarried and there'll be a whole bunch of people I don't know there because of it, and that'd mean going through the "so what do you do?" conversation over and over again.

Thats pretty hot senpai make sure he doesn't enjoy this xp at all I might add you should clamp his nipples and if he gets hard use a lighter and hest the metal of the lighter up the top part and press it against his dick dont forget to punch him in the ribs use something hard to beat the sole of his feet with

>being a bull for cuckolds

how do i get into some of the degenerate sex shit you guys are into?

Pretty shit desu. My family left and I don't have anything to cook so I'm eating stale cheeseburgers.
I'm just going to get drunk and watch anime like usual.