Has anyone here tried going to a Benedictine monastery and become a monk? I have nothing going for me - no friends...

Has anyone here tried going to a Benedictine monastery and become a monk? I have nothing going for me - no friends, family hates me and lost my job. I figured if nothing else happens to my life I'd rather become a literal shut-in in some church than some shut-in inside my house. At least I will have something to do and be of service to God in whatever days remain in my bleak existence than sitting in front of a PC jerking off and doing nothing all day. What do you guys think?

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Yes I've thought about it. But you have to actually be willing to be a very Holy man. And probably need to pass some tests first about the bible and pay to stay with them a while first as a guest.

Also you need a vocation story not just oh I was browsing r9k and thought yeah

a knew a woman who tried to become a nun, she confirmed to me every women there was a closet lesbian, the trainee priests across the way were all gay.

If you are thinking you will move in somewhere into a 1300's Monastery like something from a movie, you will be very disappointed. I half debated joining a cult to get women, they apparently screen out ugly dudes

I'm willing to become a "holy man" or whatever even the hell that means. I'm well read on the bible and catholicism but I have very protestant leanings. I figured I might have to tone down on the protestant teachings and lean more on the Catholic side if I want to get accepted. I wanted to go into a protestant monastery but it seems protestants don't have any monasteries. As for my vocation story, I think losing everything then finding God as my journey is enough, don't you think?

This is benedictine monastery. I don't think they have nuns there.

Then go for it brother. Be one with God

Have you ever seen Into Great Silence? thats about Carthusian monks. The BBC did a documentary called The Monastery about 4 normal guys going into live as Monks for a while its really really good should watch it

>Then go for it brother. Be one with God
I'm thinking about it. I have trade school to finish for now (it relates to dairy management) and if even that fails, I'm going to go become a monk. I will have nothing going for me so why not?

>The BBC did a documentary called The Monastery about 4 normal guys going into live as Monks for a while its really really good should watch it

Will do. Thanks brother.

all you idiots be sure to come back and post details of disappointment.
Community living is hell.

Some friends of mine have, they liked it, but it's not for anyone.

This guy never entered a church his entered live.

>Community living is hell.
What makes you say that? I find community living fulfilling and content. It beats living in the modern world with its isolation and focus on materialism. At least you have someone to talk to there and be busy than be a shut-in and doing nothing in your house but jerk off anime pictures.

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There's actually one about ten miles away from me (In the U.S.) But I don't think it's as easy to get into than you might think.

It's a real challenge, but the kind of challenge a robot would have an advantage.

I tried living as a monk before and asked the Abbey to let me experience living as one. Told him about my problems and he was nice enough to accommodate me and let me in. I would've stayed there but I still had my girlfriend to take care and be with. Maybe now I might be ready since I'm kinda wasting away inside my house doing nothing aside from the weekends where I have schooling to attend.

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From times to times I spend some weeks on a monastery, those are the best times in my live, but hard work and no internet takes they toil, I can't endure staying for much time.

>but hard work and no internet takes they toil
Except for the "no internet" part, I think having hard work would be a blessing for me. I just mope inside the house all day on the weekdays that I feel hopeless, useless and suicidal. Also what work did you do user? Were you really part of their orders or just stayed there as some sort of "vacation" and then donated as "payment" for their services?

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Maybe even one of the other monks will lose their shit and murder you in your sleep. I say go for it

I worked 10/11 hours a day in garden, it sounds great, but my body can't take thats for long. I'm a oblastus, in short I don't have any vows, but I don't have to pay them like some spiritual spa. It's like the middle between a monk and a secular.

Samefagging this, have thought about becoming a monk myself. All I do is suffer in this life and I want it to stop.

Work sounds good user. My problem right now is I don't have work and I just loaf and isolate myself inside the house all day. Seems the saying "the idle mind is the devil's workshop" rings true. I've become depressed and helpless in my mind after years of having no job or just working at home. Also what's an oblastus? Maybe being one will work for me. I'm not familiar with monk life yet so maybe a gradual experience into it will ease me into the monastic orders. Was this a catholic monastery by chance?

Maybe robots like us are destined to be shut-ins from the outside world. So why not go for it?

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It's a very long road:
From a regular person to oblastus, you basically start going a lot to de monastery, praying a lot and showing interrest in general.
From oblastus to neofitus, now you are half a monk, you have this period to learn about monks live, about vows, about your duties with God and the order. I'm current here.
From neofitus for conversus, you are basicaly a monk, you live like a monk, in the monastery, follow every rule but still easy to quit.
Then you become a monk, and live like this for the rest of your live.
Sorry for my english and I don't know the "ranks" in english.

Don't worry about your english, it's fine. I'm not even an english speaker myself and don't come from such a country. So what order were you into? Sounds interesting. I still am at a crossroads whether I should live inside a monastery so maybe the easing into it helps. What order were you in user?

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I'm current in the Benedictine order. It's all about preaching, studing (my monastery do it more than most) and hard working. It's the best thing in world see my garden grow.

Sounds comfy. Maybe I'm going to give this a try and stay weeks/months. I only stayed for 5 days in my last stint but that was because I was very depressed and lonely. Maybe I'm going to give it a try long term from now on. Do you still stay there from time to time or do you have a life outside the monastic orders?

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>Sounds comfy.
It's confy, but it's hard. You will work hard, live with no luxury, be busy all the time, but it's worth.
>Do you still stay there from time to time or do you have a life outside the monastic orders?
I stay about 10 days in, and 20 days out, but going every day to work and preach a little.

>It's confy, but it's hard. You will work hard, live with no luxury, be busy all the time, but it's worth.
This makes it worth it in my book. Does your monastery have outside help like do they hire workers? The monastery I stayed in employed people and the monks were rarely busy due to the very large real estate they were in.

Just what place is your monastery located in user? I have nothing going for me right now and maybe doing something will liven me up. Also how did you manage to become oblastus? Did you just walk in and say "I want to become a monk?" or was it a long and arduous process?

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>Does your monastery have outside help like do they hire workers?
No all work is done by monks, but in some festivies we do accept help from outside to organize it, and money is always welcome (we aren't exactly lucrative);

>Just what place is your monastery located in user?
Interior of Brasil, with only farms in a 30km ratious.

>Also how did you manage to become oblastus?
By asking to become one and showing interess in the monastery activies.

>Did you just walk in and say "I want to become a monk?" or was it a long and arduous process?
It was a very long walk, I started just going and day by day become a little more like a monk, I didn't even notice when I become.

Sounds good. I'll give this a try in my country. Thanks user.

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Be patient, and find the right order for you. Some focus only on study, other most on hard work, other in preaching, others in helping people.

And don't forget monks are humans like anybody else, they talk, have friends, have bad times, have "enemies", have fun and cry. They just choose a diferent live, one that most people can't understand today.

Yep, we all have our own faults. But living in a commune with people sounds more fun than living by yourself. I'll try looking for an order that focuses on study and hard work. Thanks user.

If it helps you then I say go for it. What could go wrong?