What are your minimum standards in a gf/bf?

>no stds
>not fat
>innie pusy
>no fake long nails
>no tattoos

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>a girl
>doesn't hate me
im hard but fair

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>virgin (unless they're way older than me, then I don't care)
>Not fat to the point where it's unattractive, some girls are "fat" but make it look good
>Not hopelessly ugly

That's about it

>at least my equal on the scale (I consider myself a 6 so I wont date a 5 or lower). This also means no fat chicks
>no more than 2 sexual partners
>must be above-average intelligence
>must make some effort to have hobbies and be interesting
Thats what I feel I deserve. Im really not asking for much.

>Female of reproductive age
Barring that
>Teenage twink that I can feminize

I love women, but they don't love me. Feels bad man.

>average weight for a woman her age
>no tattoos, no fake nails, no fake tan
>isn't obsessed with social media like facebook, twitter, instagram and snapchat, preferably doesn't use them at all
>can have somewhat intelligent dicsussions with her and for her not to be a like a cloned copy of most women

Contributing an original bamp

>no stds
>not heavier than I am
>not higher than I am
>can form an opionion
>likes games (not normietier games)
>has a great sense of humour
Thats it

>not fat
>not completely ugly
>not a complete sociopath
>doesn't take themselves too seriously
>lives in the same country as me
>at least 1 common interest or hobby

>Beat dark souls
>Plays D&D
>Likes physical contact
>Can hold a conversation
>Doesn't bore me

All I want is a bf who doesn't bore me

thanks for reminding me i never got into d&d because i have no friends.

Roll20 exists. Find a group, play online.
Or go to a tabletop store. Look at the bulletin board. Lots of groups looking for new players.

>has a penis and prefers girls
>not promiscuous
>not extremely tall
>isn't afraid of being into some feminine things
>weeb or /lit/

A pulse. But.. I can be flexible on that

can't wait to roleplay as a happy little mage

DnD is shit.
Play warhammer you nonce.

>healthy weight
>at least a 4/10

Im rly picky

>Short hair
>Blonde or rehhead
>Blue or Green eyes
>shorter than me
>fit girl
>not feminist
>some kind of redpilled
>not the average girl
>good in bed
>breast must be firm
>Nice body in general
>not smoking
>no pot head
>sexually active and creative
>suck my dick
>A shit ton of humor
>gluey af

High standard boys
>Share hobbies with me

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>6ft2 minimum
>Makes 7 figures a year
>Huge dick
>120+ IQ
>Most be able to tolerate my bitchiness
>Have at least a Masters degree
>Has a sexy horse...wait, did I just type that?!

Dont fuckin move THOT

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>no stds
>no history of cheating

I play 30k and D&D. Bite me.

>smaller than me
>no weird teeth structure
>at least 4/10
>not fat
>is goth and shy

What do you offer in return?

That's top 1~%

>not mean to me
>doesn't cheat
That's it

>Has really enjoyable hobbies we can share
>small frame
>wants to be there for me most of the time

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>under 30bmi
>somewhat hygienic (not a slob)
>doesn't have a hate filled personality, like enjoying bringing other people down or bad mouthing others
>no kids

I'm sure there are some other dealbreakers but there are the rough lines.