/r9gay/ - #512

turkey bf never ever edition


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That's better. Continue spreading BUGG.

cringe and trippilled

Cascadia bfs where are you

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tall scandianon here looking for a short scandianon to talk to

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you'll never find what you want you retard, go and meet people irl

i don't go outside, got you user

tfw no bf to sleepily whisper "I love you"s to as we fall asleep in each other's arms

im going to hurt yourself

if i moved to scandinavia could i be your bf then

sure user, i'd be your bf if you did that

this user knows how it should be
are you okay user, im not sure what this means

too bad i cant move to scandinavia lol

Someone please turn me into their live in house maid wife. My life is pointless and wasted on being a boring dork.
and give me the french maid attire

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>please make it so i never have to be responsible and get a job abd have to rely on you
now this, is epic

just be in a country with good neetbux? so both you and your husband can live off it and say home to cuddle all day

I'll do it on three conditions.

One, get a part time job.
Two, offer utter obedience.
Three, marry me.

this. i want this so badly

I have a friend that essentially did that
Went to live with a rich fat guy in a big city. Things inevitably didnt work out and he was on his ass broke in the streets. Had to come back to town and beg people to let him stay with them to get back on his feet and nobody would. Last I heard of him he was selling his body to save up cash but he's probably doing it for drugs by now.

I could do part time, I already worked like that as long as it's a job that doesn't involve me working with customers I'm good

where are you from user? a-asking for a friend

>tfw no bf to share my nordic neetbux with

>On Grindr
>Fucking sick of these degenerate faggots
>See a profile my age for fucking once
>Probably just some wanker with a one track mind but what do I have to lose
>Mention I'm just writing a presentation... he's writing a paper
>Talk about our areas of study and future plans
>Exchange photos; occasionally I click with someone via text but they look like fa-
>A-and he thinks I'M CUTE
>Try to set up a date; timing is hard because busy schedules, but vacation from uni is coming up soon
This feels happy, anons. After all this time with no idea where my love life would go, I finally found a chance to not be a lonely virgin forever.
I know this won't last and my situation will fuck itself over before/during the first date, but fuck it; let me have this moment.

I accept, where do you want to discuss it?

You sound like a huge normalfag user, dont know why did you think you cant get a bf.

>not the first time this guy posted in the thread
i don't trust anyone

You might have to work with customers if you can't find anything else. That's your problem, not mine.

I'm from the US, where does your friend live? Is he cute?

Drop a contact, preferably discord.

sorry user im a brit, i hope you find someone to share it with :c

he is sorta cute, lives a bit too far away from the US sadly

>tfw no cute user to put into a crinkly diaper

the door is right there normalfag, have fun getting aids

>tfw top
>cum super quickly
>bf really enjoys bottoming and is still horny afterwards
>I feel bad for cumming so quickly
W-would it be weird if I used a strapon?

>so fucking lonely that seeing my 16 year old cousin with his bf is making me depressed and bitter tonight

I fucking hate this feeling. I want a fucking boyfriend already.

Why don't you just keep fucking him? Why stop just because you finish?

>We're at the point where normalfags use the word "degenerate" and use modern advances in biological research as pick-up lines
This board isn't what it used to be

Go on, guess which other post was mine, you naughty bum

I don't have sex, you disgusting whore. That was your thought, AIDSbucket; there's just no other slim chance in hell of me meeting anyone in real life since I spend all my time in a lab, in a library, or in my room.

>i'm different because i use a word i picked up on Jow Forums dot org

>just had an idea for something cute I would do with a bf
>no bf
The imagination tempts us with things that are out of our grasp

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I get all soft afterwards, lose all hornyness and just want to cuddle

Lmao you do? Weird.

Don't listen to this individual
That's cute af

tell us :3

Have... Have you used the word degenerate near normals?
They sperg out and cry about how it's judgemental and shaming their positive life choices.

I am going to start ordering hard drugs

It's only cute if a bottom cums quickly, if a top cums quickly he should immediately become a bottom and let someone else take care of things.

no, they don't care. don't mistake the most extreme dyed hair woman for a normalfag

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I'm in uni; that is the norm.

I'm in the U.S and cute! Best Coast, tfw no husband to be super obedient to.

stop making these high demands for tops! it only scares them, so they'll never meet anyone irl in fear of someone like you

i'm also in uni. in nyc no less.
no one cares.

Most bottoms dont even cum from anal. Jerk or suck him some before you fuck him and give him a reach around, trust me it works great
Make him cum first then you.

this is me irl btw

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please stop posting you are unattractive

Then he should last long enough to properly please his bf. If he was really a top he'd be able to last longer. He must be a bottom in denial because he couldn't meet a top and jumped at the first bottom bf he could find and decided to pretend to be a top just to compensate.

I really wish my cousins bf would stop trying to fondle him in front of me.

Best coast meaning west coast I assume, since they rhyme. I've over by the Atlantic unfortunately.

East? I thought you said weast

dont say that right now please

Fellas, I'm a bit confused
>Never had a gay thought in my life, always been into women
>Joined a new guild in Final Fantasy XIV a few weeks ago
>Everyone's super friendly, especially this gay guy who invited me
>The more I speak to him, the more I start to like him
>He seems like my type when it comes to women, except he's a guy
>Posts a picture of himself in guild Discord, turns out he's a small boy and pretty cute
>Started to develop feelings for him
>Not just lewd thoughts, but genuine romantic thoughts about being with him
Am I a prison gay or some shit? I'm very confused at the moment

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please dont play xiv

Alright. So to preface, sometimes I like to slide around on the floor with my socks on. There's a slight but noticeable deceleration that is not achievable with bare feet. To me it feels like skiing or surfing except: 1) it has none of the associate risks, and the risks that are present are minimal, 2) I can do it anywhere, 3) it is much less intense, but feels good, and 4) it requires no equipment except for socks.

So, while the target bf is sitting, reclining, or resting, but not sleeping, or engaging in any mentally vigorous activity, and also presupposing that he is holding no objects, I would slide up to him from afar. I would whisper "scheeww" in the lightest possible voice, so that he would register the sound, but perhaps remain unsuspecting. Then, gracefully as a cat, I would leap onto his lap, and, depending upon his reaction, do one of three things: 1) kiss his neck and proceed to make out, 2) get into a good snuggling position and remain there, or 3) immediately hop off and go about my business as usual. Hopefully this action would set off a mutually pleasurable chain of events, but I don't think I could do it too often lest it gets stale.

I know it's not much but it's rare that I think about these things.

is he eu? give me his contacts

Yes, I'm on the east coast. Up north. It's pleasantly freezing outside.

two ffxiv related incidents in a week.

lol what the fuck user

that's cute but damn

sounds cute user, you should definitely do that if you ever get one!

Why are you confused
You like a boy. What more is there to it? God bisluts are so stupid sometimes.

I'm weast, right in Oregano


W-Wait where in oregano im in very very south eashington


Been playing for about 2 years and don't really plan to stop

Yeah he is, and I'm not dropping his info on the basket weaving forum

Unrelated but I'd like to know what that one was about if you remember

Dunno, I guess because I've not found a guy attractive before and I'm not sure if it's because I've just been feeling lonely

40 minute drive from me
I do not drive but if you wanted to hang sometime drop a discord and we can chat

it's only a 40 minutes drive
do it anons!

Adorable :33

You dont like someone because youre lonely, prison gay is a meme. You like him and thats okay. Does it mean accepting that and potentially dating him will make you want to get railed by a 6 foot tall muscular dude? No, it just means there are some boys youre attracted to. Everyone has their taste. If he's cute and single mention to him you find him cute and youre not sure if its romantic or what and he'd be happy to let you explore your feelings im sure.
>tfw no confused user to tell me he thinks im cute

Assuming he's normal and not going to kidnap me :x

>not being ghosted by everyone
I want a bf reeeeeeeeeee

I'm going to drive into incoming traffic tonight. I'm sorry. I tried my best. I held on as long as I could but I still have no bf. Being forced to watch my 16 year old cousin cuddling with his bf and being jealous and bitter about it is the last bit of indignity I'm willing to suffer through. It ends tonight.

tell us about yourself user! oreg fuck you Jow Forums

where's our actual gay discussion?
let's talk about shoe size meta. or preferences with hair length for each race.
or this outfit

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if you're that pathetic you 1. Should kill yourself, or 2. Are too much of a coward to do something like that

user please dont do that
You could kill innocent people
At least do something that has minimal cleanup and damage, please

why do you keep typing oreg

absolutely terrible outfit, i prefer guys with medium or smaller sized feet, and shoulder length hair is superior on every race, even though i only am attracted to white guys.

Im a ugly neet loser.

If youre bortlandia user then you dont have to worry, i couldnt steal a candy from a store let alone a person
Would you prefer I give a throwaway email?
Its [email protected]

because im too lazy to type anything else for the sake of originality if i only need a short post to make

don't listen to them user, you'll be dead, it wont matter if you kill someone in the process, these guys are normalfags

I will be your emergency bf if you live in virginia
There's probably something about you that's really neat that most people are too overburdened with their lives to see or appreciate

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i mean like interests and stuff user, where are you from?


You're king of the castle
Whenever you're here you know it feels right
Don't need to worry
He never wants to strip down to his feelings
He never wants to kiss and close his eyes
He never wants to cry
I never really know when when he'll be leaving
And even with "hello" I hear "goodbye"
He always makes me cry

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This is a really adorable song user, thanks for sharing uwu here's one of my all time favourite vocaloid songs in return youtube.com/watch?v=AdBiEDc0njY

But seriously user, even if the emergency bf proposition doesn't work out, I mean it. The fact that loneliness would even compel you towards wanting to kill yourself speaks to your humanity and the world is desperately lacking in humanity.
I know that my proxy love is not enough and probably won't ever be, but don't tear someone like yourself away from someone who will really love you the way you want and who you will love the way they want like that. It's no concession, I understand. And I don't want you to suffer either. But I want you to be happy.

Usual neet stuff user, games anime and music.

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owo thanks for listening and sharing =]

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>16 posters
I didn't know that many people here celebrated thanksgiving

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You might be bisexual. Beat off, and right after you cum, think to yourself if you could imagine yourself hanging out and kissing him. If yes, you're gay. If not, you're prison gay.

I celebrate it, but I already had lunch with my family, so now im drunk posting like usual. Hope your night goes well user.

Heavenly sevens dictate that those of us who remain are uniquely blessed. Or drinking heavily, which feels the same sometimes. At least I am.