How was your thanksgiving?

how was your thanksgiving?

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(screeches in Canadian)

tf is thanksgiving

Its not over yet for me

Drunk. Food. Estranged family.

happy thanksgiving fren :-), I hope you enjoy what you have, and treasure what is to come.
no hard feelings.

Thanks for asking! It was a 4/10 to be honest. It sucked and this year has been shit from the start.

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Thanksgiving blows my family isnt small we all dont get along so yeah another day spent doing nothing

My family is separated by geography and it's just me, my grandma and my mom here, we just did our own thing and ate pizza.

sucked, mom fought with her husband and now I'm stuck at our old house we were moving out of, and I left my pc and my stuff at his house
also haven't fapped in 9 days and the only thing I can think of is when the fuck the next time I'm going to be able to

That looks absolutely sickening. What's wrong with Amerilards?

Pretty good!

go fuckoff

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Started out like any other day but is becoming surprisingly happy
Not for any reason I can point to
Just the way things are today

That's far from a typical Thanksgiving user

Not too bad. Had some family come over and we watched old home videos while we ate. When they left I finished a bottle of wine they left behind and now im playing xbox by myself.

What about you OP?

I had a wonderful thanksgiving with my brother's family. Top notch food and lots of it. Witty table banter. No children present. Perfect Thanksgiving.

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I always get lonely around the holidays, then i came home to hear my neighbors across the hall going at it and now it's worse

Everything that and will be done

I had a thanksgiving with my grandparents, parents and my two younger brothers. The food was great.

Pretty terrible, went to my cuck father's today, his wife had her whole family over who are just loud redneck cunts, and they had their 5-6 kids running around shrieking like they were being murdered every 10 seconds, the food was also trash and his wife kept trying to get her half autistic snot nosed kids to interact with me, I stayed and watched the first quarter of the game with him so that I didn't seem rude then got the fuck out stopped by the liquor store and came home to get wasted and listen to the local radio station do their alice's restaurant marathon while playing vidya

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We had more than 10 people so they used trays instead. I was not too hungry so I had this much instead. I made the potatoes but they messed up the gravy. The food was good though. The turkey came out perfect. What is wrong with the picture?

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Fucking sucked. I live in a sober house in a different state than anyone in my family or friends. So I ate the food they cooked at the house and sat in my room for the rest of the day by myself on Jow Forums and the tube. Dont even have a day off from clinical (groups) tommorrow and no job or money. Life is shit.

what got you in there buddy

just asking because i might end up in one of those soon myself

Heroin and crack. But there's alot of alcoholics here as well.

Bretty good. Eat a lot, spent time with the family, played vidya. Feelin' fine.

>the game

I love america so god damn much

Eh I don't like football but that's just the way they call it (it was cowboys vs whoever) and desu spending a moment just chatting away with my dad while the rest of the peanut gallery does their thing is nice

sat alone on my bed in my dark apartment eating a cold burrito

Life is great isn't it?

>be me
>people come over
>mess up basic interactions (keep going upstairs and downstairs again because of panic, stare blankly at jokes, complaining about a trip I took), everyone is uncomfortable
>they all think I'm crazy
>now I'm back in my room crying

having a nice comfy night with Jow Forums

me too user remember, we'll always have each other

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Thanks user, have a nice Turkey Day!

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had my mom bring jew friends over
my dad is a chef though so good was fucking great

I didn't know they made doorknobs for tall people

It's a floating door he has to awkwardly climb in and out which is why everyone is staring

Cute as fuck catgirl, user. Thanks a bunch