Philosophy without religion is useless...

Philosophy without religion is useless. The best books you can ever read of philosophy are those by mystical and Christian philosophers. Everyone who says otherwise is a liar and wrong. I'm very adamant about this.

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The term you're looking for is "theology".
Faith based philosophy is silly regardless of religion because it's not falsifiable. Then again that's true for a lot of philosophy, especially western philosophy.

>then again that's true for a lot of philosophy, especially western philosophy

All philosophy is unfalsifiable. Actually the majority of all knowledge we have is so with the exception of the hard sciences. Philosophy, social sciences, political "science", anthropology, sociology, psychology, and even economics are done through unfalsifiable methods. Doesn't diminish their merits in the slightest though

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Okay, Estus Pirkle.

why is philosophy with religion useful?

>Philosophy without religion is useless
ok but why? most philosophers seem to do well without religion

>with the exception of the hard sciences.
Hard sciences are just educated assumptions that have yet to be disproven.

Christ Chan inspires me to stop watching porn more than Varg ever could
>when a parody character is actually the best thing to happen to Christianity

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>>when a parody character is actually the best thing to happen to Christianity
yeah, pathetic right?

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Fuck man I misworded
I meant it was the best outcome for Christianity my bad

>Gives Life meaning. Philosophy without religion does not.
so what about atheists that have meaning in their lives?

>why is philosophy with religion useful?
Gives Life meaning. Philosophy without religion does not.

>Hard sciences are just educated assumptions that have yet to be disproven.
Yeah, exactly, but they assume falsifiability as a criterion for their methods. Pick up Popper's books.

>so what about atheists that have meaning in their lives?
I have yet to meet one.

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get out of your house and start asking people if they are religious and if they have meaning in their lives, the answers might surprise you

there is no meaning in life, the all-consuming, un-ending death that awaits all assures that. Unless ofc there is salvation. Otherwise don't bother constructing a meaning, it won't matter once your in the ground.

Bro if you need to delude yourself into believing some stupid fairy tales to have meaning in life it' isn't life but you that's the problem.

thats why its called meaning of life and not meaning of death, its about what we do while we're alive not after.
and wishing salvation also won't matter once you're in the ground

What is your favorite religious philosopher? For me it has to be your namesake, he helped me understand the graveness of faith and that for all of the years I claimed to be a christian, I was not one at all.

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if we narrow our view to our lifespan, things can have meaning for sure. The people we interact with and impact is tremendous, considering that were only one. Even with ourselves, there can be goals to reach and things to achieve. But I can see how extending this view to before and after our lives does not spoil and belittle the goals and things we can achieve in our lives. I can't hep feel pessimism for the things of the world. And wishing for salvation won't help unless there really is salvation. I believe there is salvation, this belief is personal and subjective like your belief that it is possible to have meaning in life in the face of death. I can't think of a way to prove salvation to you nor a way for you to prove that its possible to have meaning in life.

haha you really are fucking pathetic

so what's the point of this discussion?

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exactly, misatosan. There can be no discussion, there can only be preaching, if both sides are open minded, or brutal rhetorical domination, if they are not. I can do nothing but spread the good news of salvation by faith in Christ and then leave it in the hands of God. And I guess you can leave it in the hands of people who read your post idk.

What is meaning again?

>follows dead religion because of a schizophrenic murderer
>calls me pathetic
I'm not sorry for cutting down your tree

>get out of your house and start asking people if they are religious and if they have meaning in their lives, the answers might surprise you
They have. Just some time ago I went over to my bro's place and his dormate had a Popper book so I went over to him to talk about Philosophy. It was insightful. He was an atheist and I had the Christian philosophical perspective and we talked about it. I talked about the meaninglessness of life and asked him if he had felt it, and he agreed that he did, and we went on to talk about hte meaninglessnes and futileness of everything and he said it so himself: that even when he knows he will have this huge fucking career whereby he will make tons of fucking money (he is graduating from the literal best Medical School in the entire fucking country) he admits that nothing really makes sense or has meaning. He didn't concede towards becoming religious, of course, but he even mentioned that his brother, who is a very intellectual person, is very devout and religious. He said that he sometimes thinks about how his brother sleeps better at night. Because he believes in God.

I am very convinced that the problem of meaning in Life can only be cured by religion and mystical philosophy. There's no doubt of it in my mind. The answer to the existential problem definitely is religious.

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>What is your favorite religious philosopher?
There are various I like. Thomas a Kempis, Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine, St. Francis de Sales, Jakob Boehme. There are just tons of great mystical writers.

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I agree. Amen, God bless.

I have heard multiple non-dual spiritual gurus call religion nothing but a coping mechanism for existential problems and I have to agree with them.

As long as you have religion to explain life for you, you dont have to suffer through an existential crisis but without that there can also be no actual spiritual growth which is easy to spot in most religious people.

Some people are not ready for such growth and the process can break them and turn them towards even worse coping mechanisms like drugs or even suicide. So religion has its uses its just sadly a bit too forced onto most people.

Ok I like the discussion that's going on here but why the fuck are there two threads of this same topic both by you at the same time.

Because he's a retarded spammer that needs to be banned. He spams this shit all the time.

What if I tell you the "coping" is precisely the meaning of Life? What if what you think is a "distraction" actually becomes the goal?

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I'd call you even more pathetic than the average Jow Forums poster.

>I'd call you even more pathetic than the average Jow Forums poster.
That's fine but I'm sure I'd be the one to have the last laugh. So many times I have come to see robots being in total utter despair and with no hope whatever. At least I know I will have a net to never fall into despair again.

At some point, religion is not something that distracts you from the horrors of life anymore or helps you live your life, but becomes Life itself. It becomes the Goal. In that sense, we can say that the meaning of Life is "in finding God".

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