Is it even worth trying to get a gf if you dont have a job as an adult male?

Is it even worth trying to get a gf if you dont have a job as an adult male?

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I certainly don't bother trying. Then again I didn't really try when I had a job either.

Don't worry about getting a GF now. You should be worrying about making yourself an independent adult. This is time you'll never get back so if you do decide to chase girls into your 40s and haven't done anything with your life it 100% your fault and I even warmed.

Yes, but it's going to be disproportionately hard. Especially if you don't care about having a job either.
Most women don't intend to be the sole earner and support their husband.

If she cares about me having a job, I would not want that whore around when I work one.

If she is okay with you being a NEET, then she might be one to work for.

>dont have a job
I had trouble when i had a shit job, but now that i can spend money on /fa/ probably shouldnt be too hard.
>in walmart the other night
>wearing brand new business casual outfit with brown leather shoes
>see spic girl mirin

See the thing is I'm already 30 and I have had jobs but it never seemed worth it as all the women are whores with issues so now I've been single for nearly a decade and don't know what to do. I had a job a few years ago and women were interested in me but I have issues reconciling with

I had assumed you were 20. Sorry. IDK what to tell you. Honestly if you haven't done anything with yourself by 40 though it is time to call it quits so you do still have time to make something of yourself.

what do you consider someone making of themselves?

>no job
>worrying about women

Nigga that should be the last thing on your mind
Money over hoes as the motto goes

You can be homeless at 40 and still make it nigger

ok I will start looking for a job again

Not unless you're 10-9.5/10.

Get a fucking job.

You'll have to be happy with where you are on an objective level. Even if you aren't making big bank you can still have a job you enjoy. Even if you are a pencil pusher if you enjoy pencil pushing ide say you made it.

That depends on the mindset and i doubt anyone has that kind of mindset on this board. You'ld have to be really really happy with who you are to be happy that way.

you got a job and girlfriend?

What if you have a job but have no money?
I have a degree but I'm stuck in a factory with all my money going to loans, rent, and car payments
I have 5 pairs of pants and 3 have holes ripped in them that I had to fix because I had no money to buy new ones

did you buy a new car or what?

>What if you have a job but have no money?
"Get a job" is a shorthand for "make better life decisions".

You have a degree and work a factory job, therefore you made a stupid life decision in either the degree or the job.

You have loans - more stupid decisions.

You have car payments - stupidity.

Overall, you're sub-human to women because your stupidity has crippled you despite having a job.

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Do you have Chad looks? Then being jobless doesn't matter.

If you don't then even having a job might not help much.

Is it even worth trying to get a job if you dont have a girlfriend, wife, or fuckbuddy as an adult male?

Only if you require money for your own stuff.
Me, I do not need much to be content, pussy-access aside.
But when you are into stuff that costs a lot, you sort of have to pick your poison.

8 at best and never worked a day in my life.
A LT-gf has been a while, but I am sure not a virgin.

From my experience, girls that are okay with NEETs are actually loose women who just want validation from SOMEONE. They aren't dating you for who you are, they just want a plug for their hole, and have no problem with having multiple plugs "switch shifts" regularly. A woman with low standards is low class

Having a source of income is going to allow an adult to perform all other basic adult functions. Without income, how will you afford a domicile, personal transportation, sustenance, and medical care? Why would a woman want to waste her precious eggs on a guy that has none of that when she can be with one who has all of that? What advantage of yours would outweigh having those things I previously outlined?

There is no reason to argue against the FACT that having a job is the start to success, unless you are some sort of INTP faggot that debates shit like it pays the bills (it doesn't)

I do not trust the experience of someone who thinks wageslaving makes them instead like youfor "who you are".

"wageslaving" is such a misleading term, and you deliberately use it to dismiss any favorable argument regarding employment. Men that choose to not have a job are either subservient to someone that does have a job, leeching off of subsidies from a protective entity, or homeless. A man that does have a job could be any number of things, but there are almost no men who choose to not have jobs that possess the traits of a successful and attractive (in more than just the physical sense) leader. Low class women will also go for guys with jobs, but high class women will not chase an unemployed couch potato unless there is some obscenely unusual situation that can be observed on a case-by-case basis and most likely explained away as mental illness

>B-but how will you afford
NEET bucks, next question.

>her precious eggs
lel, guess that is why they abort in the amounts they do. Who the hell want kids in the first place?
>What advantage of yours would outweigh
THe fact that I am who I am and she WANTS that person.
If that is in itself insufficient for her, we are only talking a biz deal here not a relationship. And as a plain business decision, hookers are a better deal for a male. Womens "value" is a highly deprecating thing after all, no sane calculating man would invest.

Guess I just look for the obscenely unusual girls then, afterall I was always the oddity, never the norm.

>NEET bucks, next question

And you believe this is sustainable and beneficial? Or are you intending to coast and believe this will always be an absolute? I understand why "NEET bucks" exist, but I don't understand why anyone would believe they can rely on it as their sole source of income for... however long they live. Or are you just short-sighted and don't intend to think long-term? Or does long-term not matter to you?

>lel, guess that is why they abort in the amounts they do. Who the hell want kids in the first place?

Other people do, just like other people want to do things that you don't want to do. In fact, there are many things that you do that other people wouldn't want to do, and would ask the same sort of question you asked about having kids. Many people don't consider the "biological imperative", instead they want to build a family much like the one that raised them. Coming from a negative home might reduce a person's interest in this venture.

>THe fact that I am who I am and she WANTS that person

And you think she won't change, or that you won't change? Again, this goes into long-term thinking. You might be satisfied with emulating the stone that gathers moss, but many people would prefer to be the tree with an expansive canopy and root system. Rocks don't particularly care whether they are with any other rocks or not, and as such, a bunch of rocks are just a "pile". A group of trees, however, can form a forest that is as alive and expansive as ever, and can foster so much other life within it. A large group of successful and like-minded people can create and maintain incredible systems that an individual could not. Even when one tree dies, the forest it was a part of will still live on.

>If that is in itself insufficient for her, we are only talking a biz deal here not a relationship. And as a plain business decision, hookers are a better deal for a male. Womens "value" is a highly deprecating thing after all, no sane calculating man would invest.

Marriage is a deal, relationships are deals, and really any extended interaction could be considered a deal. Sure, you could isolate the time and find it to be "cold", but mutually beneficial deals are precisely the kind that have brought our species to where it is, and will carry it much farther than we can imagine. If sex alone is your goal, then hookers are certainly an expedient option if you don't already have a committed relationship, since the build-up to a relationship won't feature as much sex as one night with a hooker will, but dating is about far more than intercourse. If a "woman's value" is only in her reproductive organs, then either the deal you could make with her is specifically focused on that "highly depreciating thing" or you have found yourself someone that you shouldn't make a deal with at all. A "sane calculating man" could very well marry and provide for someone solely for the sake of reproduction (hell, look at Trump's wife), but he will know that he won't receive more than what he is "buying". The disappointment that is reflected by the anecdotes of many divorced men has entirely to do with the deal that the other partner was either unaware or unable to hold up to on their end. Seek out the partner that can fulfill what you need and want.

>Guess I just look for the obscenely unusual girls then, afterall I was always the oddity, never the norm.

With a population over 7 billion, there are plenty of oddities to go around. Don't let yourself become starstruck by a rare occurrence, that kind of issue is exactly what motivates ugly girls to exclusively go after athletes

>Or does long-term not matter to you?
Not at fucking all.
I am in a place to relatively easy find a job if I am forced to, and yet I didn't need to for the last decades. And I have little interest to do it without a need, or a woman I think deserving of building a nest for.
Work of any kind would take up my time, you know.

Love your implication I could only not want kids because my home must been shit, btw.
I simply do not like the way I see the world going one bit, and it's future is nothing I would want a child of mine to suffer.

If I had one, I might actually get invested both in it and, by logical necessity, into this society that I would love to see fall and burn right now. So you can bet I will avoid such entanglement unless there is some perfect girl I can't hold on to without impregnating her. Without that I'll, as you put it, rock on.

And your perspective is just as valid as mine, but personally, I believe the people that are able to decide not to have kids are the ones that SHOULD be having kids. I did not mean to imply that you personally had a shitty childhood or poor relationship with your family, I have just observed that it is a common pattern on this site and I am speaking to everyone that might be reading as well as yourself. The society that you are discussing can certainly be harsh, and it's harder to get in to it now than it used to be, which is why I am under the impression that it would be better to form a true "counterculture" and, rather than fight for a seat at a crowded table, they should get their own table and tell the members of the other table where to shove it.

>Seek out the partner that can fulfill what you need and want.
Exactly, and that is why I would ONLY take up anything permanent with a women who will desire me as much a NEET as much as she would desire me as CEO.
If I need to offer her anything but passable survival to get her from the get-go, she is not who I want.
She wouldn't be an emotional asset, she would be an additional risk factor. An extra anvil on your back, likely to hit your head when you are already falling down the starts. Nope, thanks. Not exactly looking for someone to make life more DIFFICULT.

>not being jobless and mooching off of gfs
Never gonna make it

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First of all, I'm and none of the people who have replied since that post are me. I'm not an advocate of welfare.

I agree that a job has value even though you have made poor decisions you made. I'm just saying that in determining your overall worth, despite having a job, your net effect is sub-human because your poor decisions outweigh the good.

If you earn enough that your wife can stay at home, and the home is actually being taken care of, you have hit a motherfucking jackpot. Trust me.

Of course you shouldn't marry a woman that only depends on you! I shouldn't try to steer anyone towards my ideal, but a woman that is dependable and self-sufficient is certainly better than a leech. NEET and CEO are certainly two extremes, but I understand your point through a metaphor I am more familiar with: "If you want to be a general's wife, you have to marry a lieutenant". Also agreed that a woman shouldn't make your life difficult, though there will always be challenges with relationships even when they are perfect. One major challenge for the people on this board will be opening up emotionally. Trust me, it is A LOT harder than it might seem, doubly so for the pretenders that will lie about aspects of their life and personality that won't hold up to any serious investigation. Still, a woman that would want nothing to do with you when you are a low-level employee is absolutely avoidable as you move up the ladder of life, you'll get accustomed to their style. The strongest form of seduction is ego affirmation. The girl without dirty laundry is actively hiding it for a reason.

No worries, I am glad other people are communicating about this! Finding value solely in your job is not healthy (though if you are in a line of work like the military, then being "all you can be" is what benefits you). A job can either be a means to an end (AND IT IS IMPORTANT TO DECIDE WHAT THAT END IS), a culture that you can find pride being a part of, or assist you in building yourself towards greater goals (going from police to FBI, not the same as means to an end because there is still so much more growth in a job transition). The people that identify solely based on their job title might not have much else to identify with, and it has nothing to do with a lack of free time since I can guarantee most of those "busy bee" pencil pushers stay up past midnight watching television and lean on the crutch that is their caffeine addiction.

Oh I wouldn't even mind a women depending on me. Hell, even with me meager means now I could and would take that deal, if her desires do not escalate.

But I would run like hell on the perfect looking qt who thinks me below her notice because I do not hold a job she thinks worthwhile.
Assuming I cave in, get one and now she happily jumps into my arms? (which would be sort of worrisome by itself)

I will not be "good enough" for her again when shit goes south and I lose that job, and maybe not can easily hack getting a comparable one.
Its beyond me how someone could want to live with that sort of gun to his head, and still kiss the gun-wielder goodnight before sleep.

>One major challenge for the people on this board will be opening up emotionally.
Luckily I seem to have very little problems with that. I am utterly without shame for my weirdo lifestyle/thinking and women strangely appreciate that attitude, if not necessarily all the implications it brings.

The better question is why would I waste my money on some whore anyways? I'm trying to accumulate this wealth for me not just throw it away

this site is poison stay the fuck away from here if you don't have a formed personality

I have a job and it's not helping.