
conkers at dawn, edition

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go back to /brit/
you don't belong on this board

says who?
stupid fucking mong

Shopping for vidya lids

go suck your mum

never been on...
which /brit/ are you talking about, Jow Forums,Jow Forums
there's too many /brit/ threads to be unspecific user

Alri lads haha


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Violent basterd

decided I am putting together a little 'get home' bag

rudey pants

that crimebodge bloke isn't a lawyer is he? just a a true patriot

Nearly the weekend lads cannot wait to relax and watch telly with my cats all weekend. What is everyone else up to?

he just knows more than your average UK police officer apparently, which isn't exactly hard anyway

>Brits just smear shit around their arses with a piece of paper
>Pakis rub the bare shit with their hands and some water
>Haafus use water and toilet paper together to keep hands clean and remove shit
Learn how it's done, you retarded twats.

I spray me bum with the shower hard and go in with soap. Love a clean bumhole.

I think a lot of the police know what they are doing but choose to break the rules and act ignorant as it works for them.
Have no time for police myself. Fucking scum.

Just had a verbal altercation with the faggy president of my uni halls, he's a massive prick, but he could possibly get me kicked out, feeling good though.

nice bait numbnuts
salty over our brit dominance still

they will quite happily 'force' a confession from people with poor inappropriate lines of questioning so I would never 'go down to the station' without legal counsel

I'm sure your boyfriend does too, you fucking faggot.

WeIl what was it about?

does this sound familliar

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we have a bar in our halls and it closes at 11, me and a mate were having a chat at like 11:01, i'm good friends with the bartender of the night and he's fine letting us hang out and chat while he clears up, this cunt comes in after not having been there the whole night and just starts patronisingly talking down to me that we have to leave NOW, i make some joke about him loosening up and he just gets more aggressive. He's just a prick for no reason and obviously has no sense of humour, it just pisses me off that some pleb gets such a power trip over such a meaningless position.

You got a lisonce for that hatespeech m8?

None of you faggots have taste


ive had hallucinations from sleep deprivation before, but not ones you see, ones you here, i kept hearing old fashioned police sirens flying past my bedroom window like there was a main road right under there, it was mad tbqh

Fuck me wish I was back at uni drinking in halls with my mates

ones you hear* t.brainlet

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Only the final sentence thank God

I'm actually currently going to appointments where they are diagnosing me with psychosis

I mostly do it to forget my horrendous lectures where i've realised my teachers are morons and i'm wasting my time on a course i could have just read a couple books about and know more in a couple weeks.

Why were you sleep deprived lad?

Why didn't you give him a stone cold stunner?

neighbour making noise all day every day and i was still staying up until 6am, went for about 2 weeks on less than 2 hours sleep each morning then near enough just collapsed one evening

Haven't stretched today, coulda hurt myself lad, not worth the risk.

Went to a speech therapist today lads, very interesting. She basically said all my worries were in my head. She said the only problem I have phonetically is TH/F and she said its very minimal.

She was an israeli women, very nice. I told her about my anxiety and she said body language wise I have very good body language but she said the way I spoke to her when I first entered the room let her know I was projecting my happiness and that I was anxious. Very interesting stuff. Spent a good hour and a bit with her then on my way.

Pretty sure sometimes I just need to be reassured that im not absolutely mentally ill. Felt good.

Now im back in my uni digs and the good feeling is already draining, stuck with 3 other lads who are flat out the biggest bores ever, dont do anything. They want to live together again next year but think I might dip out.


Good stuff man, awesome to hear people are doing good, my uni living situation is like individual rooms so i don't have to confront the people around me too often, hope you get over your stuff and move forward!

back from /nightwalk/ lads, ive been back for about half an hour actually, i was only out an hour or so, chest infection has got worse so my breathing was shit and it was sending me into coughing fits, your ol' pal /nightwalk/user is at deaths door (finally) ill wave at you all as i drift away into the great unknown

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A trve Roman post for trve Romans.
Ivsvs Christ, I thovght this wovld be original.

she's sweet but a psycho
a little bit psycho
she's hot but a psycho
so left but she's right though

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Looks nice user where abouts are you?

that was taken a year ago at a little business park in wigan, just on the outskirts of the town centre, since i cant be arsed to check google it was either riverside driver or waterside drive i think, safe in my comfy NEET cave now

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yes lad. i'm fed up of being a mong

Comfy old school sci-fi vibes, i'm talking We, Foundation etc. the depersonalised and ultimately ambivalent and genuine nature of these universes is what makes them so powerful for me.


*teleports behind you*
*in a hazmat suit*
*waves as you drift off*

Lmao I fucked a broad by that fence.

nice lad. thanks for sharing
*pats you on the head*


Lets enjoy smooth jazz

A broad?

how about this for my contribution.
don't know what genre it'd be

Not as major as an A road but still important enough to be numbered

nice suit laddo, hope its not too warm inside

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s'not too bad actually.worn them before so i know the key is to fill the boots with crushed ice

wahey, broke a light, cut my finger open and gave myself rope burn around my neck in a fit of anger haha wish I was dead

>fill the boots with crushed ice

sounds like a good way of staying cool in summer, wish id known that trick back when i was alive

Bored as fuck at work lads I have absolutely nothing to do for the next 7 hours. What you lot up To?


I can't fool myself I don't want nobody else to ever love me
You are my shining star my guiding light my love fantasy
There's not a minute, hour, day or night that I don't love you
You're at the top of my list 'cause I'm always thinking of ya
I still remember in the days when I was scared to touch you
How I spent my day dreamin' plannin' how to say "I love you"
You must have known that I had feelings deep enough to swim in
That's when you opened up your heart and you told me to come in
Oh my love, a thousand kisses from you
Is never too much, I just don't wanna stop
Oh my love, a million days in your arms
Is never too much, I just don't wanna stop
Never too much, never too much
Never too much, never too much

haunt somebody and pass the wisdom on.
napolean bonaparte told me. think he learned from good ole genghis

doing shit tier jokes, then going to hit fn+pause break, then go for a spliff then a masturbatory adventure then go to sleep

what job is it lad, place where I work is busy as fuck thanks to black friday. think I'd rather stare at a wall for 7 hours than speak to another neurotic housewife from the home counties again

Making a BLT baguette before i get high and watch Evangelion and Jojo

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what do you do for work? I'm listening to Metric and being confused by Tinder. There's a lot more to it than just getting a match. My biggest cat just got on the desk so it's time for their fuss

Oh fuck off you noncepot. Nobody cares about your latest tinder hookup.

It make me feel like... WOOOO


I've got a cold lads and im having to use up all my tissues to stop my nose from running rather than having a wank

Supervisor in a call centre. I only get calls if other people are engaged so I just sit on my phone all night. What do you do?Tinder is depressing I have it but can't hold a conversation or even get a reply.

> my love fantasy
corr bit gay that init

Getting a match is the easy part. And that is difficult enough. Getting them to be interested is hard.
I have given up myself.

Call centre as well for credit cards. Usually it's quiet but around this time everyone digs out their old cards and gets mad at me when they don't work after 2 years

Good song lad. I would dance around if I have the space on the floor.
>The ice cubeyys are in the background

Not any of them but, why not spice up your night and play hide all the day shifts stuff

got no chance when the average woman has thousands of matches

phwaor tits

phwaooooaaar tits and fannies, am i right lads?

There is a chance. I have met a fair amount of girls from tinder. but it is such a grind and I can't really be bothered with it myself.
It is worth it for a lonely lad though.

Na lad. Cuddles and kisses.
Being the big spoon to a lass. Or making her be the big spoon when you just need to be held.
That's the best.

Don't forget the glimpse of a bare ankle on a fully clothed fair maiden

>that feel of tits and fanny pressing against you when you are the little spoon

Have any of you universal credit lads been sanctioned?

Job Centre tomorrow and im worried.

All locked away and they would probably report me.

If you was the little spoon and the big spoon was cold and shivering, would you be chivalrous and fart to keep her warm?

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i have, cant remember weather they finished in july or weather they only finish next july, was for promising them i was gonna do multiple things like go on courses and go to college and i didnt

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Yeah I'll just keep grinding, keep getting XP and eventually I'll get a drop. I hope it's not a shitty consumer grade revolver.

Really disappointed that the Allo Allo cast have not aged well. I know Vicki Michelle (Yvette), Kim Hartman (Helga) and Kirsten Cooke (Michelle of the resistance) are born in the 1950s but it's still disappointing.
Would still have a go on Yvette tho

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What is it to exist in anything but posterity, actions are brushstrokes that burn into the soul of the universe.

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Wish I had a qt to cuddle me tonight. Sounds nice.
If she was cold I woulld be cold so I would probably moan and tell her to hold me tight whilst stealing more of the blankets. No farting on qts.

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That fucking BLT baguette was mint, going to do a big poo then it's animu

Can you at least unscrew the coat hooks then loosely reattach them so when they hang their coats up they all fall on the floor. You can cover your back by giving 1 of your subordinates the screwdriver and telling them to go wait by the entrance when the next shift comes in

think tonight might be the night lads

few more drinks to get a bit of courage

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Hope you mean to do something positive lad.
Death is very final. Nothing worse than nothing.

0 is higher than -1 desu

do you need some help help helper you're a bit close to the edge

always think positive lad

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Brrr, going to mod the masturbation station and add the winter heater pack

it wasn't a big poo it was a messy shart :^(
you going to ask her out

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Did they cut your bennies? I'm going to end up homeless if they cut off my bennies.

they said i wasnt gonna get paid at all until my sanctions were lifted so i just signed off, luckily i still had a fair bit of benny money and wages from my last job saved so i didnt really need anything else anyway

should have had a spliff lads cant sleep. Want to start doing nightwalks to clear my head and get some extra exercise in.

What makes you think youll get a sanction

i just got 426 quid in backdated bennies yestreday