
Purge your soul

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Is this really you Wanderer? It has been so long, where have you been? Why did you leave us for so long?

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I wonder where is that user who believed

It's really me. I have been in a very dark place. I finally got myself together enough to make another thread. It's been months, I know. Just like I always say, though, even if you don't see me, I am still out here in the universe. Even if my soul leaves my vessel I will still be out there, somewhere, and I will always believe in you and the power that you have in your soul.

No matter what darkness you are going through, you CAN make it out. You CAN make your life better.


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I wonder where he is, too. In the last thread I made a few months ago he wanted me to make a discord but I just don't trust discord. I don't know why. I have always had trust issues and paranoia. I hope he is lurking tonight. I think I will make that discord if he is. I have never used it before but I will give it a try.

I've been feeling like my life is collapsing, like I had all these great things and everything was going my way, then I fucked it up like I always seem to do. I have been re-evaluating my life and my priorities. I know I still have a chance to make something of my life if I just keep moving forward. I just didn't feel like I was in the right mindset to make one of these threads for the longest time, but tonight I was over on Jow Forums in some interesting prophecy threads and someone posted the full image of my OP picture.

I felt like that was a sign for me to get my shit in gear so here I am.

How have you anons been? What's on your mind? How are you holding up, my bros?

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Dear The user That Believed,

If you are lurking tonight, please post itt. I know I have been away for a long time and you must be angry with me. I'm sorry, bro. I am always like this. I have a side of myself that is true to my heart, that makes me want to share the love and the joy in my soul, and then I have a dark side that I often slip in to when things get bad.

I tend to retreat in to my mind and hole up somewhere for a while when this happens. Sometimes it takes a long time for me to get back on my feet. I mean everything I post in these threads, I just sometimes fail to live up to the person that I know I can be. I hope you are doing alright, bro, wherever you are.

Please respond.

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I'm honestly just so fucking frustrated with people. It feels like that vast majority of people I've met in my life are selfish, narcissistic cunts who don't give a single fuck about other people or living creatures. I'm done trying to make friends. I'm done trying to find a romantic partner. There's no fucking point to it all. I wish the Axis would've won WW2 or that the Soviets could've survived and outlasted in the Cold War so Western society as we know it could be fucking eradicated. As soon as I can finish college and get a sustainable source of income I'm going to live the rest of my life alone.

Social media is a poison. Consumerism is a plague. People care more about fucking and getting money than they do about the well being of their friends or family. Western society is fucked. The East isn't much better since they're guided by and look up to the West. I wish I was like most of the soulless fucks who walk this planet so I could cold heartedly slaughter people, but even in my bitterness I still care too much about the wellness and happiness of total strangers that I can't bring myself to do any harm.

Oh you mean BBC finns??

I live for nothing. No degree,job or bux. How long will i last this lifestyle? I have no family and someone i know committed suicide today.

Add me if you want/need to talk

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Hello a while ago I asked a kind person from here about the name of a piano piece from Murdoch Murdoch I hope maybe you managed to find it. It has been quite a while sorry

Yes, that was me. I never managed to find it, but it must be relatively famous if MM used it. I really like the music and MM is a great show.

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what service is this?

I'd join a discord. My life is at a crossroads right now, either I sort my shit out or I die. But I've been feeling kind of hopeful. I think it's the time of year, it's reminding me of a time when I was happy. no progress yet but on nights like these I think it might be possible

You are experiencing the blackpill. It is the inevitable conclusion of learning the truth. Have hope, you have to get through the blackpill before you can embrace the white pill.
Yes, our society is fucked. Will you lay down and die like a dog or will you fight back? This fighting is not the violent kind, this fight is won by LIVING A GOOD LIFE. That's it! That is the solution to the poison in society: BE THE ANTIDOTE BY LIVING A GOOD LIFE AND SETTING A GOOD EXAMPLE FOR YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS AND FUTURE GENERATIONS.

Even if you do not have kids, and I really wish I could find a good girl to have kids with but I need to get my life in order first so that I can provide, You can still LIVE FOR YOUR BROTHERS so that they will have good lives and maybe their kids won't have to grow up in a world like we're living in now.

You must be able to provide for yourself AND MORE because only then will you be able to PROVIDE for your family. This does not mean that you should bend over and just give your things away to the first woman who walks into your life, although maybe she is the one, you have to decide for yourself, but not to waste your things but to use what you have to create a sustainable home environment in which to raise your family.


The pressure's on. Will you just give up? NO. LIVE and live in spite of all the evil in the world. Never let your guard down and keep moving forward on your PATH TO THE HEAVENS.

If you do this, your life WILL improve, even if the improvement is very gradual, it's all about gaining and standing your ground.

Battles are won one inch at a time.



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Oh well, thanks for your time stranger

I don't get the reference you posted, please elaborate.

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If I ever find it I will spam it in my threads until you see it too. Maybe someone in the comments under the video might know, maybe even MM will see if you ask in the comments, idk. I know I've heard it before but that was a very long time ago.

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>someone i know committed suicide today
I'm sorry. I hope the impact isn't too hard on you. I knew someone who killed themselves too. He was a great kid, probably 4 years younger than me when he died, maybe 5. I think I was 23 when it happened, it's all a blur now. He jumped off a building in my town that I have walked by many times.
This girl, a friend of mine, was in love with him. She still mourns for him and I imagine she will for the rest of her life. His suicide destroyed a lot of people, although I won't go into detail in this post because I am running out of space but the short of it is that I understand why he killed himself.

It's crazy to think about, that had he lived he might have become a different person, or maybe he changed on the morning of his suicide and he knew there was no going back. He was a better man than I'll probably ever be, the most caring person I have ever met, or one of two. Just a great guy. Writing this now kind of hurts, but it's a dull pain on an old wound.

We have to live on for those who are gone, user.. Live so you can carry a piece of their soul in your heart like a light in this cold, dark world.

>I live for nothing

In the words of Larry the Cable Guy, "There's yer problem!" Honestly, that is a big part of why you feel so lost, because you have not found purpose. Find something to live for, even if it's just something as simple as an anime or a vidya. Maybe it's just to go out and look at the clouds. You have to take life one day at a time. Never give up, no matter how bad things get, because if you endure your trials you will become stronger and better at dealing with life and things will improve for you.

There are days where I feel no purpose in my existence other than to stay alive for my family so that they do not suffer. Still, that is something that keeps me here. Start there. Promise yourself that no matter what happens you will not kill yourself. I did many years ago.

Believe that you can do this user

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Life has been pretty shit lately.
Got involved with the wrong kind of people lately, but I always have been through no fault of my own, go figure.

Just trying to live right and attempt to have friends for the first time in my life has led to an incredible amount of difficulty, and I finally got pushed over the edge and destroyed what I tried to establish, mainly because it wasn't valuable and I was being used.

>C'est la vie

To detail, it is a long tale of transitioning into working life, making friends and moving out,then those friends manipulating money out of me as I become more and more fiscally stable, ultimately combined with people's lack of self control in regards to methamphetamines, and finding out that the people whom I thought were my friends were betraying me and using me at every turn, then I started to turn against them, and ended up leaving them homeless because I'm a fucking monster.:(

It was a long time coming though, and it results from their poor decisions, not mine.

being a sissyboy sucks, everyone i know is at home with their families having thanksgiving dinner and im alone in my apartment and my family is across the fuckin country and haven't said a word to me all day. i just feel so isolated and alone. this is my least favorite time of year

Due to a combo of self-isolation and bullying, I acquired something akin to literal autism. In social situations, I can't tell what people mean when they ask me questions, or what their intentions are. Normally you'd consider someone like that to be an idiot, but since my IQ is normal, they instead hate me and think that I'm being rude on purpose. I feel like wherever I go I'll be hated, so I should leave society (as much of a meme that is). The worst part is that this happened right as I became an adult - when people expect me to have a higher level of social savviness.

this is a bump for more time to write replies

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There is a child, crying out into the darkness. He weeps alone.

He grows in the void. The nothingness consumes him, and soon he is a man. He stands only to fall. He falls only to get back up.

And where do his efforts take him?

Oh, come and see, come and see,
Behold a pale horse.

haven't done a voice recording in a while.
excuse me if I sound odd, I have not been keeping myself well


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which MM video is it and do you know the timestamp? I'll give it a listen and try to identify

It sounds like you were dealing with addicts. Their behavior sounds like that. It sucks but their lives and their choices are their own. If you can help them without hurting yourself, try, but do not sacrifice yourself for their well being. If there is nothing more you can do, cut them out of your life and move on. Don't look back in anger.

Learn from this so that you do not repeat your mistakes, and know that some people are just fake and there's nothing you can do about it until they come around.

Keep moving forward on your path to the heavens.


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I like your voice recording. Don't give up, user. You are focusing on the bad parts of your life, your mistakes and things that have happened to you. Focus on the good things that you have. If you want more from life, do your best to put in the work to change yourself and your situation so that it is better for you.

This will take time but you can do it. You have to do it one day at a time, slowly you will begin to improve. Never give up. One day at a time. I believe in you.


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I am going now but I will return, sooner than the space between this thread and the last. Do not lose hope, no matter how bad things may seem. No one can take the fire out of your soul but you. Let it burn and feel the light within you illuminate the darkness in your life.

You have the power to change your life. You CAN fix it. First, you have to believe.



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Thanks for the advice man it means a lot.

WHO are you A. Wanderer?

I appreciate your encouragement. Doing god's work, brother.


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Went from feeling happy and dandy to empty and terrible in the span of 3 minutes and I can't even remember what it was that suddenly set me off

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>and I can't even remember what it was that suddenly set me off
It must have been the lack of faith, brother.

Thank you, friend.

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I have a solution to your ills my friend, and a hope and light for the future. Stop wishing the world destroyed and read up.


If you're too edgy and stubborn to accept it you will slide back into sorrow, if not you will grow.
All up to you my friend.

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>pick a random page
>Read the first sentence
>haha what if brave new world was real I think that would be good hahah

Read the whole thing headass lmao

I've already read BNW, I don't need to read this "people should do what they're born to" shit again

Read the whole thing and you wouldn't draw that confused and wrong conclusion.
Your choice ultimately.

>not purging every single retard that browses this board

try again neckbeard

Tell me what it's about instead of just telling me to read it then.

i put about the bare minimum amount of effort into my life
every day, i wake up and lie in bed for an hour staring at the ceiling looking for a reason to get out of bed
sometimes my dad comes in and makes me get out, sometimes i get up for a temp job, usually i get bored and get on my computer
i have no motivations, aspirations, or ambitions, i cant even come up with a reason to try and fix myself
i wanted to do things at one point, but at this point i just dont want things
i dont want to live, i dont want to die, i dont want to do anything at all
a girl talked to me the other day at my job, and my heart fluttered like a bunch of butterflies
i didnt pursue it though, even though i am completely infatuated i know she isnt really my type and it wouldnt work out in the end, and also that im a complete romantic and still hold on to delusions that someone perfect will come up and save me from myself
ive taken to going outside once or twice a week to climb up a tall abandoned building or construction project to look at the ground and wonder how the release would feel if i threw myself off
i always feel a certain "release" whenever there is an "inevitability" in something i am stressed over, like when i call in sick to work or something like that, the release of life must be the ultimate ecstasy
i cant kill myself though, i like my dad too much to put him through that and my mom too
theyre not even that old, so waiting for them to dies before i off myself isnt really an option either
is this what prison feels like ?

>come to the conclusion that i'm simply a person that functions better when i have somebody to love in my life
>not bad looking in any sense, don't have any trouble with women
>i've had sex with more random girls than i've had relationships
>for some reason can't make anything lasting with anybody

i've no clue why and it's brought on a strange melancholia - not sure if it was worse when i didn't have any female attention than now where i seem to only be able to sexually, ephemerally connect with a girl, i don't know if i'm not seeing some missing and crucial piece of myself or maybe they just smell the lonely on me like an abandoned hatchling left to die

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>alt right/fascist
You are literally the type of person he is talking about

mate add me on the discord I cant post on Jow Forums and I have to post this from a friends phone. I need to tell you a lot of things. neihgboaur#3964

I've been alright wanderer.

I just finished my first year of university. It's been alright but I want to quit. Maybe take a break from school and try and land a full time job. I hate school, its hard for me to learn by reading and writing but not doing. Then again, I have learnt a lot outside of the classroom by being a uni student.

That's really it, not much is on my mind.

I hope you recover from your situation wanderer.