Would you marry a woman that didn't know how to cook?

Would you marry a woman that didn't know how to cook?

Attached: roastie can't roast.png (1394x986, 251K)

>a woman

what do you think I am? Gay?

I already cook,and clean for myself. Why do I even need a gf?

As long as she likes to fuck. If she can't do either she's useless.

>roastie can't roast

i see you

>bf makes a couple lighthearted jabs at his bitch for lulz
>she breaks down and writes a manuscript on Reddit about it, thinks the relationship is over
Why are women like this
Also this

ha I started that thread on Jow Forums

>lighthearted jabs
>saying she's not wife material and embarrassing her in front of their friends

I can already cook better than at least 80% girls my age.
Her cooking skills arent a concern for me (her tastes may tho...)

You must be a biological female.

t. woman who can't take a joke
Make me a sandwich

You must have autism

Attached: 1540444240621.jpg (1293x857, 265K)

Looks like I was originally correct.

Sure, why not? I love to cook, and it would be fun if she helped me, I hate doing the small menial tasks while cooking.

Women have no sense of humor, that's why they're such shitty comedians.

I did (reeeee)

I don't mind cooking, but she's a picky eater and I'm a vegfag.

>make fun of your gf
>she's visibly embarrassed and tries to defend herself
>keep making fun of her and turn it into full blown insults saying she'd make a bad wife and mother

He'd never mentioned the cooking thing before either, so it obviously surprised her. You guys have autism.

I don't care if you are incapable of improvising or are too afraid to do so, if you can't even follow a recipe then yes, you aren't wife material.

>implying I'd have the option to marry a woman who could cook in the year 2018

I don't like my mum's ethnic cooking so I learned to cook for myself. Plus, I calorie count. I don't care in the slightest if she can't cook because I don't associate it with being wifey. That said, my gf is such a sweet soul she wants to cook for me to take care of me.

If she doesn't know how to cook I'll teach her. If she can't learn, then she is too stupid to marry.

Make me a sandwich. I am not going to tell you again.

Also the way she's framing it, it doesn't seem like he worded it very wittily or anything, it seemed like a backhanded insult.

Imagine being this useless

> ethnic cooking
Just say you're a nigger user.

>He'd never mentioned the cooking thing before either, so it obviously surprised her.

What's great about it is he obviously doesn't give a shit if she gets mad and leaves. He's probably better than her, and knows he doesn't need her - so he can say whatever the fuck he wants and she can either take it or hit the bricks.

Hat tip to this guy, seriously.

Balkanshit; South Slavic

>saying ''make me a sandwich'' in 2018

>being a woman in 2018
Make sure it's toasted.

tfw you have no jewish loli to cook for you

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Okay but I don't either
What now?

>doesn't deny being female
roast status: TOASTED

Would I marry a woman who can't cook?


I'm getting married in March. My fiance can only cook the basics. But we have a trade off. She does all the shit I hate doing, and I cook because I think it's fun. We also both work full time. Fuck that old bullshit boomer ass dynamic. Do what you want.

My wife can't really cook only cook a few things without my supervision, otherwise she fucks up something basic and doesn't pick up on it until it's too late. Her mother only eats take out or frozen food because she can't cook anything at all. They treat me like a wizard because I do basic shit like make a roast dinner or a pie or bacon and eggs.

Have fun being reckt by divorce proceedings

lol yeah right. shit on me.

I have a strong relationship with my girl because im not a stupid piece of shit like you guys.

Unironically this. With this kind of power dynamic you can be sure she'll be clinging to him for a long time.

Cooking isn't really a necessity to me considering my dating age range is young enough to not really consider having kids, and I do a damn good job of cooking for myself.

HOWEVER, I've slowly come to notice that a lack of cooking ability is a sign of a shitty woman, who will always be a shitty woman.

>bullshit boomer ass dynamic
Hahahahaha enjoy the divorce loser

what advantage does that have for the male again?

I wouldn't mind a gf that can't cook, I do well at it and enjoy it.

let me get this straight. You think traditional household roles are the secret to a marriages success? Lmao.

Alpha chad right there.

He seems cruel and mean, there is no reason to humiliate her like that. I don't care if my partner knows how to cook, I like to do it anyway.

This explanation comes from only one party's perception, so it could've been a decent joke that she took offense to (especially since she admits to being a shitty cook)
Making a decent meal doesn't take much skill
Regardless, she sounds pretty tarded
Also, "wife material" doesn't exist because marriage is dumb, but he's clearly only with her for her weiner-insertion device, but she's too idiotic to realize that

No. I fucking hate cooking. Heating up a hotdog in the microwave is about the most I can tolerate doing.

There are things that are effeminate and things that are masculine. If the husband behaves in an effeminate manner, it will lower the wife's view of his masculinity and eventually cause her to resent him. This is why marriages with a "house-husband" do not work. I don't think cooking is as big a deal as employment in this regard, but this sort of domestic work being performed by a man does give off the stench of effeminacy.

>This is why marriages with a "house-husband" do not work