Why would women rather share one guy instead of finding themselves a nice, loving guy?

Why would women rather share one guy instead of finding themselves a nice, loving guy?

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Alpha fucks, beta bucks desu desu

How enormous groups of women congregate around few men should be proof enough that men and women aren't the same, and operate differently, but yet normies don't see this.

He doesn't actually relationship them so you can get with them later

Why would OP rather be buttfucked by a gay man than finding himself a nice, loving girl?

Normies "see" everyday life with their own eyes, you "see" it from your basement through memes of your echo chamber. Which one would give a more accurate description, hmmm?

Because women are propertyy

For me at least, less work. I share my roommates bf with her, and it's easy and convenient for me rather than trying to get and hold a proper relationship.

their reason for existing is to filter good genes through to the next generation while ending yours
any domestic or social comfort pales in priority

I go outside, checkmate

This cycle of creating further cycles is ultimately pointless, why bother trying to filter genetic faults when even 2 high tier parents can create an abomination?

why does a lion eat if it's going to die to natural decay? life is what it is and doesn't need you to sign off on it

I think it marks a turn in our society, which previously cared about ideals of equality, but now simply worships women. Obviously we can't give people sex like it's a right, but what are we doing to help unfortunate guys?

Women would rather be a superior man's fucktoy mistress than an inferior man's goddess. They would literally rather die alone surrounded by cats than have to wake up to a flabby, emotional beta every day.

>previously cared about ideals of equality
Lel. That's the most retarded thing I have ever read.

>They would literally rather die alone surrounded by cats than have to wake up to a flabby, emotional beta every day.
What are emotional men in this context?

Women would rather share a Lion than have a sheep for themselves

This is biology 101

eugenics has been on the books in multiple countries, Hitler wanted post war Germany to have Ubermensch breeding women and betas running the factories... that women have been coerced into accepting one on one pairing was a great deal for a lot of dudes but like a lot of aspects of society it is a fragile bubble that will eventually pop. is it now? probably not, but if it happens you can't act too surprised

What are you born post 2000 or something we were all high on that shit

>Women would rather share a Lion than have a sheep for themselves
Makes no sense since each species has females of their own. I know what you mean but shit analogy.

but that's not the west since the 60's/70's

Just turn them into trannies and put them in chads harem

You roasted that nigger. How will he recover?

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Are they really? I need sources here

Hitler literally built resorts for workers and their families only, you have no idea what you're talking about

>hitler didn't kill all ukranians so he didn't intend to

I may be a 23 year old virgin however I'm perfectly happy staying as a 6'1" man.

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They were subhuman nonaryans, that's different.

>Jow Forums incels
>knowing anything about history
You can't reason with him.

Harem is real

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Yeah transitioning wouldnt be good for you, you can lose your virginity, you arent a manlet so you have a chance

oh fair enough women will happily settle for you now

I don't have a chance, women get creeped out after spending 5 minutes with me.

Women don't value sex, only the value they gain by having sex with a high value man
For them, accepting a man of a lower status does nothing for them, so they won't even waste their time

Could you be any more obviously a kissless virgin? Women are horny and want sex. Chad knows this, so do normies, that's why they get laid and you don't.

Men who have feelings that extend beyond "I want to fuck/protect/love you so badly it makes me angry"

Your average beta normalfag dismisses it and simply points out their currently settling woman

Women do, in fact, want sex. However, they tend to consider the deeper implications of sex and, as such, they don't want to have sex with inferior men because knowing that they're lowering their social value by doing so cheapens the experience for them.

It's called alcohol. This is how ugly guys can pick up hot girls from a bar and fuck them and she will hate herself in the morning.

lmao at this "evolution" argument. you retards don't know shit about anything jesus christ

Yeah, if you're not Chad you basically do have to trick women into sleeping with you using one of the following


And of course they will never actually love you as a person. You will exist as a useful tool for them, and they will convince themselves and you that they actually feel something approaching love, but really they'll throw you out once you stop providing a resource.

The only men a woman can love for who he is are Chad, close relatives and male children.

natural instinct, literally coded in their DNA. if one man has multiple women he is powerful.

I have charisma, money, status. And like alcohol and girls drinking alcohol. Waitaminute, does that make me Chad when I sleep with them?

charisma is part of a person fuck face

>raping girls makes me chad
unfortunately true

No, you fool, it makes you a beta with resources.

Chad doesn't need charisma. Charisma is only useful in getting girls in the sense that if you talk to them enough and crack enough jokes you might eventually catch them off-guard due to how ruled they are by emotions. Doesn't mean they actually care about you as a person. You're like a DVD of the Hangover or something.

Chad doesn't need charisma, Chad IS charisma.

I've seen guys with the social skills and charm of bricks get laid because of facial aesthetics and decent bodies. You don't necessarily need charisma to be Chad. You just stand there drooling into your lap and, as long as you look good doing it, a girl will approach you.

It's almost as if girls had varied tastes in men and value different things.

I'm sure she loves you man, relax

What makes me a beta in this case?

Being of low genetic stock and IQ.

But that gets thrown out the window when rape and ugly woman exist.

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We don't share, its just nice quiet guys don't approach us.

post the genetic code that somehow magically violates all known laws of genetics, sociology, and computation and imprints an a priori feeling that just so happens to align itself with modern western gender norms.

>It's almost as if girls had varied tastes in men

Women like Chads. Tall, muscular, masculine, dominant Chads. That's all they've ever lofved and all they ever will love and anything else is settling. All those other things are considered resources. They "value" them in the same way you "value" a sandwich. Sure it's great and it makes you feel full, but you aren't in love with a fucking sandwich, are you?

do you even have a GED my dude?

You're wrong. I like nerdy quiet white guys that are into music.

>It's just that nice quiet guys don't approach us
Because you don't want them to and you give them this look whenever they so much as glance in your direction.

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I'm sure you genuinely believe that, tranny.

What a low IQ reply. And completely wrong too. This is why you are an incel.

I have a degree in mathematics
it looks like you can't do it lmao just like I thought
go back to school

I was a quiet shy fembot and still am, no guy wanted to date me and I'm not even fat or ugly. I'm taken now but I had to ask him out basically, it sucked.

Because you had to cultivate through hard work, perseverance and actual practice what Chad falls effortlessly into by being better than you, and the moment you lose those resources you've accumulated you'll lose your attractiveness in the eyes of women and get thrown away..

You like tall muscular men. Because you're a closeted homosexual. Women don't like those Chad types at all. You'd know this if you were not a basement-dwelling kissless virgin NEET.

Seriously, you have never even held hands with a girl, or left the basement in years. What makes you think you know what girls want in a man? Hint: it's not what you want in your homosexual fantasies.

Wow, I don't really care about anything you just said.

Because it is the natural order.

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Chads are made, not born. You are easily proven wrong. You are a lowlife garbage tier male and project that into others. Things don't fall into the lap of Chad magically without him anything about it. This is just a fantasy you tell yourself because you're gay.

Pretty much, guys that talk like this are all fags.

they like consensus and the feeling of safety that comes with following the leader. it's much "safer" to pick a man that other women have picked than go out on a limb and pick her own.

they'll grow up out of it. maybe.

>closeted homosexual
>kissless virgin
>never even held hands with a girl
>haven't left the basement
>blah blah blah

Roastie, roastie, getting toasty
"Arguing" in jibes and boasties
"You're a virgin, you're a fool
You had no gf in school!"
Roastie rages! Roastie cries!
Roastie fills your head with lies.
Roastie preaches to the crowd,
Roastie big and roastie loud!
Roastie kicks and screams and shouts!
Roastie knows what you're about!
"You're an incel and a freak!
You're just jealous, you're just weak!"
Roastie can't deny the truth,
All the roastie has is youth.
And when the walls are closing in...
That roastie will crawl back again,
She'll say it, smiling like a clown:
"I'm ready now, let's settle down."
Roastie, roastie, getting toasty
"Arguing" in jibes and boasties
"You're a virgin, you're a fool
You had no gf in school!"
Roastie rages! Roastie cries!
Roastie fills your head with lies.
Roastie preaches to the crowd,
Roastie big and roastie loud!
Roastie kicks and screams and shouts!
Roastie knows what you're about!
"You're an incel and a freak!
You're just jealous, you're just weak!"
Roastie can't deny the truth,
All the roastie has is youth.
And when the walls are closing in...
That roastie will crawl back again,
She'll say it, smiling like a clown:
"I'm ready now, let's settle down."

>I have a degree in math
so what are all the laws of sociology you're referring to?
>uh -we au
fuck outta here, retard

>Chads are made, not born.
>What are facial aesthetics?
>What are genetics?
>What is being born into different socioeconomic circumstances?

Why do women think insults and ad hominem are arguments?

Most men can be Chad but it's a matter of choice and effort. You obviously can't since your IQ is below 80. Being Chad is a package of things, it means being successful in life and with women. Most men can achieve this. But again you need an IQ of 80 or more, so you will never be a Chad. But stop projecting your sub-standard IQ onto other men.

My my my, look at all the roast beef in this thread

Attached: roastbeef.jpg (1280x550, 122K)

>hurr ur just dumb ur a dumb virgin fag lolol argument invalidated
begone roastie, take your poor critical and argumentative skills with you

>Most men can be Chad but it's a matter of choice and effort.
>This is what women actually believe

Your inability to outgrow the high school mentality saddens me. The nerdy kids in high school? They study hard in college and get a nicely paid job and become chads. The dumb football jocks in high school? They get minimum wage dead end jobs and their high school sweetheart they married gets fat. Chads are made, not born. Anyone who says otherwise is a retard or liar.

>you have never left the basement in years
Daily reminder that there are people that believe such hyperbole without worrying that maybe the other poster has a mobility issue due to a medical problem or genetic deformity, and feels no remorse in quickly and proudly insulting a fellow human being with a soul.

>The nerdy kids in high school? They study hard in college and get a nicely paid job and become chads. The dumb football jocks in high school? They get minimum wage dead end jobs and their high school sweetheart they married gets fat.
haha holy shit it's like I'm talking to a crappy wish fulfillment movie from the 80s, there's no way you think this is how it works in real life.

Normies and women can't argue because their minds have been softened by years of never having to defend themselves, so they just immediately try to discredit any opposing argument by calling the other person names.

What part of that was not correct? You are delusional. So do tell, how old you are, and what do you do currently? Because you sound like an early 20s NEET stuck in high school mentality.

Common misconception from either a coping beta or a woman who has never experienced male reality. Chads absolutely are not made, only born. BRADS are made. I can speak to this because I am a Brad. I'm not particularly good looking, but I work out a lot and maximize my appearance to the best that I can look. Even at my peak I am still like a 6/10. Meanwhile there are Chads who do not exercise at all or put any effort into their appearance, but because they were born with beautiful faces and good height, they are way more attractive than me. There is nothing I can do to ever compete with those guys, even though I put in much more effort than them.

I'm not speaking this form a bitter perspective. I've come to terms with myself and I'm satisfied with who I am. I'm simply speaking the truth.

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My name is Angus McIan, and I'm 47 years old. I own several successful businesses and am a recreational cannabis user. I play the trombone and ukulele, and my favorite band is Reel Big Fish. I am a devout Christian.

wait... do the nerds actually become the jocks bosses? so they really just become managers at Local minimum Wage Job place? damn, looks like a lose lose here

>What part of that was not correct
The part where every chad and stacy who was popular in school just magically hits a wall and fails miserably because life is totally fair and balanced even though there's plenty of evidence to suggest that the same people who were winners in school go on to be winners in life because, surprise surprise, people like them.

Also, it's such a moronic and masturbatory fantasy that nerds always go on to achieve great things through study and hard work. It operates on the false assumption that hard work, in and of itself, always yields positive results and success, which is just factually untrue because we don't live in a fucking Disney film. A lot of nerds just end up working as number crunchers for the same Chads who used to bully them in school. To say that such a thing doesn't happen is silly and based entirely in your own anecdotal bullshit.

You can keep throwing around cheap buzzwords and insults all you want, it doesn't make anything you say accurate and it doesn't turn your rambling into a cohesive argument.

Holy fuck you are delusion. You can't change your facial bone structure, height, or penis size with hard work, studying, and hitting the gym. Let's say you do get get a high paying, high status job. If you are ugly, your trophy wife will cheat with chads behind your back and divorce rape you later, because she isn't physically attracted to you. It's best for ugly or average looking incels to go MGTOW and work on making money, but just get escorts and use VR and onaholes.

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Why would you rather watch op get buttfucked instead of getting buttfucked by op

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This man gets it. You can't just become Chad. At best you become a cheap chad knock-off who a woman might begrudgingly settle for or get tricked by. There's no becoming a peak male specimen just through hard work. Chads basically win the lottery of genetic and socioeconomic resources and just cultivate their already vast fortune over time. Saying anyone can become Chad is like saying anyone can become a billionaire.

If Chads are born, what determines this at birth? You should be able to administer a test to any newborn male to see if he is Chad. How? What's the Chad test given to all babies to see if they are Chad or not?

Only the smart nerds become bosses. The dumb nerds, which is what most of Jow Forums is, become just as big of losers as the dumb football players. Smart nerds and smart football players are the ones who will become Chads.

kek, waaallllk 'er back, waaalllk her back

You can't tell if a baby is going to be 6'4 at birth, but whether or not he will be 6'4 is still determined at birth.

>If Chads are born, what determines this at birth?
literally luck and random chance, like almost everything else in life.

Chad is born with

>a lack of significant disorders or chronic conditions
>symmetrical facial and body aesthetics
>a lack of male pattern baldness
>attractive eyes
>straight teeth
>a body type more predisposed to weight loss and fitness
>a high IQ (occasionally)
>good hand-eye coordination and reflexes
>an absence of speech, neurological and physical problems
>the good fortune of middle-class parents and a father figure in his life

These are all things which can basically immediately fuck your chances of ever attracting women without significant work. Do you genuinely believe that the Hemsworths had to grind to be good-looking? Or is it more likely that they were always hot as shit and they just got buff to match? And how do you explain all the skinny twink boys and metrosexual motherfuckers who still pull women without working out because they look good?

You're delusional.

Haha, you're pathetic. You're openly admitting now that what you said about nerds becoming Chad's boss was bullshit

Jow Forums is full of 6'4" khvs, and the real world is full of 5'8" Chads. Your argument is not only invalid but stupid.

Smart nerds. Which is most of them. But there are dumb nerds as well, the wannabes, who become NEETs fapping to animu in the basement after high school. Such as you.

There are also fake nerds. The ones that go on internet message boards and think, "they're just like me!" while at the same time trying to imply that their lives aren't hollow mimicry of popular culture.

>Arguing with a woman about what women find attractive
You do know that it will forever be in the best interests of women to keep men bluepilled and doggedly pursuing them with the hope that they can land one through hard work, right? Women need to keep betas and non-chads in the game so they can eventually use them as providers and meal tickets once they've had their fun or come to terms with the fact that they can't score the Chad of their dreams. When women come to threads like these and start flinging around insults to try and devalue the arguments of men, they're just trying to convince the bluepilled sacks of shit watching that there's still hope for them. After all, if betas just stopped trusting women implicitly, they would lose all power over them.