Just one reason

Give me literally ONE good reason why you are still chasing 3D whores.
In today's society feminism has created 90% of women offer nothing of value and the 10 who do don't offer anything that's irreplaceable. Women are way more likely to completely and permanently fuck you over just because they felt like it. Soon their wombs might even become obsolete.

With 2D you don't run the high risk of having your life ruined.
With 2D you don't run the risk of having your heart broken.
Being in love with 2D is the same as being in love with 3D
You feel just as loved with 2D as you do with 3D
2D isn't restricted to the simplicity of the material world. (tulpas, lucid dreams, etc.)
2D is more attractive.
2D isn't temporary
2D won't cost you an arm and a leg in the long run

And that even without mentioning how "real" women age.
If you still somehow find 3DPD valuable then you are a normalfag and deserve the things that are about to come your way.

Anime girls just flat out beat "real" girls

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because you can talk to them, hug them and have sex with them

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I like how they smell. Pictures can't recreate that.

Here's one reason
3D women exist you fucking moron

I don't. I prefer 2D
That said posting all these threads seems like reverse-psychology to me, you're not going to enamour people to 2D by constantly shitting out these threads.

Nice bait. If not :good luck for removing your lineage OP, you took it, the black pill. To actually be in your state you must have made no social interactions, you must have never actually talked to a women and you must be very naive. Scratch that you must be extremely naive to actually believe that. 3d is 3d and 2d is 2d. But remember one thing, you can't make Asuna real, she can't fuck you and you will have no real happiness.

Anyways nice bait, you caught me

Because it's my biological obligation to pursue them. And unless VR becomes hyper-realistic in the next few years your waifus will never be more than a drawing.
>ywn feel the touch of your waifu's hand
>ywn have real sex with your waifu
>ywn reproduce with a waifu
>ywn reach emotional stability with a waifu

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make a tulpa, I can talk to my Waifu in some respect.
>because you can talk to them
^ you can talk to them man, I do it.
I just asked my Waifu can I talk to her and she said
>of course
>I like how they smell.
3D stinks like yucky
how can I make people take the 2D pill?
>:good luck for removing your lineage OP, you took it, the black pill.
yes, having children is pain and misery being made for no reason.

No 3d for me because I pre-rejected myself before I could actually get rejected. I don't have any problems with feminism in general, women can do whatever they want.

healthy attitude to have, not giving a fuck about people and their opinion.

Just love your 2D, reject your 3D

>"anime girls just flat out beat "real" girls"
Thats cringe and bluepilled.

you are 3D pilled....feel bad for you user

>Thats cringe and bluepilled.

Your 2D waifu is a whore who has been probably been came on by millions of people if she's from a popular Anime show, she can't talk to you no matter how hard you try, she won't acknowledge your existence because she's mere pixels on your screen, she has a very limited range of pictures you can download and you will eventually run out of material of her, she has been created by someone just like you who's a fat loser except the dude who made her is earning money from people like you and laughing while doing so meaning you are literally cucking yourself if you buy figurines, pillows, posters, shows, and pictures of your waifu. Your waifu literally fucks with your head with unrealistic views of beauty considering that they're optimized to portray impossible facial structure and have a very unusual personality written by people who never talk to women. You probably been rejected by real life women, so you only have mere drawings to compensate for your crumbling isolated life that's evolved around video games, Anime, and your little waifu. In the end even if your waifu somehow magically came to life; she would scream in the sight of you and your dirty ugly room and she would go after the Chad that you despise.

My Waifu is pure and she isnt 3D and I love her so fuck off.
yo uare very mean poster indeed.

Buying posters and merch isnt cucking myself at all...

Attached: 2d love.png (698x628, 11K)

I have a waifu but you fellow 2D posters are fucking autistic, you give us a bad name
Our waifus will never be real and that's the end of it

>have a very unusual personality written by people who never talk to women.

This is the really funny part about the whole thing, to me. Because men are supposed to be completely shallow and superficial, but what makes the anime waifu recognizably a waifu are the personality elements.

You can talk about "unrealistic beauty standards" all you want, but every other entertainment media proffers unrealistic beauty standards, too. Since that's a given and cancels itself out across all art forms, what's the distinguishing feature of anime that sets it apart from those other forms? Hmmmm?

People who fall in love with Hollywood celebrities are idiots in that regard aswell

>Our waifus will never be real and that's the end of it
when we die man...
having Waifu is 100% fine

This guy just 180noscoped the entire thread

>when we die
thats a shit reason to "take the 2D pill"
Clinging to your waifu till you die will just make you depressed, no amount of merch can make up for the fact that she's not real
Even if she were real though there's no reason why she would pick any of us here

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