You all seem quite knowledgeable about life, so I have a question...

You all seem quite knowledgeable about life, so I have a question. I want to be an accountant and I'm currently going through high school. What should I prioritize/do to secure my career?

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inb4 it's all trolls

practice counting

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Damn thanks dude

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Accounting is pretty easy to get in to, at least in Oz. Just study at least somewhat diligently, particularly maths subjects, and you should be fine.

If you're American you should probably look into doing something to avoid be crippled by student loan - go to local/state uni, study extra diligently so you can get some merit-based scholarships, pretend you're a lower-class, lesbian, trans, female, mentally-ill, Jewish, native, PoC so you can get some equity scholarships too, whatever else you can think of.
I'm kidding about those scholarships either - I got a women-in-STEM and two Jewish scholarships despite being a 6'3'', 120kg-benching WASP.

if you're in high school and you actually WANT to be an accountant, it's already over for you.

Welp, good for me, I have an A in Algebra right now.

I... I'm good without that. Would trying to find an accounting job right out of high school be a good option, considering that I plan to do a lot of business/accounting/finance stuff in school? That'd help me avoid crippling debt.

Learn how to use excel. It does all the work for you and thus is the reason why accounting is a woman's job. I hope you're a woman and not that much of a beta you'd go for anything other than lifting concrete slabs and chopping trees.

Honestly, only reason I want to be one is because it seems easy as fuck and profitable. Also slight interest in the topic, but whatever.

If it makes you feel any better I'm doing weightlifting as a hobby right now, and good point on the excel bit. I'll hafta ask my accounting teacher about that.

Don't. Accounting won't exist in 10 years. I'm friends with two people who have prestigious masters in accounting, and they're both looking to switch careers ASAP.
Why not do a trade instead? My dad makes $60 an hour as a lineman (electricity).

Shit, really? Fucking hell alright. being a Lineman does seem like a good option, but what other options are there?

Glazier - glass

See if there any places in the area that will do an apprenticeship while you're still in high school. They love that shit

I'll definitely take some electives on that stuff. Thanks. Would trying to bet business/finance experience in high school be good as well, or should I just skip that shit entirely?

Absolutely; it'll make it easer to run your own business if you ever decide to, it'll help you manage projects/subcontractors and if you ever get fucked up physically or just bored of labour then you have another option to fall back on.

Fuck yeah, can't hurt to take a few electives on it then. Thanks for all the advice mate, really appreciate it.

just keep in mind that this work is much harder on your body. are you kind of fit?

I've got a naturally big frame, my cardios bad, but that's because I'm 210lbs from 230, I can lift a good amount on most workouts I do and I work out daily, so yeah, I think I can manage.

I'm also improving my cardio, so yeah.

If you want to be anything more than a shitty bookkeeper that's already being replaced, become highly proficient with database management software, statistical programming, and the logic behind accounting that goes beyond just memorizing. Accounting isn't dying; it's evolving. Those who don't make the cut and do not have an understanding of technology fail. Analyst positions are lucrative and highly valuable to a company, and provided you have the technological skills and understanding of accounting, you will have a very good career.

I'm currently a junior in college going for a BSc Accounting degree so you can ask me questions related to what the material is like I guess.

I'm still gonna consider the more physical labor based jobs the other user suggested, but I'll keep that in mind as well. What sort of electives should I adopt to make sure I'm successful in accounting?

Take information systems classes like introduction to programming, data mining, database management systems and things along that nature. Additional statistics and finance classes related to information modeling would also be a good pick.

Accounting isn't too incredibly difficult, and unless you're working or taking a heavy course load you should find the time to work on other skills. Learn programming while taking your classes. Python is a very easy start.

I know nothing about careers, but I can say with a lot of certainty I'm one of the most knowledgeable guys about philosophy and "wisdom of Life" around here. The only definite conclusion I have come to, with all of my reading though, is that believing in God helps a lot.

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I'd rather not believe in a sadistic, demented and evil god that likes to torture his people for shit he forced on them thanks.

Good thing for me, I've already got some previous experience in HTML and Javascript since I took some classes on those. Thanks for giving me some direction though.

It's like this before one goes through despair. You will change, brother. Maybe one day you will see the abyss that is death, and you will realize all of your life up until this point has been lived meaninglessly, and that only through faith can genuine and meaningful life be achieved. Godspeed, brother.

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