How do we get rid of whites permanently like they almost did with the native Americans? Except we actually finish the job. This holiday is sick and should not be glorifying the genocide of the native Americans by the whites. Whites need to go extinct. They are gross to look at and they ruin my day every day here in California when I see them.
Getting rid of whites
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Are you a spic? Fbr
desu you cant, and with advances in genetic engineering and the racist pro white beauty norms, I expect other races will genemod their children to be white and white people will only become more numerous.
You moved to their country spic, fuck off
No, I am Chinese. Latinos are okay. Blacks and whites are not okay.
Save it for Jow Forums kid
Latinos arent a race, you stupid fucking chink.
t. white Mexican
>Blacks are not ok
Based, but why hate whites?
Keep the racism on b you fucking dumb nigger/racetraitor.
We Chinese got here before the Euros. Fuck off.
Fuck off Jow Forumstard go back to Jow Forums.
Latinos are the brown people in central and south america. Hispanic is not a race but Latinos are.
Because they are uneducated, inbred, smell bad, angry all the time, try to ruin countries like china by pushing "enviornmentalism" and advocate Chinese breeding with non-Chinese.
Racetraitor? I will never betray my people. Fuck you Jow Forumstard.
>move to white country because it's got a good standard of living, thanks to white people.
>"wahh why don't all white people just die and give away their countries wahh".
Sure, but without whitey around, who will make nice countries that pay for everyone else to exist?
Whats your opinion on mongolians and japanese people?
>We Chinese got here before the Euros. Fuck off.
When did Chinese arrive in America before Europeans?
Why are latinos okay? Immigrants who don't come here for jobs or education (non asians) have a net budgetary impact of -500k.
Bait thread lads. Sage or better ignore this
>try to ruin countries like china by pushing "enviornmentalism"
holy shit you are disgusting
Japanese are degenerate like whites and must die. They smell like pigs. Mongolians no opinion they stay in their huts so I don't care. They will be part of China soon enough anyway.
Zheng He discovered California.
Because they help make whites extinct and don't commit crimes like blacks.
You are disgusting for existing.
I don't understand why we're all so bent on the whole racism thing again. We should come up with a new and innovative group to hate.
Like why don't we hate overly empathetic people? We hate on sociopaths and narcs quite a lot, why not the other half of the spectrum? Look, that's why sjws and shit are running rampant, we didn't hate on everyone. We narrowed our sights.
I suggest that all of us take it upon ourselves to shoot the next person that offers you help when you're down, it'll make the world a better place.
Lol get a load of this chink nigger
Chink niggers cant even breathe the air in their own country and they think they gon take over the world because they make shit cheap
>decide to check Jow Forums for the first time
>see this thread
okay so this is the level of cringeness this board is about
bye forever retards
I don't get the argument how Thanksgiving is racist. The holiday isn't even about European settlement of North America (although that iconography has been adopted because the pilgrims were the first group to celebrate the holiday). Harvest feast and celebrations of plenty are common in a lot of cultures. The holiday is about being thankful for what you have and celebrating with people you care about over a big ass meal.
Kys chink, japs are superior to you and mongolia belongs to the descendants of genghis khan
if you get rid of whites whos going to pay for your welfare? checkmate
>Japanese are degenerate
>posts on a japan inspired website
>Whites are degenerate too
>Doesn't live in the jungle with his brethren
eat shit, commie (originally)
They weren't genocided, they died of disease mostly.
More of you chink faggots need to be tortured and thrown in Unit 731.
Kys you disillusioned scum
Make sure to report this crap for racism outside /b/. Let's keep Jow Forums to a higher standard.
How do we get rid of the blacks for good?
literally any prediction show that whites will be the first race to die out
just do nothing
fuck niggers and chugs
>We Chinese
Hello white man! Don't you think it would more respectful to post as your own race? Why falseflag like this?
kys fukin chink
You will be back nigger. See you tommorow after your daily fap.
>implying r9k has a standard
>nobody gives a shit
because victims are not jews.