I made a horrible decision which robbed me of my youth, as well as my future. There is nothing ahead of me now but pain and misery. I've become the kind of person I hate the most. And even if it wasn't far too late to change, I simply seem incapable of doing so. God knows I've tried.
I made a horrible decision which robbed me of my youth, as well as my future...
What is the decision? Please tell us, the thread is pointless if you dont
Just tell us what you did.
you got a girl pregnant? did a girl catch you jerking off to her?
I can't say exactly. It disrupted my education, which left me behind my peers - it made me feel inferior to everyone around me - it isolated me from the few friends I had - I have absolutely zero social skills because of it - and I have no qualifications because of it. I'm merely an observer at this point, and I feel like I've seen enough.
ITT: we try to find out what OP did, using the clues he gave us.
Joined the circus?
who cares im going to die anyway, i have accepted Jesus Christ as my saviour, if he doesnt save me in fron of God im done for
but if Jesus saves me it's going to be so cash
Why cant you say, user? You realize your on an anonymous image board right?
one question, in wow or diablo did you played paladin? this is an important question
Lol, sounds like you had a kid.
he just fucked up his youth and he feels left behind
I still have small ties to a person who uses this board. If I say more, I'll be identified. Probably should have posted elsewhere, but I felt like r9k knows this feeling of futility more than any of the other boards.
>I simply seem incapable of doing so.
Let me translate this into real talk nigga
>I tried but found out it was difficult and I gave up and let came up with a great excuse that lets me stop trying! Now I feel slightly better for a moment.
why the fuck did you make this thread then? not telling us costs you 1,000 GBP
If trying something everyday for five years counts as giving up the second things become difficult, then yeah, whatever makes you feel right I guess.
I would guess that you had a child, but that seems out of your league. It's more likely that you did a child, especially with how secretive you're being.
Your IP has been tracked by the hackers and the FBI is on their way.
the first half genuine smile I've had all week. Thanks.
>regretting past actions
>Became a person you hate
>incapable of change
>if you give to much information it could give you away to a person who posts here
You remind me a lot of a person who I know that was my best friend and we told each other everything that ditched me a long time ago cause he thought I was "toxic", became friends again a year later only to ignore me. Not sure if you are that person but I am taking a wild shot here.
Just fucking tell us how bad can it be?
It's probably a woman based on how coy the OP is being. Sperm female too smart for their own good they just end up rationalizing ever greater feats of horseshit.
Im genuinely curious what decision they made because I did the same exact thing OP did, but it was because I didnt give a shit about school and had no direction in my life.
I too hope Jesus will show me mercy and spare me from any further suffering. It's one of the reasons saint Jude is my patron saint, because I'm a lost cause.
Based and redpilled, my christian friend. Be with God and don't give up. I hope things get better for you, brother.