what is your opinion on gays, robots?
What is your opinion on gays, robots?
I feel sorry for them. God has a plan for all of us but they have to deal with a lot of disordered urges.
No negative opinion, tbqh. White boys can do their thing and leave me alone.
You know /b/? I used to like /b/, they killed /b/, i don't like fags
Pretty good, gay men are okay. I only dislike them for "real" things, like being in straight marriages. I mean real gay men who can't be with women,
I know it probably happens a lot because society isn't a meme
They hit on me they get a beating. They leave me alone and don't act like a jackass or political they are okay.
They are a sad consequence of sexual revolution, but are not guild of much
Opinions are like assholes, gay people have sex with them
Cmon user, just let me slide my cock into your cute butt already! Dont be shy~
Don't mind em as long as they aren't faggots and keep it to themselves. They definitely shouldn't be allowed to adopt.
>God has a plan for all of us but they have to deal with a lot of disordered urges.
Why did he pre-destin certain individuals like fags for hell? I'm not memeing, genuinely curious.
I often wonder this myself. I don't think he predestined them for hell. Being gay is not a sin, acting on it is. But it is a challenge most people don't have to deal with.
Images like this are fucked, someone draws an obvious female and then throws a dick on her.
Guess we'll find out in the end, won't we?
Ive literally seen tons of dudes that look like that wtf are you talking about user
Would you not fuck them then? If theyre just a "girl with a dick"?
Get the fuck out of here you sodding degenerate.
Wouldn't be unhappy to see them thrown from rooftops or stoned to death, honestly.
Nobody is destined for hell, it is never too late to turn from your wicked ways.
And if you ask me hell isnt a place where you go when you die. Hell is a state of mind, that fleeting moment of pleasure turned into self loathing after the initial dopamine rush. Each time you give in to the tempations of the flesh you are falling deeper into darkness, each time you fail to resist your urges it becomes harder and harder to turn away from sin. Like a junkie seeking your next fix youll do more and more depraved stuff for that rush of dopamine. After all nobody wants to feel like shit but suffering is necessary to prove ones worthiness.
>Matthew 16:24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
i dont give a shit what they do with their dick, im just sick and tired of having their gay bullshit assblasting my eyes with fag parades. just go fuck dudes and shut the fuck up
So you're saying there are no lakes of fire for wicked people?
Pretty much yes.
>Ecclesiastes 9:5 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.
So I won't suffer for my sins when I die?
I dont think the whole second death and lakes of burning sulfur is a real thing since its mentioned in the book of revelation which was supposedly given to and spoken by jesus himself and jesus often, if not always spoke in paraphrases.
You however shouldnt take my word for any of this, not that it matters for i do not believe it is possible for mankind to resist the tempationsof flesh no matter how hard you try.
>Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
You could even say that the game was rigged from the start.
>Ecclesiastes 1:9 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.