Who here actually never even tried at all? Since puberty I just thought I would get rejected anyway

Who here actually never even tried at all? Since puberty I just thought I would get rejected anyway
In my 22 years I have never had a female friend or talked to a girl (aside from my mom and sister) for more than 10 minutes.

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I didnt either its like I lack the drive that other people have to pursue women. I have no idea whats wrong with me.

me OP. do I regret it though? no.

In the exact same boat user.

Always wondered how people even have the time and energy to maintain relationships.

Then again having someone that cares/supports you must be a huge motivation boost.

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asked out 3 girls in my life, 2 said yes. The other was a lesbian. Haven't tried for a few years now though.

I'm 24. I can have a normal conversation with women but I've never had a girl friend or girlfriend.

Yeah, same. I just full on isolated from high school onward. I just don't value reality too much, I'd rather observe and think than participate and act.
I wonder what causes that? Maybe the internet, though I feel like the internet gets blamed for everything anymore.

In school girls used to talk with me because i was that funny guy but im ugly af so yeah thats it lmao
Never tried anything and i never will

Don't worry user, it's not your fault, at least not most of it. It's just nature taking its course, at least you can say you were one of the beautiful ones.

>plenty of female friends throughout life
>still never tried once
In all honesty I doubt any of them would have ever said yes.

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This is me. I have no social intelligence

I've never had a female friend and haven't talked to one since I graduated college and even there I think I talked once to a girl in a casual situation

Girls would never accept my shit interests or lack of social skills

I've never ever asked out a girl or attempted to make friends. I've had "girl" friends but it typically came out of mutual friendship or because the other person was really friendly but both instances were rare. I've tried quite a bit online and I think it actually will help me when I try but i'm just too much of a pussy to do anything. dunno if it applies

>Since puberty I just thought I would get rejected anyway. In my 18 years I have never had a male friend or talked to a guy (aside from my dad and brother) for more than a minute.
Pretty much in the same boat desu.

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I tried when I was younger, hung around with girls but it never really went anywhere. Never had a one night stand. I'm 23 now and I've given up going after girls, even if I was to get a gf I honestly think I'd get tired of it after a while. It takes so much energy and commitment and I don't think I have it in me.

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You can talk to me
Fembots always seem to ghost me though

I am going to need you to fuck off immediately

>went to a high school which is composed of mostly men
>manage to make some friends
>never got invited to parties
>have no fucking clue how to meet people outside of school and also cant interact with strangers due to not trusting them nor their thoughts
yeah, sounds like i never even tried to have any relationships. Maybe i should just go off and live in the woods where no one can find me

i sure know i havent.

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kindred spirits you and i.

This is why "fembots" negatively affect the board. They add nothing insightful and just derail threads. I could make a more insightful argument but I'm too tired
Tits or gtfo needs to become mandatory.

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I've noticed a lot of these sorts of people on Jow Forums. If ever there were "cyborgs" inbetween the normalfags and robots, the comic relief kid would likely be the progenitor of that classification.
Never totally alone, but always the first to be ditched.

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school has traumatized me and i've never been able to make a move on any woman

>Since puberty I just thought I would get rejected anyway
Jokes on you, I've been rejected without even the thought of approaching them hehehe

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This was basically me except Im full robot now and have no friends.

I turned 30 yesterday and I only vaguely tried in middle school which was a complete disaster.

I realized women were totally repulsed by me no matter what I did. I'm just an ugly weirdo with a creepy, boring personality and medical problems that make me unsuitable for any kind of relationship. I must either have some really shit genetics or something happened during pregnancy because I've got a ton of shit.

It's just pointless. The best I can do is maintain my okay salary job and try to be happy with what I have, by myself. Eventually I might see an escort or something.

By the way, wizard powers don't exist.

I've tried at everything in my life except women. I'll spare you my life story but I'm pretty successful and well-traveled for someone my age, however I have literally never even asked a girl out or followed up on a girl's obvious signals the few times I've gotten them. It's like there is a forcefield in my brain preventing me from taking any positive action towards securing myself a woman. Now I'm a 29 year old KV who is beyond saving.

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Why you two don't get a sexdoll? Both may have the money for it since it's has not been spend on woman

god fuck im a cyborg and i feel myself slipping into becoming a robot. what the fuck do i do ahhhhhh

I still live with my mom to save money. Otherwise I'd be spending half my pay on rent in JYC.

i never tried either and I was honestly ok with it.
thing is I'm actually kind of normal looking and last year i met a girl at work who approached me constantly and was very persistent, and we hung out a few times and she ended up taking my virginity. i got kind of attached to her but she wasn't interested in anything beyond that and within a month or so she basically stopped talking to me and moved on to another guy.
i got over it after a week or so, but now that I know what it feels like I've become sort of obsessed and the need for female companionship is slowly taking over my life. i want to go back to before when i was resigned to being alone and didn't give a shit.

Complains about fembots not adding anything insightful and then adds absolutely nothing useful or otherwise. *claps* way to go

i'm not really a nice person, never have been. i make a terrible first impression and most people don't have the patience to go beyond that, especially the instant gratification generation.

hey there, 27 here
pretty much same experience with female population as most of anons here had, always feel despised by them

btw lost virginity early this year with a prostitute, basically had sex with three different sex worker women in course of four months

It doesnt give you a magic pill with females at all.
It doesnt give much other than pitiful nominal sexual experience and getting rid of this mental stigma of virginity.
Even though the exp was pleasurable, Id still rather fap, I get so much more pleasure from porn stimulation and edging. Probably theres no way back from here

After getting accused of inappropriately touching girls when I was twelve (I don't think I did and definitely didn't mean to) I backed away from all girls out of fear. To this day I'm terrified of contact with women and do anything I can to make my presence comfortable and ideally unnoticeable.

30 years old here.

Never tried. Never asked a girl out. Never dated, never kissed, never held hands. Was hugged by girls three times in HS for sucking up to them

This probably isn't what you're looking for, but ive never tried to get a gf because its wayy too intimidating tonput myself emotionally on the line like that, but ive still managed to "hook up" with two chicks. I guess they thought i was good looking i guess. Because i sure as hell.never made the first move.

i got expelled and destroyed for lifting a girl's skirt in 1st grade. i got punished by 4 different people: the school expelled me, the girl slapped me on the spot in front of everyone, my mom cancelled disney land then i got sent to my grandpa's for the summer.

>Was hugged by girls three times in HS for sucking up to them
thats something, I dont think any girl would come down to even touch my hand
>too intimidating tonput myself emotionally on the line like that
yes thats probably something that will keeps us kissless forever
risk is not a thing in our lives

I get pre-jected quite a bit, so outright rejection isn't necessary. I can't say I've *never* tried, but in the vast majority of situations I never had to get to that point.

>wizard powers don't exist.