>be 6'4 femanon (girl)
>saw an advertisement for a pro-wrestling school in my city
Should I sign up for classes? I still have some money saved from my last job
Be 6'4 femanon (girl)
Youre a whole foot taller than me.
Please become my pro wrestling amazon gf
>6'4 femanon NEET
See that mountain?
Tits with timestamp or gtfo faggot
There is a board for you
How about you wrestle me for my dick?
You could probably get booked on your height alone. Id say give it a shot. What trainers teach at your school?
>ywn get piledrived by a woman twice your height
Pro wrestling is a physically Demanding job if you cant handle that I wouldnt recommend it.
Ask /asp/
That depends on a lot of things.
>Do you have any other current goals in life that you'd have to put on hold?
>Does being a wrestler/entertainer sound fun to you?
>What's the cost of attending this school and committing to this path for the next year or two?
Pro-wrestling is acting plusWhat was your last job?
Lance Storm
I think I'm fit enough to handle it. I'm young and I ran multiple 5ks this year
I assembled cardboard boxes for a living. Made $21 an hour
>>Do you have any other current goals in life that you'd have to put on hold?
Lol no.
>>Does being a wrestler/entertainer sound fun to you?
Yeah, I really like wrestling. Current NJPW, 90s AJPW and early 2000s NOAH are my favorites
>>What's the cost of attending this school and committing to this path for the next year or two?
3.7k maple dollars
was alternatively thinking of going to school for IT. It costs a lot more (10k for a 2 year diploma), but it would give a more stable career
Honestly if you have a passion for wrestling and this consequences of failing aren't that big, I'd say go for it. Life's boring enough. You might as well take the opportunity to do something fun, stupid, and mostly harmless when you get the chance.
>You could probably get booked on your height alone
My height sort of worries me desu
For every Jumbo Tsuruta there's a Great Khali. It would kill me if I ended up as some garbage, barely mobile giant wrestler
Nice, he is a great trainer and has contacts with plenty of major promotions. Also a great lad
Being a 6foot4 female is enough of a novelty on its own to draw. Nobody gives a shit about the match quality of female wrestlers anyway
>Nobody gives a shit about the match quality of female wrestlers anyway
but my meltzer stars!
Meltzer hasnt given many snowflakes to women since AJPW women closed down
>be 6'4 ugly incel with an awkward aura
>went to a diner and was served by a 6'2 female
>she seemed to look at me and be kinder to me than 99% of females
did i have a chance?
He's coming back...r-right?
You should follow your dreams
I know if a guy is taller than my I'm willing to overlook other physical flaws
I keep telling myself he'll return one day...
my work buddy was telling me to ask for her number. i wonder if he thought she took an interest in me as well. i find tall girls cute. maybe i'll go back there and see what happens
If you're going into IT you should consider MIS. It's basically programming that pays way better.
Also you can download a lot of references for free.
Lance is probably one of the best teachers you can have. Many people in the wrestling industry have high respect for him as a technical wrestler. You can learn a lot from him.
>no equal height gf to help me get Jow Forums and teach me about wrestling
You roleplaying shitposters have gone TOO FAR this time. I did not ask for these feels.
>ywn date an amazon wrestling woman
>older brother was friends with the local pro wrestling freakshows.
>basically a bunch of scummy drug and alcohol addled drop outs that cut their foreheads and did stupid shit for fun and very little money and notoriety.
I would go for the it thing if i were you. But Maybe you have family that will bail you out financially if things go south with it. Good luck either way.
How's the weather up there?
can we trade heights, being a manlet sucks
Fukkkkkkk amazon mommy gf pls post a picture of yourself