What are we going to do about the blatant faggotry shilling that is happening on this board...

What are we going to do about the blatant faggotry shilling that is happening on this board? We have a 9 to 1 ratio of shills posts for the primary faggot thread, plus one off psy-op bullshit made every hour or so. How the fuck do we get these HRT-niggers out and back to /lgbt/ where their filth belongs?

Attached: 20181122_223047.jpg (720x715, 177K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>this place is shit and it's only getting shittier
You could leave, and not a single bad thing would happen. Probably some good stuff.

I'd rather salt the proverbial earth of the board and ruin all conversation than allow these trannies to continue to ply their vile nonsense.

just make the fucking board blue.

I would honestly like nothing more than to see the board go blue, but there are tranny jannies that are sabotaging the board and allowing the fags to propagate.


Couldn't care less. Just pornography is as low as it gets. Imagine shitting on one while defending the other.

I don't post hetero porn and I don't impose fringe fetish shit into unrelated conversations. These assholes have organized discord and shilling guides to continue to post this garbage 24/7 and push HRT shit on the robots here.

>gay people being gay in a gay thread on a gay board
>this is shilling and it's very upsetting to me because i'm a retard

Yeah dude you should blindly believe handpicked out-of-context examples assembled by a bigot to make homosexuals look bad, they're definitely legitimate and in no way fabricated or misleading just go ahead and take everything you see online at face value.

>Yotsuba style
Just filter them out and be the change you wanna see. Maybe group a posse or some shit and make threads/discussions that you think are high quality. People have been saying this for years, yet I don't see them making threads except the ones we're posting in right now.

Go look at the ban log or try to post anti-gay posts in the fag thread. Take a look at the gay thread and how many individual posters there are to how many posts are made in ration to individual IP's. Look at how many HRT threads are shilled ON A DAILY BASIS.

All you have to do is pay attention and look through the archives. If you're going to imply that it's all slander and coincidence, you're either retarded or gaslighting, and Iam leaning to the latter at this point, as I always see this exact posting style crop up when people post about Reiko or Aeromatic.

The janitors and mods are gay. If you use 4chanx and look at those threads and see deleted posts its almost always people saying "can we stop spamming gay stuff guys please"
Its happened to me. The janitor was so pissed at me he even posted before deleting it saying some shit like he was sick of me and to fuck off to Jow Forums
I pretty much just replied to the op with "why do you want robots to take hrt if they dont even feel like theyre girls"

It should be /lgb/ and /r9kt/, just accept it desu. This board has always been whatever subject people cared enough to spam.

Why dont we do a reverse psy-op by posting straight porn and nude women in r9gay threads so they get pissed and go back to lgbt?

the way i see it, faggotry by necessity waxes and wanes in cycles: people with faggot tendencies are repressed so they fuck women and produce more babies with faggot tendencies. The more of those babies are born, the more repressed faggotry there is. eventually, the level of faggotry becomes too much and it has to become accepted by society. at this point the fags start fucking each other, not women, and then their genes once again are weeded out from the population.

Hey you can see half of my post in this screenshot, thank you OP, very cool!

We cant go back user, we were always here, accept your fate

I hope you die painfully in the immediate future, gay spammer.

hey straightfags

remember /r9straight/?

how long did that last HAHAHAHAHAHAH 1 week? 2 weeks?

get REKT breeders this is a gay board and always has been and always will be.

It still pops up occasionally, and it's always been widely accepted that this board is straight due to "tfw no gf" threads. Faggot threads such as yours are the aberration, which is why you have your discord shilling group to constantly bump and create them. Your beachhead is the faggot thread that you've posted hundreds of times, and it is the only influence you have on the board.

Every time a poll is created, the vast majority of robots vote to say that you are neither wanted nor welcome here and that your faggot spam is detrimental to the board. We will have our board cleared of gays and other degenerates, one way or the other.

You do realize that your entire post is an oxymoron
>reddit spacing
That explains alot

Attached: youshallknowthefaggotbyhismark.png (2484x2072, 1.84M)

Hey robot, that reminds me when i got banned for simply mentioning 4+Jow Forums, The faggot who banned me said go back there

Attached: andnowyouknowrobot3.png (538x495, 50K)

>faggot calling someone else a retard

Attached: bugs.jpg (1024x1024, 85K)

Make this board blue again