How does this image make you feel, brother?

How does this image make you feel, brother?

Attached: The Vision of Young St. Barthollomew.jpg (1200x899, 423K)

It makes me want some oats desu

makes me think that black guy is a pedo

fucking slavshits with their bowl cuts fuck off

Very wistful and with a sense of wonder.

>It makes me want some oats desu
Is that all?

Very funny.

Slavs have the best art and literature, brother. That is just a fact.

>Very wistful and with a sense of wonder.
That's good, brother.

Attached: 205654.jpg (1638x800, 294K)

I ain't your brother, faggot.

This kitsch sickens me because my grandparents had a trite but superior painting in their living room.

Are you a member of the Eastern Orthodox Church? Your Slavophilia and choice of paintings make me think that, but your name Is also Kierkegaard.

I'm from Belarus, it looks like what Canadian right wingers think it looks like.

Attached: 1541189863944.jpg (651x794, 69K)

i dont feel anything but i think the schema monk is cool

Attached: 1513807826289.jpg (400x400, 18K)

Unsettled. Something about that man is wrong, maybe it's the contrast between his cloak and the light background.

No, my friend, I am not.

>Your Slavophilia and choice of paintings make me think that
I am not a slavophile, I only enjoy their art. I think it's because suffering makes artists give out the most impactful art, and the slavs are the ones who have had the strongest fair share of suffering in Europe.

>I'm from Belarus
What is living there like?

>I dont feel anything
That's ok, brother.

Attached: Monks and the Fox.jpg (672x530, 122K)

It's basically like Paper's Please but with slow internet.

looks to me as if the boy is making a deal with the grim reaper to have a wish fulfilled in exchange of his soul. Very sad unless it's about some bully.

Have you ever seriously considered the Eastern Orthodox Church? I won't call myself an Eastern Orthodox Christian because there is no Eastern Orthodox Church nearby for me to attend and I have not yet wrapped my head around or internalized all of its theology, but it completely re-ignited my interest in Christianity and its theology makes perfect sense to me so far, even when I am unsure if I agree with it or not.

>It's basically like Paper's Please but with slow internet.
Well, that must be awful. Have you thought of moving to Western Europe? Do a lot of Belarusians think about doing that? and is it true that the country is technically still a communist dictatorship?

>Have you ever seriously considered the Eastern Orthodox Church?
Yes. Speaking of which, I know a particularly beautiful Orthodox Church of St. Paul I saw a few days ago. It interests me greatly.

Attached: 465837.jpg (647x1200, 376K)

>Have you thought of moving to Western Europe? Do a lot of Belarusians think about doing that? and is it true that the country is technically still a communist dictatorship?
Yep, you really are an absolute normalmigger. I hope you die.

That is cool. The closest Eastern Orthodox Church is about an hour and thirty minutes away and unfortunately I have to be at work by noon on Sundays. I would love to attend a service sometime.

That's ok fren. There is no need to get angry, it was just a question.

>and unfortunately I have to be at work by noon on Sundays.
You work on Sundays???

Attached: 800px-Mathis_Gothart_Grünewald_047.jpg (800x1106, 174K)

I work on the weekends. I haven't been to any church in months and months, but the church my family goes to has a very good pastor and only one-hour services, so I don't really have an excuse.

>but the church my family goes to has a very good pastor and only one-hour services, so I don't really have an excuse.
You should go, it will make you feel much better. I guarantee it.
Godspeed, brother.

Attached: 1542928868247.jpg (545x760, 133K)

I'm already in Canada (I work as a chemist) and no, I don't want to go to Europe, the EU is the most evil organization on Earth. Not to sound like a Jow Forumstard or anything.
No it isn't communist, and you're retarded for thinking that. Yes, it is a dictatorship.

Are you a Christian, friend?

Attached: 1280px-Nesterov_SaintRussia.jpg (1280x800, 351K)