Hey guys, I've invented a brand new wojak for us to use

Hey guys, I've invented a brand new wojak for us to use
It's ugly wojak, you can use it to imply that the person you're arguing with is ugly!
Someone post an opinion so we can test it out!

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Hitler was an incredibly impressive human being.

>Hitler was an incredibly impressive human being.

It works!

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It's shit

Orangutan juice

Thanks kid, here, take five goodboy bux.

women are property oriigionii

Idk to me it kind of looks like a witch but without the hat
Something about the curvy nose and that wart are especially whimsical

It really is like you're implying your opponent is some kind of swamp woman with mystical powers. Demeaning in a way, I guess, yeah, but not really.

All wojaks are already ugly though.

Im a negro and like fried chicken

>All wojaks are already ugly though.

It's pretty versatile.

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>something soemthing I don't like

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Women are such arrogant whores, they only want Chad. I wish they weren't such shallow cunts

Absolutely majestic

>Remember how the demise of copypasta was supposed to cause an era of original content? Now the only content is warmed-over Twitter garbage and politics shitposting. We swapped Le /v/ Rage Man for fucking Google Image Search frogs and wojak-edit imports. Everything is fucking garbage now, but it will get worse.

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>Women are such arrogant whores, they only want Chad. I wish they weren't such shallow cunts
Thy will be done

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this memes gonna be a favourite of SJWs and roasties saying we're ugly just because we hate whores

>tfw witnessing the creation of a meme

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>Hey guys, I've invented a brand new wojak for us to use
It's ugly wojak, you can use it to imply that the person you're arguing with is ugly!

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ty user. doing the lords work

but we are ugly user

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Wtf is this post it made me laugh

so how's this

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I love it

oribingul gomment

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textless wojaks are not allowed

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unironically better
>t. op

>imply that the person you are argueing with is ugly

We have civilized arguements here, Reddit.

Dude just be yourself, it worked for me.

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>exclamation points
>look at my meme
>meant to be used against someone and not express your own misery

Could you try to be less reddit?


I appreciate you guys a lot

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Hi, welcome to the meme lab

reminded me of one of the old fucks from kaiji

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I think hitting closer to home might be more effective. eyebags, hooked but not huge nose, recessed chin, acne, receding hair

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It's shit bud. Double suicide with this wojak.

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>It's shit bud. Double suicide with this wojak.

every occasion

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haha, you sure got him good!
(please don't use it on me next)

>tfw still don't have braces

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