Be me

>be me
>slightly attractive
>have terrible anxiety
>managed to get a date with this short skinny cute girl
how bad am i going to drop spaghetti everywhere
she sorta looks like pic related

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Other urls found in this thread:

>be me
>have success with women
>show it to my brothers that struggle
>be you
>eating a buffet like a king
>return here to shove it in your starving brothers faces
You sick fuck

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>be me
>talking to mildly attractive girl
>get a boner
why am I like this

You get boners tooooooo!!!!!?!?!!!1 wow so relatable me 2 uwu

Hehehahhaeheheh this is so frikkin relatable my dudes!!1!!

God just give you a chance, take it ! No time for thinking about how miserable you are.

oh man bro, I thought I wuz the only one!! lmao


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>be me
>hideously ugly
>bad anxiety
>don't exist as a sexual partner
>appear less of human than everyone else
Quit hitching op you fucking faggot. You got date, she finds you attractive, what could you possibly fuck up.

>thinks he is ever gonna get a gf

not knowing what to say and having trouble carrying a convo/ dead air is my fear

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STOP THINKING ABOUT THIS SHIT. The only person on earth that can make you happy is you. And pro tips : You will die alone, like everybody.

I actually do that as well. It's not that bad, though. It doesn't happen as much anymore. Nowadays, it only happens if I'm taken by surprise and don't expect to be talking to any girls, or if I'm nervous.
>tfw cute girl started conversation with me yesterday
>tfw dick decides to pull these hijinks on me for the first time in years
>tfw conversion goes great anyways, and she actually seems to enjoy it and tries to make the conversation last longer
>tfw she's cute, but doesn't look like a trashy thot and seems attainable
>instantly start imagining what it would be like to spend the rest of our lives together
I'm going to try my best to talk to her again, but i'm not sure I can. I'm a senior in high school, and the only class we share is band, so i can't really talk to her in class since we're playing instruments the whole time and she doesn't sit anywhere near me.

She's just as nervous as you probably are and nowadays the internet has made everyone awkward. Don't think too much when you talk to her, just be nice and start the convo slowly about anything at all.

>I'm a senior in high school
gay as fuck

i have a feeling it may be kind of weird at first because shes 18-19 and im 23

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Something Ive always said is that I dont care if a girl is hot so long as she has a strong aesthetic. Art hoes are usually what Im thinking of, but that girl in your pic? Shes got a fucking aesthetic.

Anyway dude, you have already made it past the hardest part. So long as you show genuine interest in her, she can forgive a significant amount of your spaghetti dropping. Obviously dont make it about only her, but try and understand the flow of the conversation. Listen to what she has to say, get to know her, but remember that you arent interviewing her. If she says something you can relate to, dont autistically barge in in the middle of a sentence but understand when theres a lull that you can stick your comment in.

Your anxiety is gonna suck, though. Something I was always told is not to think of it as fear, just misplaced excitement.

I'm 18, though. September, 2000.

Do something together that doesn't require a lot of conversation. It's easier to bond over a shared activity. After you prove you can have fun together, you can get into deeper conversation.

Very nice. You should probably take HRT before it's too late. Become a cute girl and take as many cocks as you want

>comparing female attention to starvation
this is why you're autistic

I have a chad friend who's teaching me through what to do but i don't think it will work since i'm not chad mode. he wants me to go get coffee hold hands and carry a convo. what would you propose

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Thats no big deal. Like at all. Most girls settle down with a guy who is on average 5-7 years older than they are. Pay it literally no mind.