Life is pointless

Life is pointless.

No matter where I go or what I do I feel completely divorced from reality because I can't get that thought out of my head. "But you can define your own destiny!" Fuck off faggot, that shit doesn't work outside of anime.

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based anime phoneposter dealing the damage to normies who think they can define their own destiny

You dont know what the word pointless means.

No, you don't.

I agree.

the point of life for sentients is making the most of our time enjoying ourselves because the only real purpose for life is to have offspring. basically you're low iq and a returd so just kys yourself already???? pussy

I bet you don't worry about life being pointless when you're having a great time

Life is more absurd than pointless. What even are we?

if life really were pointless, or at least you actually believed that, youd be out doing something crazy instead of anime posting your edgy teenage ideas on r9k retard

If you were in our shoes, you wouldn't have the balls to do it

Why do you visit this website? You like to see people suffer is it? I think it is

nah its cus im bored

> enjoying ourselves b
Nope. Prove this to me
>only real purpose for life is to have offspring
Nope. Prove to me that a biological truth existing within a man made belief system (science) is capable of escaping the axiom system entirely and becomes a universal truth that everyone need recognize.
Oh wait, you can't, because you're an underage nihilistic faggot who rejects christianity in favor of reddit (whatever you believe "science" to constitute)

explore existentialist philosophers and hope you can find your own shitty way of framing the world to a point where you are satisfied with the arbitrary answer you discover. don't listen and don't follow what others purport to be the truth. they are unconscious and subhuman fags

No op, explore absurdist philosophers.

Idiot. Doing something crazy is just as pointless. So is staying in one's room shitposting. Only thing that matters is how difficult doing something is, and how much I get out of doing it. Doing crazy shit is pretty fucking difficult. I'd rather sit in my room. More entertaining than the rest of this crapshoot world anyway.
You think OP doesn't believe what he says, but I think you don't believe yourself, either.

>wants "proof" for someone else's accepted philosophy
>urges OP to accept a philosophy arbitrarily

what? my lizard brain keeps me alive because I don't like the thought of not existing, and I only contemplate suicide when I'm in pain, but I just wait it over by sleeping and relaxing

absurdism is a theme of existentialism you ass
i said explore and become satisfied you faggot. i am perfectly fine with deluding myself to reach satisfaction without ever accepting or asserting a belief to be true

i agree. thats why i said if OP actually believes what he was saying he would go do something crazy. i didnt ever say i believed that dumb fuck. life isn't pointless though. the majority of the people on this board, our "purpose" is to make life as easy as possible which is why we sit in our rooms posting. not because life is pointless but because it makes life not exhausting and easy. if someone believes life is pointless they'll make it as easy as possible by lazing about all day like most everyone on this board does. then the purpose of life would be to make it as unexhausting as possible. thats what i think the my and most of this board's purpose is

who fucking cares if you said accept or become satisfied they're hardly different. youre inconsistent for wanting proof for someone to justify what """satisfies""" them and then saying you should choose one that arbitrarily """satisfies""" you

>our "purpose" is to make life as easy as possible which is why we sit in our rooms posting.
escaping from a life purpose is not a purpose at all. you're avoiding yourself

lift weights already you stupid little bitch.

i put purpose in quotes to emphasize its not exactly a purpose but a reason we chose to do some things over others.

and why is making life less hard not a purpose

>they're hardly different
unconscious. fag is hardly different than you in meaning so they're also now interchangeable, because i'm unable to discern the two.
>youre inconsistent for wanting proof
i ask for proof because i've never seen a convincing argument beyond pragmatic terms to assume self referencing boundaries of truth to be satisfactory. what satisfies you is different than what satisfies me. consistency is artificial and used to group close, but unrelated things together as a way to fake order in the world.

the only thing objectively true is that you can't consciously think and that you are afraid of being okay with following an idea for no good reason

>afraid of being okay with following an idea
i agree with your idea. youre just assuming i didnt because i pointed out that you're not consistent in your arguments.
>close, but unrelated things
theyre not always unrelated. like in this case they're both statements you made to argue the same point, which are related
>i ask for proof because ive never seen a convincing argument
why not ask for a convincing argument then? you very clearly dont believe in proof when it comes to arguing philosophies

I don't think you understood my post. Why would anyone do something crazy if life is pointless? There's no reason for it, it's just more hassle. The fact that you suggest doing something wild, and then in the same post agree with me that we tend to try to stay as comfortable as possible, is totally self-contradictory. Life is pointless, I don't want to deal with hassle, so I'm going to sit in my room where there is the least hassle. That's the flow of logic here. I have no reason to do anything else.

its not self contradictory because i never said i believed it to be true. im not here to argue if you should do something wild because i dont believe that to be true
>I don't want to deal with the hassle
so, yeah, this is what I believe most of this board's users' life purposes are. to avoid as much hassle as possible

>you're not consistent in your arguments.
>you very clearly dont believe in proof when it comes to arguing philosophies
if someone asserts there exists a true sole purpose in life that extends to everyone, then i want to be convinced of it
whereas if i, or any other individual, makes a satisfactory purpose for their own worldview, they are not extending that purpose to everyone. it's not required to provide proof for something not asserted to be true for everyone. you only have to provide proof to yourself

Making X easier does not equate to avoiding X, brainlet user.

Your vernacular is implying a contextual tone that isn't prevalent. A rigorous reach-around arriving mind-numbingly where it started, and a disappointing secular dualism.

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ok i get it now. that makes perfect sense. id argue that didnt assert what he was saying was factual but he called OP low iq for not agreeing with him. you win

and you're a boring hypocrite

>making X easier to make X easier to make X easier to make X easier to make X easier...
You and I both know that you are making X easier so that Y can be fulfilled, condescending retarded user.

If life is pointless, then it doesn't matter whether or not you "do something crazy". Going from that premise, there's no grounds to criticize doing crazy things, just like there isn't one to criticize not doing crazy things. Doing and not doing are equivalent under that normative framework.
The fact that you didn't realize this tells me that you aren't actually following consistent logic; you just want to rationalize "not doing".

then again, you did say i couldnt consciously think for "disagreeing" with you (same as calling OP low iq for disagreeing) asserting yours was factual.

Fulfilling Y also says nothing about avoiding X.
I also don't have the stereotypical NEET lifestyle, by the way. Just pointing out that you're really really bad at logic. I suggest enrolling in a 101 class if your school offers it.

I am following consistent logic, and that logic is that I don't want to do anything. I'm not saying everyone wants to do nothing, and I'm not saying that everyone should. I am only speaking for myself, and presumably, OP. You're forgetting that things like difficulty, pain, and discomfort exist. There's little reason to try and overcome them when life has consistently given you little to nothing in return for doing so.

you never disagreed, you just
>ok i get it now.
didn't understand because you couldn't think

"to make life easier" is an ambiguous interpretive statement. for what are you making life easier for? are you making life easier to make life easier? what do you mean by making life easier you sheldon cooper wannabe
>I also don't have the stereotypical NEET lifestyle,
yeah and i can tell you're just as mediocre with your grey area autist existence in the real world as you are on the internet. get off the board

>I'm not saying everyone wants to do nothing, and I'm not saying that everyone should. I am only speaking for myself, and presumably, OP.
>Why would anyone do something crazy if life is pointless?

>You're forgetting that things like difficulty, pain, and discomfort exist
>central argument is that life is pointless
>clearly has a system to evaluate the desirability/undesirability of things that occur in the world
As typical of brainlets, you're terrible at being consistent because you're blind to your own assumptions.

>"to make life easier" is an ambiguous interpretive statement.
You're the one who assumed what he meant by the "ambiguous interpretive statement", friend. I went off your assumption. Don't @me because you're low IQ, thanks.

>Used to live in a tiny village
>An old homeless man who lived in the woods with his dog would be seen around town now and again
>Long dirty grey hair and beard hid his face, he wore a huge black wool overcoat to keep warm
>The council offered him a house and money but he wasn't interested

I never understood why he didn't care and wanted to be alone at the time, I do now though

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