How is Chaotic so good at video games

How is Chaotic so good at video games

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Chaotic is a super faggot ugly dickfaced bitch

chaotic is the cutest person i've ever seen..
the glare in his eyes makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside

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Can you guys show me a picture of him. I've never seen his face

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>Chaotic is a super faggot
based and redpilled
>ugly dickfaced bitch
cringe and buttpilled

i second this. what the fuck does he look like

do femanons consider guys good at games to be attractive? literally every game i've tryharded at i've been in the top 1%

>tfw no gf to cheer you on at vidya

chaotic is my cumslut pic related

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It works for chaotic, but he's chad and you're likely beta, sooo... Unlucky my man.

finally a new youtube vid albeit unedited gameplay

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Ill cheer you on user! Hip hip hooray!

Thats not him you faggot

please stop posting newfag bait
also underage

i'm not an asshole but i'm not beta

well you're on r9k so something must be wrong?

heh, sure newfag.
*fucks chaotic bussy*

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like i said i'm ugly. i was just curious if being good at video games was attractive for some women

>i was just curious if being good at video games was attractive for some women

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women only play shitty mobile games and games with their bf to feel validated so ur fucked if vidya is your only silver lining

unless you're hot 9/10 and want a """nerdy xd gamur gril"""

anyone got pics of chaotic's goth gf?

Been lurking for 5 fucking years and I still have no idea who or what chaotic is. All you guys ever do is
>tfw no QT chaotic bf to play Vidya with
Like what the fuck who is he what is heeee

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a scientifically bread robot hive mind wrapped in an enigma

>sucking ass
Actually disgusting my dude

>chaoticfags calling other people newfags for not worshiping chaotic

every day we stray further from god

>taking a felix posters bait
>taking a bussy posters bait

Not knowing Chaotic is insta r9k newfag
Using orbit defense is insta newfag cope

>implying bait

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>Been lurking for 5 fucking years
t. frog culture circa november 2018
you've been lurking Jow Forums reddit threads and youtube vids for 5 years faggot

>t. frog culture circa november 2018
this but unironically

Based cunt gettin those nuyous

What's his csgo rank?

>Cebruz, a literal turkroach 6/10 had orbiters to LITERALLY FUCK IRL AND TAKE CP OFF

I can only imagine what chaotic does now that he's gone off the deep end

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Still don't know how parsa managed to get orbiters, to be honest. I guess he was entertaining at the least.

The real question is how does cvnka have orbiters

>not knowing chaotic is the same as never having seen a photo of him
exercise those reading comprehension skills you massive autist

>tfw no black friday discount chaotic bf

all of cebs orbits are edgy retarded cunts and dumb virgin sluts who don't know any better

Why are you projecting this hard, you said nothing about never seeing a picture of him in your post. just
>worship = knowing

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>imagine being so picky that you sort through the 1% of quality anons who are only allowed to give you money and gifts

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Who are you all talking about

he goin date me niga just watch yuh

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resentful orbit attempt dot text

go sleep gabe don't you have school

turkey break

read the posts i was replying to

Now read the post I was responding to

>chaotic x cvnka
If only

Dumb discord tranny.