Roll anons your life of adventure awaits

roll anons your life of adventure awaits

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Roll blyat

Rollando rolandino

Fuck me, reroll

Rooollin. It's my 25th birthday

Roll for npc

rolling my nigger

Rolling for cute loli wizard

Hell yah!

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I am going to be a godly enchanter. Just you wait.

I am rolling the dice for that is what i need to do to find out my role

roll orangejuice

rollin for something sexy please

I was born to be a rogue

Give me magical powers now

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inb4 npc incoming

Give me a rogue

Roll kurwa chuj

I keeps rollin rollin rollin rollin

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Fuck hnggggggggggggggggggggggg

>fuck a nigger
>beast rider

I want to bend reality to my will

Normally I wouldn't bother, but I'll roll in memory of these sweet trips
20% that, 80% because I'm drunk and eating thanksgiving leftovers

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Oh fucking great. Just what I wanted. Yippee.

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>implying not everyone here is an npc

Xml cuz

My child would like a [junk stone] for his birthday. I am willing to pay you 3,465 gp and a few ores to get it for me.

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roll roll Roll ROLL GIB GOOD UN

give me epic roll thx

Already know I'm getting fucked

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lets go, it get can only get better

haha roll hahaa please be good


I'm a warlord, does that mean I just carve out a little piece of Afghanistan for myself and abuse the local populace?

fuck, wrong post, sorry

Rollling boys yeet

Plz be good.


Rollin Rollin rollin

Roll roll roll

Based roll

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rorring baby

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I believe I am destined to be a rogue.

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Magic is for fags rolling

well, maybe not

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Fencer is a solid class good roll

If I don't get something good I think i'll cry all day.

Anything is better than this life

I got polliiiiiooooo

Wizard roll

Lets roll to find out who i am


L I T E R A L L Y me desu

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oh boy oh boy what am I

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Rollinh zzz

Rolling for Red Mage

rolling so I can be entertained for 15 seconds checking the sheet

Roll for bard

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No shame in rolling. I guess I'll give it a shot


this is how you roll

Gotta be a meme rogue

Pls alchemist or summoner

let's get this stealth rolling

rolly rolly in my holey

rolling for wizard. honestly anything but fighter or something in the middle

I always play fighter in rpgs because they're easy to level up but deep inside i really want the casts

i hope i don't get thief

give me a good one pls

nothing green

Lets do this ESSKEDDIT

rawlin origionally

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Pls not something gay

that's pretty generic, but i'll take it i guess

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Rooooooll. Origirooooooolll

my Iife of adventure awaits

Really llloiunhhr bsjjsusjebr

Out of all the things. FUCKIN DUELIST


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Keep rolling rolling rolling

originally boy

i'm going to be a loli demon summoner


give me a good one lad

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sounds fun, rollinoriginal

Rogg ang rolg

roll me up faggot

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roll for the cool one

Martial artist! nice!

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Originalo commento

Rolling, but originally as fuck

Happy birthday user!! Wish things were going well in your life
Also rolll

Rolling that shit mate

rock n ROLL aint noise pollution

heck yeah just what I wantedss

Rolling desu
Happy birthday dude!

gimme magic pls

rrrrrrrr origioni

I'm a mage

Paladin please