Ywn experience teenage love

>ywn experience teenage love twitter.com/Emilyannmarie35/status/1063783082283753473?s=20

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>ywn experience making very bad and very emotional decisions during your most hormonal years of life

>tfw experienced teenaged love
>wasn't a bad decision
>great memories
>great music
>great pussy
get btfo faggot

Idk about love but I got this one schizo girl to leave her bf for me and then I dumped her two months later before she could do the same to me. After that I would just have skype sex with e gfs.

I say the skype sex was way better except I had to meet the emotional needs of every girl in my harem. Twas too much.

>also had a skype harem when younger
I've actually never not cheated on my gfs with online sluts. I can't help it.

>tfw meet guy when I was 14
>when I turn 15, he asks me out
>7 years in
>live together
>I pay for all the bills because he's unemployed
>I do everything at home because I care
>find out he cheated on me multiple times since we were 15
>he cries victim when I throw him out

High school sweethearts huh. Love as an adult is better, to be honest.

I love seeing normalfags btfod

never experienced a teenage life because I was a shut in at the time. and as a 22 y/o, I don't care about any of this highschool junk. probably because I know that if I tried to have a social life, I would have easily made friends and had a good relationship life. at least that's the only justification I can come up with for why I still don't care about this stuff

That's what you get for being a faggot. Reap what sow

>>live together
>>I pay for all the bills because he's unemployed
>>I do everything at home because I care

Do women actually hold out for men all the time? Even when he's broke/unable? I thought women hate men who dont work

>I thought women hate men who dont work
This is a meme. If they love you they don't care. For years I was an alcho who didn't work and I had multiple gfs during that period who would buy me more alcohol, weed, drive me around, buy food, etc.

If you're good at talking to them and make them feel good then they will put up with a lot of your shit. Women are pretty gud desu, some of them just ruin it for most of them.

Should also I add that I'm in my twenties. Girls who are 25+ probably aren't going to tolerate this so find a young qt3.14.

I cared about him, I wanted him to be happy.
He was literally fucking one of my closest friends while I was working to pay off his student debt.

I was very young tho. I'm a pretty nice person normally, but I was really the female version of a beta cuck back then.

>female version of a beta cuck
so just a normal female?

Most girls don't pay for bills for their cheating boyfriends, I suppose. I was really a fucking idiot.

>inb4 turbo chad
He was a 5'6" skinnyfat manlet. With a cute face, admittedly.

>5'6" skinnyfat manlet
are you the hot one ?

You are a guy, right?

A girl (female).

I'm average. 5'6", skinny fat back then, cute face.

>tfw not Chad and will never just wake up one morning and magically be Chad

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Should have played sport as a kid instead of being a bitch then.

>Be 15
>think will die alone without kissing anyone cuz overdramatic
>this 4/10 gal wants me bad and I have no fucking idea why
>my friends bother me with that for a year
>at the end of the year ask her out, says yes
>behind the troll face she is actually pretty cool though we have a lot of clashing ideas
>She is also a terrible artist
>next year comes, now in 9th grade
>we get the same class she presents me her group of friends
>there is an easy 8/10
>seems basic so I ignore her
>go through the year pretty good
>next year comes by an gf changes schools
>we barely get too see each other even 1 time per month

Was he at the very least chad?

He has a very cute face, but he is 5'6" and skinnyfat. And now also a receding hairline.
But I was very in love and very young and dumb.

>ywn experience love

It hurts. I'm 31, and even after losing wizard powers it hurts. No woman will ever love you like they loved their HS crush or whoever they lost their virginity to. You will always be second best on a emotional memory. And I don't when have those memories. My HS years was nothing but pain and daily torture at home and at school, and I cant even imagine what it must have been like to have this kind of happiness. It's hard to watch movies or anime in HS settings because of this as well. Nostalgia and wishing for something that can never, ever happen now unless I reincarnate or something.

nice punchline dude

go fuck my daddy u cock suck

>barely see her but start spending some more time with the 8/10(who will now be P) cuz we had some time between classes
>chill girl, cool, shy and kinda of a tsundere
>start talking more to her as the times goes by
>she fills the void my gf was leaving
>learned through a mutual friend that she likes me
>go 5-6 months without seeing gf
>realize that I start liking P too, but dont say anything cuz I've a gf
>our talks are the best things of my day
>close to the end of the year my gf ends me by phone cuz we barely talk anymore, Im happy with that planned on doing it a week later
>start going to the movies with P until I ask her if she wants to be my gf
>says yes

Wish I got experience even if in the end it turns out like that.

I don't know. I'm happy I experienced it, it was a good growing experience, but it was such a waste of time, feelings, money and everything. It's okay, because I still feel like I grew and learnt things, but it's weird to know that I spent 7 years of my life, supposedly the best ones, catering someone who didn't even care about keeping his cock in his pants.
I just think a lot of people on this site think that your high school sweetheart, your first love needs to be some sort of magical thing that never goes wrong and it was really shit for me.

You're saying that like I wanted it

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>Spent the happiest 3 months of my miserable robot life
>P is very bashful
>saying sweet things and that kinda stuff is hard for her
>but she still gave me the warmest hugs I've ever felt
>everything she did or said something she meant it
>she is also very innocent
>most of the basic dirty expressions or jokes fly over her
>same goes for "dark morals"
>this only helped in increasing how adorable she was
>I like an idiot set a pace to fast for her
>she tried her best to keep up
>but after 5 months she says that maybe is better if we start over, like friends and try to build again the relationship
>after this she ghosts me hard
>ignores me
>cant do anything
>and my hopes of starting again try to hold on. just causing my more pain despite knowing is not posible

That was exceedingly painful.

Yea I guess, but my life is mostly being wasted regardless so it doesnt matter either way. To me even if my it ended like that it would have been better to have lived than to have never lived at all.

I wish I invested that energy I poured in our relationship to make myself happy. I've been tryibg to do it for a whole and it's healthier.

The thing is that being in a relationship if gives you a lot of energy to do things in life. what age were you during the time with him? I feel like anything after 18 is the point where its basically wasted time and effort so I can understand the regret if its was after you were 18.

This is so delusional
I cringe at my high school crushes and the guy I lost my virginity to is a cheating scum bag

I love my boyfriend and ever moment with him feels infinitely more special than my shitty first time

15-23. I worked 60 hours a week to pay his debt and bills when I could have gone back to school for my masters earlier. That's my main regret to be honest. Other than entering the dating market at 25.

>cute face
Hehehehhahhehhehehheheh babyyy I haves a cute baby penis

>>ywn experience teenage love
I did though. Ask me anything.

Yea that suck that like 5 years of you adult life wasted on a terrible person who didnt even the curiosity to stay loyal and be honest. How exactly does an unemployed guy go into debt?

He went to college before being unemployed. I paid off his student debts for a year and half.

Did he at least finish college? Id hate to be an amerifag, student debt sound horrible over there.

Yeah, he did. He was a good student, too. But picked a shit field.

What did he pick, did he even try to get a job?

What did she do as art ?

She's not going to fuck you or support you. There is no way you're this interested in what some other guy did lmao

user, Im a neet faggot on the internet with nothing better to do than talk to random strangers on Jow Forums. This is the only kind of get social interaction I get so forgive me if I come of as a beta orbiter trying to get in the pant of an anonymous girl on r9k who probably isnt even a girl.

Fuck if I care. Happy holidays you guys.

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>this is the only interaction I get
>deliberately replies only to the """female"""
Sure, you're just lonely and want to talk :^)

roasties are so dumb lol. you deserved it for being a cuck

> be 15
> think I'm in love
> be 25
> understand that I nevet actually loved anyone in my life and what I felt was simply lust

No I dont think you understand Im an actual faggot.

Sauce? That looks hot.

I feel bad for you then. Are you at least one of those sassy faggots that knows how to dress and decorate and shit or are you just a normal dude who likes other men fucking him?

Obviously not otherwise I wouldnt be here, user.

imagine having a fresh young pussy at that age
what does it feel like broos??

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Pussy is pretty good at staying tight unless a girl is deliberately stretching it with a huge cock or thick dildos. Tightest pussy I've had was a 19-21 year old, loosest was around the same age. It's mostly genetics tbqh

>i've had

get off my board now

Not your board plus my post ended in 69. :)


I looked at her twitter... and she looks used up for a teen. She def has high mileage

Women are pretty gud desu, some of them just ruin it for most of them.

Shut your mouth. Women are subhuman!

This is the defense mechanism you've developed to protect yourself after negative interactions with women. Women are extremely loving and will support you and put up with your shit far beyond what they should. You can't deny evolution. To say women aren't naturally loving and nurturing is to deny science and ignore the role women have evolutionarily adapted to fulfill. It'd be like saying men aren't naturally more aggressive or more suited to leadership positions.

>eating someone else's leftovers is better

I still have one month and 4 days to fit it in, probably just been a fluke that I've not met the right bird yet.