If you marry a girl past the age of 21, she has most likely already had 3-5 partners on average.

Your so called perfect angel has probably taken a load to the face and his ex probably looking at your marriage photos laughing at the loser that would marry such a whore. He probably still has the nudes and dirty messages she left.

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>I've only had 2 partners user

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>"You're so big user"

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Looks like Im a getting a pure qt from the eastend then. you know that end thats has the moon and star
Bye world

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>"I've never done this before, user, you're my first"

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>"I'm what you call a good girl"

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I have always had an all or nothing type of personality. In terms of a relationship, if I were to pursue one, I want a proper marriage where we are both virgins and we make lots of babies and educate our children ourselves (basically varg style but not pagan larp shit). If I cannot have this, then I am happy to be celibate and not be with anyone for the rest of my life. I will say this though, should I ever find out that my wife was with someone else prior to me, if she has cheated on me or if she tries any bullshit like trying to take my children from me, I will kill her. I will kill her, the kids and I will take my own life after. She will only corrupt them if she has them to herself the same way I would corrupt them. A child needs a mother and father. Without both, there is no point. I know this because I do not have a father and I came out a shit human being.
>inb4 what about so and so who has one mother
Idc about that or how edgy any of this sounds

TLDR; white women are whores

"It was in the past user, I've changed"

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Agreed with everything but the murder/sucide plan will never marry a girl not a virgin and would rather be celibate or at 40+ marry someone 18 and be called a pedo than marry a non-virgin

if i was cheated on and the kids are mine I will raise them myself and cut her out legally

if the kids are not mine would liquidate all my assets and burn what could not be liquidated before fleeing to some second world country and starting over

I would rather burn everything than give a cheating whore a single cent for her bastard child

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>"Oh the other guys were jerks, but i like you user, you're different"

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My ultimate rule is that if a girl has been a whore in the past, she should also be a whore for me if we're together.

If you'll deepthroat, swallow cum, take facials, etc. for your ex boyfriend, but won't let your current partner do the same, then you simply should not be with your current partner as you obviously are not attracted to him.

As a guy that has no issue getting girls, even ones married or in ltr. There are a select few that are extremely loyal. I'm not sure if the numbers of partners matters, but I think respect and value of a relationship does. There are girls I've fucked that are married to their high school sweetheart, and only fucked him or him and another guy before she met him. They are huge sluts and will meet me while he thinks they're at the gym lol. I have see the studies for the number of partners, but I also think having very few is very bad, from my experience. Also, the majority of girls are whores regardless of relationship or marriage.

Reminder that incels are only mad about this because they see everyone else having fun and feel like they got left out of the party.

I would not be able to start over. She would have taken something away from me that could have been special. There after, I would not be able to get married again and have it be the first. I might be able to find another woman who is a virgin, but I would not be one. I want to find someone I can grow with. Not going to allow some hoe to take that from me. Would rather not have to deal with any of it. Probably going to be alone for the rest of my life which I am fine with

Just go gay already nobody wants children anyway.

OP confirmed for faggot.ry

Why should I have to pick up after a party I didnt attend?

>He still thinks he can be a virgin in his 30s and still get a pure qt girl

No one is forcing you to, so you shouldn't bitch about it.

>being this insecure and judgemental

Fair enough. You can have the cleanup and hangover while I can just stay depressed. Have a nice day.

>Have a nice day.
You too fella.

these three are actually post marriage, the husband took the pics

That makes it worse. The husband is a cuck and the woman agrees to being a huge whore.

if both the husband and woman have no problem with seeing other people while married, why is it a problem?

They are 2 consenting adults, making their own choices in life.

They aren't judging you for your life choices...

Perhaps they should judge him

Don't be naive. This is the internet.

Shut the fuck up cuck


>look at me, im a retard

homos are bigger whores though

>look at me I let niggers fuck my wife

>not just getting a mommy gf to pay for you
Your doing it wrong.

>look at me I'm going to die a virgin because of imaginary standards

r9k already knows this. Only gigantic brainlets get married and think their angel isn't tainted

And you haven't had 3-5 partners? What kind of loser are you? 3-5 is perfectly normal for male or female at that age, it's not whorish in the slightest.

getting violently fucked by multiple men and having them blow multiple loads in your pussy, mouth, and ass must feel goddamn amazing

Disgusting. I hate women.

Bumpty cumpty sat on my dick

how the fuck can women do this?
how can such loathsome and vile creatures like women be allowed to exist? jesus christ

in nowadays world 3-5 partners is semi virgin dude
a 21 girl will probably have at least around 20 partners by that time and I'm being conservative

I don't come to this board often but holy fuck how can you be this insecure and not self aware enough to realise it?
Explain the rationale behind refusing to date a woman who isn't a virgin, this'll be good

Statistics show you are dead wrong. The average is around 6-8 during their lifetime. Only a few percent reach 20+.

Don't destroy my dream faggot

Reminder that all depicted itt is a MAN's problem, not women's.

These situations are all initiated by cuckold husbands, who took pics and all. Sex is a lot like a trade for women, not just a recreative thing like it is for men, and even the most whorish of women don't extract benefits from fucking multiple men.
These wives are whores indeed, but they wouldn't start that piggish shit by themselves. This is mainly the HUSBAND's closetted faggotry.

You want to talk about degeneracy from one of the two sexes? Look at men then.

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If there a reason it's bad to enjoy sex? If girls posted pics of you having sex an d laughed about you'd be screaming bloody murder.

Only subhumans get married in the current year

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Shut your mouth you fucking roasty!


women like you should be killed and raped!

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>Shut the fuck up cuck
not an argument

>It's okay to be a cuck as long as you post good old pepe and his rooty-tooty-point-and-shooty.

I unironically am that Chad MGTOW guy.
I'm not saying I'm a Chad, but everything on that explains me perfectly. I do alright with the ladies so I still have one night stands and bitches I fuck whenever. But they'll never mean anything to me. I'm just a sexually active MGTOW fag.
Zero fucks about women is the road to happiness boys, and it ironically makes you much more desirable to the little demons as well.

Yeah but do you have statistics on modern women which doesnt involve them being honest?

Modern women have less sexual partners. Millennials have fewer sexual partners than previous generations.

Shit I'd been with 4 girls before I finished high school. Sex isn't that big of a deal anymore.

So? Before I met my girl I had several sexual partners too. It's called being an adult you fucking idiots

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Fitting pic.

can we please stop turning this board into Jow Forums

can you go back to Jow Forums please

I'm not whore condoning but we have this thread everyday,

Do you have an argument to make or are you just here to make sure this board stays as shitty as it is?

Jow Forums will say the reverse, as in please stop turning this board into Jow Forums

fuck off degenerate faggot psyop

>Reminder that incels
Please get shot, also I've fucked plenty of women and dont feel like marrying them.

Oh he played the virgin card for the 1000th time.
I've fucked women before but I'd rather not be with a girl who gets split roasted.
Good on you if you do but most men dont.

>Only a few percent reach 20+.
Wrong. Must be nice to lie to yourself.

Imagine what it would be like to marry a woman and then run into one of her ex-boyfriends in public, to actually have to have a conversation with some dude that your wife let cum on her face and fuck every hole in her body. She was probably a filthy whore for him and he's laughing at you on the inside knowing that you got stuck with his sloppy seconds and that she won't do the same shit for a loser like you.

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>>It's okay to be a cuck
I don't know that's what hes getting at.
Go get shot.

Not to defend roasties, but most (if not all) pics in this thread are the result of cuck husbands.
Female ideal is of sex is Chad, is rare for them to venture beyond vanilla sex with alphas without childhood trauma or a male influencing her.

>result of cuck husbands.
And they should get shot too.

Funny I laugh at him because the girl he's with let me do the same thing.

For most people that isn't going to be the case as women will shut down sexually once they make you tie the knot. Likewise you won't ever actually know what she's done with other people as women lie about it. Your view is very naive.

And? Your point? No shit people get mad for being left out, that's why people go insane and go literal apeshit, why some have everything and some have nothing? If I have nothing then existing is torture and it is my right to make sure to share the pain by going against the system.
This isn't limited to sex, but for everything, I pity incels and empathize.

If women are such whores, why won't they whore out to me? I wish I could have sex just once, just to know what it feels like. I would even be satisfied with fingering her to know what a vagina looks and feels like. Also if I could see and touch boobs in real life to know what those feel like, I'd be cool with dying at that point. I know it's not that "bags of sand" bullshit, I've seen the 40 year old virgin so you can't trick me, but I can't comprehend what they must actually feel like.

Feel free to post a statistic which you think is correct and that you can back up with an actual link.

This means nothing. There are still way more 0-1 outliers than super high. If a woman is relatively average or better and not puritanical, the average by the age of 25 is likely around 15, a few ltrs and periods of sleeping with a few different guys between.

I'm not gay so I will not think about other men's cocks and cum when with my girl.

What the fuck are you on about, you absolute retard?

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It's both sides problems unfortunately

A lot of why it bothers men so much is a lack of security for two reasons: possible insecurity (growing more common thanks to the internet age) and a lack of credibility for the woman because she was so promiscuous in her past
Both of these points need to be addressed by both the man and woman (or partner and partner I dont care)

For the man:
>why do I feel so insecure?
>what in my past made me feel this way?
>can I trust someone to help me overcome this?

For the woman:
>why was I so promiscuous in my past?
>was my sexual activity trying to fill a void in my life?
>if so, does this man fill that void or do I have to fill it myself?

The final step is to communicate this to each other. You talk about whats wrong and how it can be fixed. Trust each other to fix these serious problems or fix them on your own (or kill yourself, another growing trend)

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>If only you knew how bad things really are.mp4

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Yeah she'll be thinking about it enough for the both of you.

I don't want to communicate with a whore. There's nothing she could do that would make me feel better or trust her.

>not implying that women are insecure too

Insecurity isn't a gender based issue, it's a human based issue.

>tfw in Australia
>still a god damned fucking virgin

For a woman if she can be with a man that has had lots of women, it's a demonstration of her own value by securing a desirable man. That's why women don't care about this.

The number of sexual partners has decreased since then.

>Am Australian


>baseless assertion

There are only preliminary statistics about millennials not having as much sex, the other demographics show no signs of slowing down.
Regardless, the average being 8 instead of 9 isn't exactly an improvement.

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So when are you going to post that statistic about how many men and women have had 20+ partners?

>white female: 37.7%
>white male: 38.5%
Haha fucking citation needed on that one. Still a white fucking virgin after all these years. Also this should prove the fact it's impossible to be a black incel.

>white female: 38.7%
Whatever, same shit. Are they seriously trying to imply white dudes are only .2% behind the females?

Take her to the doctor for hymen inspection. You can never be too shore.

Why are you asking for a citation when it's right there?

How is Germany 5.8 but Switzerland (the Jews of Europe, the lower arians) 11.1

Because it's complete bullshit. Taiwan and Singapore for example would also have a far lower number.

How is Turkey, a conservative muslim country, at the top?

>They aren't judging you for your life choices
Except they do

You're right, it just manifests in different ways thanks to society.
Society has taught the average male to repress insecurities and only show strength (a horrible way to live and its no surprise men are killing themselves).
Society has taught the average female to embrace insecurities because it's cute and funny (which means their insecurities are never solved, get worse and spiral out of control but are less prone to suicide since they can at least express their insecurities).

The prior is called "Toxic Masculinity" (an accurate name but a poor word choice because at a glance it sounds like an insult to men). The former is supposed to be "Toxic Femininity" but I don't think anyone knows how to deal with it in the US leading a lot of women to try and find emotional support through sexual experience.

Both problems should be solved internally, with external support. Instead the US (and its incredible knowledge of mental health) has adopted the tactic of "fuck the pain away".

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I'm into cucking so idc

Ultimately it's white men's fault for tolerating, accepting, and even approving of this

thx op for reminding me to hate women

Or you can marry me, I am a virgin at 24.
Do not expect sex though.

I was raised by a single mom and I'm not a murderer like you. Take responsibility for your own actions.