Would you guys ever want to talk to someone like me...

Would you guys ever want to talk to someone like me? I always try to make friends but people just seem to stop talking to me after a couple days.

Attached: ^5DA75DEFD19528A2531E161036DD6DF51046F0CEBE4C45552B^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.png (911x1620, 1.62M)

Wtf r u doing here?

What do you mean? I only relate to people from here.

nah she reeks of daddy issues and desperate need for validation

Thats real unlikely, ur probably just convincing yourself of it

What are your interests user? You'll have an easier time finding people who want to be your friend on here if they know some things about you beforehand

no my tism is far too strong

Are you from /cgl/ or something? Most gulls seem rather unhinged. Two wrongs don't make a right. Find someone normal

b8 af niffa.

What is "someone like me"? Tranny cosplayer?

Maybe because you're a vapid cosplay slut.

I dunno I just enjoy talking to people from here is all. Don't you enjoy talking to people from here?

And I just like video games and going to work honestly, there's not much else I enjoy doing. I also watch anime and just like enjoy talking about whatever but no one adds me.

What's that mean?

Nah I don't go on cgl they're mean there.

I'm a girl, sorry.

??? what does that have to do with anything

I want to lay my head on your lap as we sit on a wooden bench beneath a cherry blossom

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these are robot purists, don't expect them to be nice either

Hurry up and catfish these thirsty orbiters

waiting to see this

I honestly i prefer the classical baits more. I know you are trying to pioneer into the newer variants but that wont be so easily accepted.

You'd have to be the blandest, shittiest one-word-replying slut to not manage to get orbiters on Jow Forums by being a weeb gaymur grill. Getting repeatedly ghosted is impossible.

depends op, is that you in the picture?

I don't really like the sound of that you faggot.

I guess but can't they be nice to me?

What do you guys even mean by that? There's plenty of girls that post here.

not bait but OK

It's very easy to get ghosted honestly, maybe you should try being like me

yes, sorry this one is a thumbnail

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alright, well, say hi to me then vitalize#0332

You're getting b& familia

>>I don't like that you fag
>one line below
>>be nice to me~ uwu

There's a difference between being mean, and calling out posters that shouldn't even be here

Try joining a discord or something that's to do with something you like, Jow Forums isn't the best place to start social relationships

That's the one place even worse than Jow Forums to start social relationships

>I don't really like the sound of that you faggot.
It fit pretty well with your picture above, don't you think? I'd take you hiking, but I bet you wouldn't last 15 minutes :p

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Anyone add me please I want friends.

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I enjoy hiking and camping, I'm white what do you expect?

I agree discord is something I don't like much to make friends and I enjoyed Skype a lot more however here I am trying to make friends on discord

are you op? if not i don't know you user

What games? What anime?

how about you pump my ass?

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depends, are you cute, original comment

anyone in this thread add me
i am very tired

High suspicion that if OP is genuine in this aspect, their hobbies/interests are no where aligned with what half this board does.

yes, of course, why woudl you even ask?

I mean I dunno I've been taking HRT since I was young so I think I pass pretty good, if you add me we can talk for a little while I'm really horny right now

Hahah! You surprised me! I just got idea of setting up a projector in the forest, maybe some make shift beds, logs to sit on or hammocks, and watching anime; might do it soon. Thanks for replying, you gave me ideas!

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come the fuck on gents

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>I've been taking HRT si-

Attached: 1541702086760.png (785x757, 393K)

Hmmmm. Disappointing. Very disappointing

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If any of you qt traps live in Helsinki I have my own place in a good neighbourhood and weed and I'll gladly have secks with you.

more tranny bait thread of coss and aero?

Want us all on HrT?

Hey op can I have ur email?

Your definition of "ghosted" is probably typical Jow Forums grill definition, meaning the guy tries to make one sided conversation for 3 days and finally gives up and stops messaging you.