Unpopular opinions

the 4channel.org switch is actually quite good, it makes the blue boards far better (non-shit ads, less normalfags who just heard about Jow Forums from a friend), and might make this site stay alive instead of having gooki pull the plug already

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more female posters is a good thing, and we should embrace the change of the boards demographic. the faggots need to go, though

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Jow Forums has always had shit tones of females honestly

4channel would just become Reddit Lite due to Hiro's greed for adbux

Good, let's have actual discussion and collaboration, instead of trannies and discord drama everywhere

personally have never met a single one, but tons of trannies and """"traps""""

That's kind of weird, for at least the past 5 years or so they have been inescapable to me. Only met two trannies in total though.

>let's have actual discussion and collaboration
>implying these can't be found anywhere else on 4chin
>instead of trannies and discord drama everywhere
Jow Forums brought that shit on itself, but I agree that the faggots and namefags need to be confined to /lgbt/

>more female posters is a good thing
how? it just makes everybody act more pathetic

Yeah, I'll be interested to see how it affects the blue boards I frequent. I honestly don't think it'll end up causing many significant changes.

Is wanting Jow Forums to shut down completely an unpopular opinion?

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sounds like you just don't know how to tell the trannies apart from the actual girls lol

>less normalfags who just heard about Jow Forums from a friend)
not even in the slightest you fucking retard

That's just not true
>less normalfags who just heard about Jow Forums from a friend
How is this a thing that will happen? I feel you retards aren't listening to what gookmoot said about the split and are just making shit up.

hopefully over time the pathetic orbiters get washed out. no girl has any actual respect for orbiters anyway and they are just being used.

>hopefully over time the pathetic orbiters get washed out.
This would never happen. "There a woman here" = attracting thirsty teenagers and /soc/ posters. There is no benefit to having "btw im a girl" posters here, only pussy worshippers and attention starved women would think otherwise.

Unpopular Opinions - This isn't your safe place. Coming on here is just making it worse, your mental illness, depression, the pervasive helplessness and hopelessness on the world: The negativity of many (not all) Robots is just a fuel that makes that fire grow larger and larger until it consumes you from the inside.
For that reason this place isn't your little "safe house" - aside from the "No True Scotsman" Zeno's Paradox of this place, "you've kissed a woman!? out manslut, this place is only for true robots: who were born by C-section and were raised in a male only society and have never been within 9 feet of a woman" - it's never safe since the negativity of others is just going to be thrown in your face, your face pushed in the dirt, and then the back of your head stomped on 1984 style. Most robots on here probably don't have the mental fortitude to deal with it, the skills and the ability to compartmentalize and not let it drag them down further into the abyss, because there's always someone who wants to make you as miserable or more miserable than them. Arguably it's not their fault either, they're probably that way for a reason, some are feckless cunts who won't take responsibility, but others are people who have been dealt a bad hand in life - of course you'll never know which is which.

It would certainly give me more free time.

I agree, but my ex bf has been meeting up with people from soc for sex but called me out for posting on r9k. So he's being a hypocrit

Just leave dude, I dont see why you have to shit on the rest of us because you are too much of a loser to stand Jow Forums

There are women everywhere, user. But don't let this explosive news boggle your mind too hard now

Pedophilia is perfectly acceptable and all pedophobes should be executed.

Based opinion, as long as you don't rape real children you are not committing any crimes, nobody is born illegal, right?

dumb reply, being women is not the problem so much as "FEMANON HERE, FEMBOT HERE" attention whoring and "FEMANONS WHAT DO YOU THINK". post as anons or fuck off.

Why does it bother you so much? What differences does it make if a girl mentions her gender? Seems to me you are inherently misogynistic

i refuse to believe this is anything but bait

there didn't used to be women on this website. that is the point.

yeah obviously, the misogyny meme is a bit too on the nose

this is blatantly false. there was fucking countless camwhores on /b/ since the inception of Jow Forums.

reddit gets too much blame for Jow Forums's downfall. r/Jow Forums was made in 2008.Jow Forums is falling because it gets too involved in politics and ended up astroturfed by corporations and propagandists.

Nice dodge from the hard questions.

I'll be sure to tell all my normie girlfriends that 4channel is a safe version of Jow Forums so they can keep up with their memes and share some on facebook.