Why do white roasties get so triggered by the Asian concept of cuteness...

Why do white roasties get so triggered by the Asian concept of cuteness? There must be a deeper political and sociological reason about it.

Witnessing a culture that values femininity and traditional gender roles threatens their feminist programming.

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shut up race mixer, we need more white babies

I think subconsciously white grills are just jealous they will never be as cute

>we need more hapa babies

Where are you even looking? Today's white girls idolize asian girls and wish to be them and flock around them due to kpop being cool and trendy and anime being destigmatized.

you dare ruin the Message of the gods

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post more cute azn grills pls

It seems the gods are wrong about this one. Today's cool Stacies are Korean. Have you seen all the teenyboppers on tiktok that try to copy asian aesthetics and anime looks? The only white ladies that hate on asians are toasty roastie old boomers that hate on anyone young. The age of thot is over, the age of moe has arrived.

>post more cute azn grills pls
can do brother

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What if I post a cute azn boy?

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Haha, this nigga got trapped.
Now someone post the qt with the pan on her head that is wearing a knit hat!

i hear you loud and clear buddy

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how will white women ever be as feminine as this??

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>be in Europe
>girls just wear man clothes
>many with shitty and short haircuts
>full of piercings and tattoos
>built like tanks

>come to Tokyo
>girls wear skirts and high heels
>have great fashion sense
>long hair
>no ugly bodymods
>feminine shape

gee, wonder why I prefer the latter

>in europe i am constantly depressed to the point where i dont even get a hardon anymore

>in asia my libido kicks up like i am in a second puberty literally having to watch myself not getting a full blown errection every five minutes

>tfw no asian beauty to frogpost with

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This isn't true Asian fembots. This guy is just trying to create rivalries because he can't feel secure unless he's the specialest boy in the room. You being cute doesn't bother us and we want to be friends

i frogpost with my asian beauty all the time. he's the best

Wow, that's very nice. We should all get along and be frens.

I"d like to point out that, in the space of a single post, the OP raised a question and then apparently conclusively answered it for himself, thus making this thread, like all

>please tell me how right I am

threads are equally worthless. OP is just the /pol9k/ equivalent of women attention whoring on the rest of the site.