I'm going to solve most of your problems with girls. Only thing you need is a strong willpower. It takes some time...

I'm going to solve most of your problems with girls. Only thing you need is a strong willpower. It takes some time, but sucess is guaranteed.

1-Start going to the gym (5 times a week)
2-Do some tanning (it can be even artifical tanning)
3-Eat healthy (I suggest vegetarianism: it's healthier on the long term)
4-Start going to bed and waking up at the same time
5-Change TV and Videogames for good books
6-Read books on dating. Yes, there's a lot of trash on those volumes, but also some very solid advice on dating
7-If you have the money and dont find your face particularly attractive, do some Hyaluronic acid fillers (you can even sculpt a squared jaw with it, and get rid of any defects on the face)
8-Fake confidence and force yourself to talk to people. Embrace the disconfort. Do it over and over again and, in time, it will become natural. But remember: confidence is key.
9-Meditate (I suggest the book "The Mind Illuminated, by Culadasa)
10-Try to create a group of friends. One good reason for weekly reunions is a Film club (better than a book club, because people hardly have time to read the materials from week to week)

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>I suggest vegetarianism: it's healthier on the long term
No, it's not. Other than that solid advices.

kek no matter what you do she wont love you, women are incapable of emotion or love. the only thing women can feel is lust and pseudo-admiration for their wealthy tall chad sex god fantasy.

>its another episode of "JUST GO OUTSIDE AND GET FRIENDS AND GO TO THE GYM BRO AND MEDITATE" featuring yet another pretentious fuckwit who can't even comprehend the idea of a shut-in because his idea of depression is not going to the gym for 3 days

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"Just go to the gym" is the best advice for 99% of the losers on this board.

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Vagabond is the greatest manga of all time

Well, I suffered for 8 years with anxiety disorders and phobia. Cured myself by reading the book Freedom from Fear, by Howard Liebgold.

It was incredibly hard at first (I was using CBT), but eventually it saved my life.

sorry I can't afford gym membership

OP's advice isn't awful but I can distill it down to 1 step and make it a lot simpler

Get money.

You can do everything OP said if you haven't got the skrilla it doesn't matter. If you get rich enough you can never go gym just be a fat ugly fuck and play video games all day if you want and you will still slay pussy.

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If dubs then you're right

Sounds like a full time job

>an incel coming to an incel board to lecture other incels on how to not be an incel so he can feel better about being an incel


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No it's fucktarded because you shouldn't have to be ripped af just to attract your run-of-the-mill thot that you aren't interested in anyways.

And you can look good by eating healthy and exercising lightly(literally just walking around).

DYELB is a meme and nothing more.

>Only thing you need is a strong willpower.
>1-Start going to the gym (5 times a week)

Isn't there a monthly subscritption fee in your country? Well in mine there is and I am a fucking poorlet. If you think you can do all that shit without money/a steady income you are delluded. Capitalism is wack.
Also I am a manlet and there is nothing to be done about this. My face is attractive and I'm kinda fit but I am simply doomed because of my genetics.

>Isn't there a monthly subscritption fee in your country?

Yes, but it varies from gym to gym. Some of them have quite cheap fees.

Why dont you try? Make a 3 month experiment, see how you feel at the end.

I fell for the fit meme so I'm the 1% I guess.

This is all decent general life advice aside from tanning (wtf?) and vegetarianism but it's not going to help you do any better with girls. If you haven't been building proper connections and social networks since childhood you are just completely fucked. Your parents and who they know has a lot to do with this. If you're a virgin in your 20s it's highly likely you're staying that way forever, barring strict religious communities. Just take the black pill and move on with your life.

What if going to the gym causes me back pain. I really want to get into working out but I can't do dead lifts or squats... Feel like a fuckup

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No one who has a gf does all of this.
Also lol at the acid advice.

You dont need to do all exercizes. Talk to your gym instructor and find out what works best for you.

instead of the gay shit for a nice jaw i suggest grinding your teeth all day

Recipe for burnout and a waste of money. Start with bodyweight first, you can do that at home and work your way up to an actual gym.

>1-Start going to the gym (5 times a week)
Why, i'm not overweight? What's your reasoning.
>2-Do some tanning (it can be even artifical tanning)
Uhhh okay
>3-Eat healthy (I suggest vegetarianism: it's healthier on the long term)
Already do, see above, I rarely eat processed or fast food.
>5-Change TV and Videogames
Don't do either. I read semi-regularly. Only youtube I watch are lectures. I think I could afford to be more strategic in the material I read/watch.
>6-Read books on dating. Yes, there's a lot of trash on those volumes, but also some very solid advice on dating
Already have. Ask Me Anything.
>7-If you have the money and dont find your face particularly attractive, do some Hyaluronic acid fillers (you can even sculpt a squared jaw with it, and get rid of any defects on the face)
Moving on....
>8-Fake confidence and force yourself to talk to people. Embrace the disconfort. Do it over and over again and, in time, it will become natural. But remember: confidence is key.
I do this. Not all the time, but when I want to I can be mister charisma and light up the room.
I've even be learning about Stanislavski exercises to channel that more often.
>9-Meditate (I suggest the book "The Mind Illuminated, by Culadasa)
Doesn't work. I can't concentrate on a mental image for more than 60 seconds no matter how vivid. If anything I've found the best solution is to play dialogue at 2x speed to drown out my own depression
>10-Try to create a group of friends.
Already have like 3.

WHY DO I HAVE NO GF!? (jk. but seriously - why do girls not go on dates with me even when we've made out or slept together?)

Good advices

OK OP I'll bite let me just read it.
ok I read it, tell me what sort of full time job should I get with no college degree that doesn't make me want to kill myself?

Not OP, but you can earn a living by buying and selling bitcoins and other crypto-currency on the web

Go back to Jow Forums you fag. Get the fuck outta here.

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I think the first thing you need to have in mind is that you're going to develop yourself outside of your job. In my case I work at a job that I don't love, but focuss my creative energies on a particular hobby. There are people who work with what they love and earn a living with it, but to my experience this is actually quite rare.

That said, what are your interests? Is there any possibility you could work in something related to what you enjoy? And what about the jobs you already did, what were them?

C'mon, you can do it. I believe in you.

HA and what else would you attract her with? Your knowledge of greek philosophy? Your collection of hats in fortnite? Your lack of deodorant?

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I am not going tanning. I have atypical mole syndrome and light hair. Do you want me to develop cancer

>I am not going tanning. I have atypical mole syndrome and light hair. Do you want me to develop cancer

That's just a small detail. I myself can't tan in the sun or tannin-beds. I use lotions that give your skin a golden hue.

But that's the least important thing. It does a great deal for your look, but eating healthy and exercizing are far more important and effective.

1- Just walk outside at least half an hour a day. You can do some push ups and pull ups at home.
2- Don't. Get a decent haircut instead.
3- Stimulate your metabolism by fasting half of the day and eating meat. Cut down on sugar.
4- Start going to bed and waking up at the same time. Going outside and having some light in the middle of the day and only orange light at night will help.
5- TV and videogames are fine, just pick things that stimulate your brain and make you learn. Good books are great, but if you pick one, read it right away, don't put it on your shelf for later.
6- Ask yourself what you want out of your love life and what small step you can make today toward that goal.
7- Sure you can go for fillers. Lose the weight first, there could be good bones beneath that pudge.
8- Good luck with that.
9- Yes, meditate
10- Sure. But this is why 5 was bullshit.

Wow who would have thought doing the things that make you uncomfortable but put you in a new position of learning and experience would help get you out of your cesspit if laziness and depression. All you stupid fucks in here go on and on about no gf, but what the fuck do you do, when would you meet a girl, what would they find in someone who goes to class, then back home to play league of legends all night. Can you talk about anything besides video games? Look at what kind of company you provide for others and it should be pretty simple to see why they don't want to hang out with you or become romantic.

You'll always be stuck in a depressive cycle if you don't fix the problems in your life and just continue to let them pile up. Yeah it seems daunting, and long - it took me several years to get where I am now with slow progress, but it started out a lot like OP. I reconnected with old friends and visited them regularly, went to tech school for something I was interested in and got me back on a schedule, started working out at home and gained a metric fuck ton of confidence. I'm not ripped Chad who goes to parties every weekend, but coming from being a neet shutin who played WoW all day to an adjusted person with a career and now a girlfriend - I'd say it worked out pretty well.

When you realize all the problems in your life you have the opportunity to overcome or fix, life becomes much more manageable and bright.

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>8-Fake confidence and force yourself to talk to people. Embrace the disconfort. Do it over and over again and, in time, it will become natural. But remember: confidence is key.

this is a big one. just talk to people. one of the big things i've noticed when I started doing that is that the people I used to think were douche bags judging me are actually pretty chill and I was just being a spaz.

I didn't even read this but it sounds like the same cookie cutter generic "motivation" that failed normans come here and spout every day

I was an autist who changed my life around because I'm smart enough to fix what I was doing wrong mentally, physically, and socially to live some semblance of a fulfilling life.

If you aren't ready to do that then be prepared to stay where you are until you die.

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