If you were made the absolute king of your country, what would you do?

If you were made the absolute king of your country, what would you do?

people can still overthrow you if you are bad enough but you start with 80% of the population supporting you

Attached: asian boys.jpg (540x654, 72K)

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Try and do my best really.

use women as breeding livestock when they turn 15, then publicly execute them

fix the current tax system snd schools

All crime is punished by putting the criminals into gladiator pits and battling to the death, this is televised and has advertisements to generate income for the country
This income as well as taxes are used to supply a universal basic income to all non-criminals

Have massive amounts of funding for anti-aging research so that I can become immortal.

Attached: deathismvirginchad.png (1700x850, 353K)

> your country
Get as much money as I can and then quietly disappear and move to an actually good country under made-up identity.
t. third worlder

I'm from Lithuania, I can't think of any scenario in which 80% of us will agree on anything.
I guess I'll put suicide nets at the bottom of a few more bridges just to make people's fucking mums happy.

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Name the people pulling the strings after freezing their assets, watch the population tear them apart.
Not only it will be fun and fair but also an obvious necessity to make sure I don't end like gadaffi

I'd basically just have parliament do what they do, maybe just play games in my underwear and mediate when they're acting shit.
I might also have a bit of fun. Rename things, recognize my EU4 custom nations as real countries, change the national anthem to Megalovania. I don't know what I could do to actually cause a fuss.
The SJWs will like me because I'm Sami and right wingers might like me if I just say a racist thing occasionally. I guess I'll just have to deal with boredom more than anything else

Death penalty for cheaters and people who get into poly relationships. We need monogamy back by any means necessary desu.

say im going to do lots of shit and then do nothing, seems to work for all the politicos going back decades

Strict migration, invest in local areas, replace police force with locally maintained militias, implement dirigisme (at least for a period)

I fucking hate chest tattoos

This image is disgusting.
"Hey guys, see that Blacked crap, let's make the same hurr"
Off yourselves

An Asian girl made it, retard.

>An Asian girl made it

Attached: doubt.jpg (600x315, 11K)

i've seen a lot of these tumblrs before, a lot of them are ran by genuine asian women.


It's kind of a weird contrast from the BBC tumblr blogs, which are almost always ran by men with a cuckold fetish

sauce please
and yes this is a original comment

Reiraku - Chapter 7

This post makes me feel bad for some Asians. Not the ones on r/asianmasculinity tho. They're a joke lmfao

""genuine asian women""
keep telling yourself that buddy. just like how cuckold bbc websites really are run by white women wanting black cock. sure thing. it's just men being degenerates in both cases.

I'd make changes as I saw fit along the way, not make any drastic ones that draw too much ire.

First things first. Make Jow Forums blue and purge mod team. Permaban discord threads. Then I'd force restaurant chains to pay their employees more for gas and to cover the money lost by tips, before ordering a pizza.

I'm not a good leader this is just how I roll.

All race have it pretty bad compare to white. There's white and everyone else is sub-human

This too but only with violent or very bad cases of sexual offenders.

Well I'm white and I've been turned off of Asian women by actually interacting with them. I've fucked a Latina and though she was hypersexual I'm different towards them. White and black girl masterrace for me

Probably keep things as they are, I only want to change the world as a bottom feeder, the world is already designed to benefit the top. Literally no benefit to improving things, if anything I would facilitate the replacing of most people.

"Fellow men, the late Stanley Kubrick had the right idea in his Doctor Strangelove, henceforth we ought to put it to test.
As of now, all but the rather few intellectually superior women will be property.
Starting immediately the robots will bring them to selected locations for processing and we men will be granted full access to whichever of them for whatever the length of time in any affordable manner and number for as long as you desire. No real harm will be tolerated, for gentlemen do not damage one another's and boundaries. We did it to the animals, and the time has come to make this adjustment and addition. The reign of weaponized women ends now. Enjoy Paradise my brothers."

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Incel sexual fantasies are retarded

>a good society is a sexual fantasy now

do a putin

>his post is purely about him finally being able to get laid through some socialism of pussy bullshit
>not a sexual fantasy
Why are incels always brainlets too? Literally, some of the dumbest motherfuckers I've ever seen. It's like you need to have a low IQ in order to consistently blame others for your own failings.

Increase the military spending.
Then outlaw 90% of the internet, including Jow Forums.
This will make people more productive, empathic and intelligent in the long run. And it will make people less angry, degenerate and lonely.
It will ensure the superiority of my country.

i guess some things i would do include:
>stop suburban crawl
>disallow subdivision developers from purchasing large tracts of rural land
>put city expansion money into purchase and maintenance of existing properties
>fill every existing home
>all urban beautification spaces would be stripped of flowers and made into vegetable gardens
>universal healthcare
>decriminalize all drugs and 90% of nonviolent offenses
>de-privatize prisons

just a few ideas. I never really thought about it before.

why don't you increase public school funding too?

all but the second last are based

what makes you think the women who aren't property won't be constantly trying to get the other women not to be property also?

I thought it was kind of smart. Maybe you are the brainlet seeing brainlets every where?

it's just an idea. My logic behind it is that if you decriminalize drugs then you take the prison population down by like 80% and save a ton of money. drug users don't really /need/ to be in jail, it's just a convenience to the rest of us.

Personally, I prefer the free market to do that. Families should have a choice for their education! Or course we can talk about school waivers for low-income families. And of course their will be a transparent agency which controls the quality and spending of private schools.

>takes him 5 minutes to write a response
>best he can come up with is 'no u'

not him, schools in maerica already have some of the highest funding in the devlepoed owrld, it's a problem of culture and parenting, + bad budgeting etc not money. Schools where none of the kids have pencils or books spend thousands on new computers and smartboards etc

>Schools where none of the kids have pencils or books spend thousands on new computers and smartboards etc
this seems to be true. I had once school as a kid that I attended and we sat on the floor because there was no chairs or desks and thr 3rd floor was permanently closed due to a raccoon infestation and we had smartboards.

that works if there's 2 or 3 schoolboards to choose from, but what if there was a lot?

>transparent agency which controls the quality and spending of private schools.
They aren't private then are they? If the government runs an agency which controls how the school makes money and spends it then it's a public school in all but name. Also
>their will be
Can tell you went to public school

>it's a problem of race, + corrupt jews etc not money

That immediately erases their superior status.

>2 women chatting while tied up in a human stable
>"so, why are you here?"
>"tried to get women the vote."

Fucking faggot. People like you deserve the rope, this is why 3rd world countries will stay 3rd world with leaders who think like you while European countries and other developed ones will be flooded by undesirable like you and send gibs to (((NGOs))) that will do nothing to help the people in those shitholes

>speak english - retard
Why do you believe that the state has no right to audit companies?
It is utter fantasy to believe that the free market alone can eliminate crime, corruption and fraud. In fact, corruption is strongly correlated with the lack of effective law enforcement.

No leisure time. Four billion horny men.

kill the 20% that don't support me and do what ever I want probably start a war.

>speak english - retard
lmao what? You're the one with trash grammar you fucking mong
>goes into a rant about crime and corruption when talking about schools
What a fucking pseud. Incels really are dumb as shit.

Wouldn't work. Zipf.

Okay, I explain it to you, Mr. Reddit tourist.
This signs ">" means, I rephrase, or I quote you.
You said: "You're the one with trash grammar you fucking mong".

Then I've rephrased your opinion with: "speak english - retard". Seems accurate, but apparently it's not the same.

Then you ignore that school education is a 430 billion dollar business in the united states. Pointing this out is a "rant". And I'm "dumb as shit" for assuming that a billions might be wasted by corruption. You conclude with a comment on the reduction of corruption. It is seen as "a fucking pseud."

I hope your brain doesn't explode from such smarts.

>he immediately starts rambling about shit nobody cares about after making no arguments

Thanks for admitting, that I won the argument :).

>force compulsory learning of languages; English, French, German, Danish, Russian and Hindi.
>force compulsory Anglican church adherence and sabbaticals
>deport entire non-European population
>initiate policy of degrowth
>reduce number of countries by around 20 and force every county to design a standardized emblem using the same shape and dimensions
>allow only 2000 people of foreign descent to live in country (mostly for diplomatic purposes)
>policy forcing population to plant more trees, over-weight get forced to do 1 hour in gym each day and taught to eat healthy, also heavily curtail alcohol.
>allow marijuana and ecstasy though heavily enforce penalties on every other drug, also heavily restrict quality control and how much one person can have with restrictions to prevent selling off to one-another. Extreme penalties for doing otherwise.
>force reconstruction of historic buildings
>enstate 5-party system with very self-explanatory party names (Conservative Party, Independant Party [for independent politicians, not UKIP], Liberal Party, Nationalist Party and Socialist Party). Also force elections to be on 31 June and results 1st July so the dates look nicer on a calender.
>force identical waste systems through every council, district, county etc. add reward system to homeless can make money from recycling glass bottles and plastic waste on the streets like they do in Copenhagen.
>history curricula teaches far more about African, Asian and Middle Eastern history. (25% British history, 10% Americas, 15% African history, 15% Indian history, 15% Asian history, 20% other European history). British history goes far more into middle ages, details Germanic tribes, Crusades, all colonies to a minimal degree and the evolution of Common Law
>free engineering and maths degrees, have to pay same now for other ones, also program to force extreme poor into draconian schools to be doctors, engineers, paramedics etc.
In other words, it'd be hell.

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My priorities:
>School and education (heavily filled by propanganda glorifying the state), Martial art/self-defense as sport in middle and high school in the program instead of gay ass dodge ball or whatever... Only allow real popular sports like Football, Basket, Rugby and Olympic sports
>Obligatory Military service 1 month as sports in the final year of high school as a graduation requirement.
>Labor, Industry/smith, Military, sciences and Justice as the highest paid works so we can build infrastructures (roads, bridges, dam, buildings, housing...), improve health conditions, and become a warmongering CHAD country
>Any crime is death penalty
>ALL Women are mandatoried to be married to a man and breed before 25
>Heavily Christian and Ultra nationalistic country, if you are an immigrant you have to abandon your culture and abide by ours, whether you are Muslim, Latin, slav... but only 10% of the whole country must be immigrants.
>No semites (only allowed as tourists but heavily controlled)
>No degeneracy (LGBTQ+ are a crime and insta DEATH penalty
>Free education and Healthcare for Military families
>No Welfare, people must WORK. If you can't find a job within 6 months, you are automatically enrolled by the military.

>also heavily curtail alcohol.
>uses anime pic
Sounds shit.

Hi, Kim Young user.

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>urban beautification spaces
what's that?

flower gardens

>legalize all drugs
>MXE and ketamine vending machines line every block
>ad campaigns, TV shows and movies, music, and doctored health studies, etc. to make them appeal to most of the population. Part of a campaign on fundamentally altering the human psyche so that more embrace positive nihilism and transhuman ideals
>also overhaul the education system, but how I would do that I'm not sure
>I know for sure that I'd make it a more pleasurable experience, rather than the "routine and misery" simulator it is now
>initiate state-sponsored libraries, except with more than just books. Donation based. Ultimately just a step in the plan to dissolve private property
>make government buildings a lot more flashy and cool looking
>buy unused land and set up solar panels. People who switch to solar energy are incentivized somehow. Ultimate goal is to phase it in
>create secret cloning lab that harbors copies of me and people who I think are cool. Phase cloning in as a normal thing, make it weird not to have a clone (of equal social status, of course). Only reason I want to do this is I think it would be cool, there's nothing practical behind it.
>can't think of anything else off the top of my head

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I wouldn't starve my people though. As labor is one of the highest paid jobs, farmers are owner of their land, lands that are lend by the state so they can work the way want, and 30% of their production is taken by the state to be redistributed, the rest is all theirs. They are free to set their price and sell or keep their homely products. By this way, the richer, is the most hardworker... And banks and credit establishments are owned by the state, not owned by some rotten (((corporations))) so in some way people work and get incomes there too.

And NK, is a communist regime, not mine.

>And NK, is a communist regime, not mine.
NK doesn't claim to be communist either.

Oh and I'd secretly fund a whole bunch of psy ops for shits and giggles.
Like with
>make government buildings a lot more flashy and cool looking
I'd do it really slowly over a long period of time, taking advantage of change blindness to see who notices. Chances are someone would document it or make a time lapsed video or something like that, and when it comes out people would be in disbelief over their government doing something so silly.

But if 30% of the farmers produce is redistributed amongst the populace then what is he going to do with the other 70%. Why would I buy what the government already provides for free? You've just made the other 70% of the farmers produce worthless.

Your system would fall apart because it is based on farmers in a country where being a farmer is pointless.

Interesting point, didn't see from that angle but also they have still 70%, the 30% would be redistributed for example for the war effort or daily military nutrition or in hospitals some shit like that. As I said earlier, no welfare so basically you have to constantly work to earn your bread. The 70% of the products still owned by farmer, they can do whatever the fuck they want. But the 30% would be redistributed to some sectors like hospitals and military, not to you average Joe who has to work as no welfare.

You'd honestly just be overthrown. Good luck with that going on for long.

Whoa... did you just try and use the truth against an incel? What's wrong with you?

>totally pull foreign aid to third world shitholes
>cut back benefits to all but the literally unable to work
>fund high speed internet for every home
>get tougher on immigration
>remove any mention of race, gender, ect. from law, and mandate that sentences are the same no matter who committed the crime.
>get rid of laws against victimless crimes
How did I do?

Asian boys are for fucking white women

>Asian boys are smaller than fucking white women
Fixed for you. Tbh, asian boys make better traps than white boys, you should consider transitioning. Smol frame, smol feminine penis, low test, no muscle, etc. You're basically already there anyway

Criminally underrated post. Robots are kind hearted souls who will always choose the "good" option if given the power.

Robots? Yes, they're generally good people who deserve good things. The problem is a lot of incels LARP as robots and tarnish the name. Incels are rotten, shitty people and you can see a couple of them ITT -- only concerned with hating women due to sexual impotence and mother issues.

way to not make me wanna buy things, you nigger.

If I was king, I'd wear a ring, and never hurt my people. I'd stay alert, and dress to kill, I might even slip you something.

lol wow, just SEEETHING. Sorry to say, but some Asian women really do run these racist blogs and really are disgusting whores. This is the world we chose

i'd take over the world.
>use excess government money to push commie propaganda to third world countries
>when they eventually fail come in with military to "liberate" them (actually annex them like a boss)
>eventually do it to first world countries other than my own territories
>slowly take over the world
>those who resist get genocided along with the chavs

Attached: fascistpepe.png (717x438, 145K)

No one fucking asked for this world.


Better men before you have tried, user.

none of them were jim crackalaka jones

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Remove all illegals
print new limited money supply
make marriage a one time thing
legalize hemp
make home gardens mandatory
immigrants must serve the nation in a foreigner militia for 2 years before they become citizens
littering punishable by incarceration - death depending on severity
make military service for all citizens mandatory
make tree-planting/eco-clean up mandatory
all meat and dairy vendors must raise their own stock
ban slaughterhouses
ban male circumcision
females cannot marry past the age of 30
males cannot marry past the age of 35
ban abortion
ban female contraception
ban nuclear power
initiate the continuation of tesla's free electricity project
all bastard sons will be adopted by the state to become soldiers
all bastard daughters will be adopted by the state to become nurses
all bastard borne cannot marry
obesity is will be considered a social demerit and will disqualify a person from medical attention
all jews will be either deported to israel or executed
all people with gender studies degrees will be executed