Being female is unironically worse

>be born ugly male
>work hard
>go to famous college
>get prestigious job
>get lots of money
>work on confidence
>you are now extremely attractive

>be born ugly female
>work hard
>go to famous college
>get prestigious job
>get lots of money
>work on confidence
>you are now still unattractive cause men don't care about this sort of stuff

Your problems are your own fault and you could easily solve them. fembots can't

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>Be born ugly female
>reside around niggers
problem solved.

>iq and work ethic aren't hereditary

That is not true. I know from my own experience that a woman like the one you described is very desired by men. If you want to be idolized and jerked off to by random strangers, then you're right.

>be ugly male
>work hard
>go to prestigious school
>never had friends in high school so never learned how to socialize
>graduate with degree
>no connections
>no job

>tfw no confident ugly women will ever ask you out

But women aren't attracted to YOU when you're rich, they're attracted to the money and the status

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>be born ugly female
>open legs
>acquire provider
This is always open for females regardless their look. Not Chad but even the ugliest women can be relatively picky. Only the most pathetic bottom of the barrel women can't nail a man with their pussy who shouldn't even reproduce. But as you look at the stats even they do so you can't complain.

Fembots can change, especially if they're still young. If an ugly woman develops good hygiene, good posture (this is so important for first impressions), dresses well, is not fat and is warm/friendly to the people she meets, someone will appreciate her.

The "poor me, I have it worse" attitude is extremely unattractive.

>believe retarded femnazis telling you what will make you happy
>start acting like a male
>make male advancements another tiny bit harder
>lose even more of the things guys like in females
>wonder why no guy loves you for getting gud at emulating a male

Go and be a lesbian top if you think living like a male is your path to happiness.
If you want to try and turn your shit around, learn to become more subby and use the load of money for plastic surgery.

this is why women will never be taken seriously

But so what? Women are supposed to be pretty. That is their whole fucking job.

Beauty is genetic fucktard

Technicality. So if you are tall and handsome, they are not attracted to you either. They are attracted to your height and your pretty face. Whatever you have is part of who you are.

Yes, not deny that. So is height. Doesn't stop women from demanding every man be tall. It's just the way it is.

im not dating woman so I couldnt care less about their preferences.
Men are shallow

Nope, that is utter bullshit.
You can see both awesome beauties and quasimondo-tier people of both genders born from model-tier and and uggos parents. It is simply luck of the draw.
Often both happens, just look at some siblings.
Some look like genetrash that should been recycled at birth, some will be qt.
Genetics do not follow social media or give a shit if you look good.

Evolution will try giving a brat an orc face or a proto-elf pretty, and who of those gets to breed isn't easily predicted.
If rape was still a more common thing, a strong ugly fatso could easily prove more successful and breed more kids then a weakass prettyboy after all.

>Only the most pathetic bottom of the barrel women can't nail a man with their pussy who shouldn't even reproduce.
Few men have any meaningful conception of just how far down the bottom of the barrel truly is for females. OP thinks they are being slick by neglecting to mention that female attractiveness is massively overinflated compared to male attractiveness, and that for a female to be objectively, universally considered ugly the way 1-5/10 men are, she must be a literal burn victim or chimp attack survivor.

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kill yourself im not reading your word garbage

>for a female to be objectively, universally considered ugly she must be a literal burn victim
you take that back

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More like

>be born ugly male
>get bullied
>work hard
>go unnoticed and uncredited
>lose all hope and motivation due to the unending status quo hell and the years bullying has done to fuck your brain

>be born ugly female
>have wet hole
>men flock to you to support you financially and emotionally so they can reproduce
>still get genuine compliments from some stacies and most alt-stacies
>complain online about your "depression" because despite the fact that God put you on tutorial mode you sometimes get insecure every so often

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Or a chimp attack survivor. But, until they hit the wall, most foids don't give a shit about the multitude of 1-7 men interested in them, because they delusionally believe they deserve some 10/10 alpha chad no matter how average or mediocre they actually are.
>Nice digits btw.

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But there is a whole industry built upon fixing the imperfections of females by surgery. Hell most of the time a good make up is enough.