Tfw white

>tfw white
>tfw don't hate black people, asians, Latinos, arabs etc
>tfw don't get triggered by interracial couples just get happy for their sake that they've found each other
>tfw hate the race baiting here
Any other non racist robot here?

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Yes, I'm not racist and I have an asian gf also. everyone should just be frens.

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Get out kikes, everyone knows deep down whites are needed for the future

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>Mixed Italian and Samoan from Hawaii
I don't see why other mixed people complain about it. I'm treated like most Polynesians I know, and I also observe a lot of cool Italian stuff

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Come here fren

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I'm not white though stop being mean fren
th-thanks fren

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There is nothing wrong with being non-white. We're all equally good and beautiful

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Except the Irish. The Irish are generally shitty people.

I'm also not racist. Always thought that it's very wrong to hate other people for something so stupid. Had very racist parents tho.

Hey, I'm here. I just find racism confusing. I lived a block away from South Central LA my whole childhood and while it was a scary part of town I never meet anyone there who could be described as "subhuman".

The reality was was more "damaged".

wow is your asian gf also as progressive and tolerant as you

No, I am good. I just hate the individual and not the race. Hating costs too much energy. It is better to not care.

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No. Fuck niggers and other subhumans

No babe, you're a racist asian girl who hates niggers. I'm the tolerant one between the two of us.

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>fuck niggers

I'm glad you're already on board with the plan.

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i can't believe i'm dating a sjw

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I feel the same frienderino

please delete this post my boyfriend doesn't need to see that

Maybe he would like this better?

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tfw my strong asian gf protects me from niggers

Oh hon, no one is safe...

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"only i can rape you"
- said my asian gf 10 minutes ago

but the rape is for everybody

she seems really selfish tbqhwy mi familia

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go on safari to the south part of Chicago for a week and then make this thread again

Robots dont see race. Thats while theyll be the future.

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n-no my asian gf would beat them up if a nigger tried to rape me

kill yourself low IQ nignog

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>kill yourself low IQ nignog

are you okay bro? you seem agitated, almost murderously upset

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I'm ok with traps but interracial is just disgusting.

i'll protect my boyfriend at all costs

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ok but what do you mean?

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>I'm not white though stop being mea-

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Why does this always happen
>inb4 newfag

>people who are poor happen to be more violent
Gotta be because they're niggers!

This is a horrible thread, you should feel ashamed for making it.
True, thanks for civilization white man
Egalitarianism is a spook
Recognizing some races are inferior doesnt mean you hate them or have to hate them.
Im rude to niggers online but I dont really hate them, irl im very nice to them

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No. I like Irish people.

all races are just as fucking scummy and disgusting as each other so i dont see a reason to hate one over any other

>Live in England
>Been to Glasgow and west Yorkshire
And I still don't hate white people or anyone for that matter. It's just fucking stupid.

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I used to be racist mostly due to shitty upbringing but interacting with Jow Forumstards on Jow Forums changed that.

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You sound really fucking boring.

This. They fucking ruined joking about it or being edgy now I just feel annoyed because of how many threads were ruined or how shit all sorts of forums are turning out.

>True, thanks for civilization white man
>imagine being so pleased with giving indigenous ppl civilization that you forget you started out as the cave ppl who were given civilization

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