Could you beat up a fembot in a fight?

Could you beat up a fembot in a fight?

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No because fembots deserve to be cuddled even though they hate me.

Could? Yes.
I have beat the FUCK out of women that deserved it.
But fembots?
They do not deserve it.

i could, and i think some of them deserve it, but it would be dumb to risk jail just to bring some random roastie down a notch

It would probably be a fair fight. I am not a very violent person.

that's pretty much my fetish. except we could take turns and then kiss and mix blood and saliva. i dont know why i just find it cute lol

Throw some salt in her wound and watch her squirm and scream in agony. MMMMMMM

no i'm only autistic online, not irl

Sure, if they're a threat then I beat them as hard as I'd do with a guy, otherwise no reason to do, but I don't wanna accidentally kill anyone

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My health was and always will be shit so I don't think I could even beat an out of shape girl. Maybe that is the reason I always dreamed about beating up people (yes, even girls).

Are you paraplegic or something?

wow, that may be a bit too hardcore even for me. i like electrocution play, though. also really curious about being strangled until unconscious, but it is really scary and i wussed out this one time i tried to do it on myself lol

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Easiest fight ever. Not saying I would. But females are made of blubber. If you even get a fake punch you cry in pain

A real fight between an overweight tub of lard that is called fembot would be a one sided fight

Im not even saying Im a tough guy. I probably would lose to the average man. While saying that. I could definitely take a fembot

it would be no contest. A fucking blood bath. Mind you I've never been in a fight and all my live told not to fight women

I'm fucking bottled up with unyielding savagery. May their be mercy on their souls
but come on. I'd never hit a woman, unless the situation calls for it

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probably, yeah
fembots aren't exactly athletes or anything

No because fanbots don't exist

I been hanging with goons and all my life throught school been known to take a punch

Damn it. I've been steamrolled harder than a fembot can even put her fat weight on me

I prolly could, but why would I? Need some context here

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Because it's a fight?

Probably not (considering fembots don't exist as well)
I've never been in a fight and I'm a skelly.

Fair enough I suppose, roastie gets a wacking

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Nothing that severe but I'm physically very weak and sensitive to pain from birth. It only gotten worse through the years.

I will assist you, redpilled sir

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ive got noodle arms and a small frame, and ive been beaten twice at arm wrestling by 2 different women. idk about women on here though, im sure id lose against pretty much every guy here

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I could beat them...beat them with my dick

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Could: I don't know.
Would: No, I've got better things to do.

Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot you probably weight

Physically I can take 20 fembots at the se time. But.. psychologically I don't think I could as I never beat someone weaker than me. It will be a lose lose situation.

I wish a fucking bitch would.
If a man ever lays a finger on me im knocking him the fuck out.


Stop with this bullshit, all "fembots" and "women" in general that post here are guys larping for attention and to rile up robots.

If you guys EVER so much as touch a girl, my fist will be waiting for you as soon as you turn around.

Mark. My. Words.

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No doubt

To be fair even a trap who weighs less than 130 lbs could beat up 99% of women, they're legitimately that weak.

I would beat her to a dicking battle

>yfw this user is serious

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I could but I don't hit waman

Can I cuddle them instead?

Organ commentary

I assume they'd be too squishy to beat up

I'm good with that dude, I just won't turn around

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I hit a girl last month, user. Where were you when she needed you? Probably jerking off you loser.

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I'd probably not hit her and pin her down and kiss her face until she likes it.

user is that is so gross...

I'm a savage depraved of any intimacy whatsoever, I'd probably go the extra mile and cuddle her even when she doesn't want to be cuddled anymore.

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I look like you and I'm pretty sure I could confidently destroy any woman... I haven't fucked with she-hulk but girls that were the same size with me and did heavy weight lifting every day couldn't stop me from pinning them easily. I'm pretty sure you just need to stop drinking that onions-melk.

Are you shitting me?
Yes, what male could not.

Cucks, user-kun, cucks

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Nah. Some white knight would jump in and save her and beat the shit out of me so there is no point. No point in violence

1v1 fight in a cage like in the UFC.

Oh. Then she would be H I S T O R Y

ya i have let myself go, though youre right i doubt any woman could actually hurt me, women arent aggressive enough though ive never been the aggressive type either. i get intimidated when i see other guys out there knowing they could destroy me easily in a fight, i am pretty much a weakling which is the whole point of this thread.

Could? yes
Would? not without a personal reason that actually manged to make me angry enough get violent.

I'd probably just lie down and do nothing. I don't have the motivation to even try

Depends on if they have Chris Farley physical prowess or not.

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