Post a picture the best describes how you're feeling at this moment

Post a picture the best describes how you're feeling at this moment

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looking into the distance at myself

Attached: wadawd.jpg (622x515, 41K)

Okay m8 pic related

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Pic related is pretty accurate

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Breathe into the abyss

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Best I can do for now. I'd like something more grey and minimalist, dulled to senses even.

Attached: bitter-tears4.jpg (1220x909, 275K)

I should be asleep but I cant stop reading this Australian wilderness survival blog for the life of me

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Suicidal. I would drink every day if I wasn't pisspoor

Attached: Тлен.jpg (975x475, 61K)

pic related

Is the movie any good? If it is filled with cinematography like this I think I would enjoy it.

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Me every second of every day

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Pretty much like this

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I don't remember if I put it on a public platform, but I did a video review of it earlier this year, so I guess you could say - yeah I liked it.
The cinematography is good, pic related, but it's nothing like Lola or Querelle. The whole thing is done in one room - so may not be your thing. It's basically a theater play, so it's very melodramatic, but it works, I really liked the way the character dynamics. It felt very real, it's often described as 'sadomasochistic', and like you see this weird mix of dependency, projection... it's... yeah.

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if you stare on to memes, the memes stare back at you

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Am I the only one in a good mood?

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More like this'll be me whenever I get the strength to get out of bed.

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Dad had a heart attack earlier today.

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I am exhausted but also stressed the fuck out, to the point that I can't even sleep

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new job, new gf

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Me coming home from the local after spending $300 on drinks and having bills to pay next week

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Pretty much pic related, trying to get a 5 year plan or something down before January. What to do, what to do.

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I'm sorry to hear that, user. I wish the best for you and your family.

the local what?

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Not him, he means a Bar or tavern.

No strong women to take care of me

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I wish a nigga would throw hands on me I want to beat some ass

It is a pretty interesting kinda feel

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Local pub, or yes bar/tavern

>no soft woman to cuddle

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In the end, I just know that I'm better than everyone here and everywhere. Feels good knowing this little fact.

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being born was a mistake originalo

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Currently shitting out my insides and my asshole is burning

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Yesterday was Thanksgiving.

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I want to hug you gently and softly pet your head.

Feeling alright today, haven't done much since I'm having to hold off on reducing sleep since I've got a long drive tomorrow with nothing to think about. Going to see family and such. Doing well. *squeeze*

Attached: My belly... rub it!.png (849x1500, 587K)

Original comment 49444905!

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>haha this is literally me desu
Kill yourselves reddit fags

This be on the feels menu rn user.

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I want to fucking die so fucking badly. God fucking damn it. I just want a gf

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I'm going to have to endure opiate withdrawal for the next week or so

Kill me

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>Telling normalfags to die on a board where your expected to be a normal fag
Get the fuck off my board you fucking nigger.

Is that Lain? The color scheme and artstyle make it seem like its Lain

Fuck off you yakubian piece of shit normalnagger that's OUR word!.

I personally enjoy razor blades. They're like 20 cents each or less, depending on how many you buy at once (there was like a 100 for $20 deal on Amazon at one point). Everyone will support your purchase of razor blades, and they'll keep you well shaved.
However you can teach your body and mind to get a high from cutting the palm side of your forearm -- High enough so you can still roll back your sleeves halfway up your forearms.
Doesn't work during the summer though.

Don't cut too deep either because then you'll have obvious scars. Go light and don't draw too much blood, and you'll feel the sting all day long.
Makes for interesting conversations when you start joking about cutting your wrists around your friends. Not telling them about it obviously.

>not cutting your chest until you reach the ribs and then going outside halfnaked

She doesn't even look strong. Athletic at best. And the eye shadow makes her look weird.
But then again I'm also "athletic at best" so I'd really like a gf like that.
That's just fat.

pic related is me right now

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I know you're joking but I don't understand those "you have to cut deeper, faggot" posts. They're probably trying to be edgy as well but I don't see why you'd have to go deeper.

less and less people put their love or faith in me.

It's really great.

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Sad to hear, user. I hope you both can get through these trouble times together.

Might have to put down my first dog soon. She's only 7

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i'm tired, my back hurts again, and i look like a dumpster fire
i need to shave and shower but that requires me to stare at myself in the mirror while i shave, or see my naked body while i wash off

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