Which girl is best girl?

which girl is best girl?

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Asuka, in that it's not felony necrophillia to have sex with Asuka. I mean, I don't like either of them or Shinji but at least Asuka responds when you talk to her.

Asuka because she would hate me. Just like every woman. Just like my mom.

rei,she's not a whore like asuka

rei, not because she's good, but asuka is just that garbage

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Doesn't this prove Rei ISNT and emotionless doll?

Look at those faces :3


right! the headline is a sarcastic repetition of the only "argument" ashitka fags have. this picture proves they weren't paying attention.

If you can't handle Asuka, you're better off taking estrogen

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>if you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best UwU
>stronk independent wamyn
nah, just accept she's an instagram thot molded into 2d.

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Instagram thots wouldn't waste a second on shinji. Shinji got what he deserved because he didn't show any intimacy when he wanted to and didn't think outside his own problems

>lives for attention
>wants to fuck kaji and gets thot patrolled
>unlikable entitled cunt
>not acknowledged by boys in school
>only shinji left and that's because misato was forced to take her in, too
she didn't waste a second on him until kaji told her to fuck off. he was her emotional tampon.

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If you say anything other than Rei, you're a newfag.

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Rei >>>>>> Asuka
She is a robot like us, meanwhile Asuka is literally Stacy

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Rei is for little boys.
Asuka is for little boys.
Misato is for MEN.

I don't understand why people pretend Misato is attractive. She's a drunk old roastie, they just want to feel special about their waifu choice

>Misato is for MEN.
Umm sorry sweetie; would you care to try again?

Because Kaji was the only one in the series who was friendly with her. Shinji was too autistic for Asuka to rely on. She lived for attention as much as Shinji, as much as you, looking inwardly to aesthetic faults hoping that the day will come someone praises them, waiting in isolation til they act on your behalf. Attention-whoring is r9k in a nutshell, and Asuka is the gal who acknowledges your faults and wants you to acknowledge hers. But ofc dense sexdoll fiends who pick Rei will continue to fester through the decades

Forgot to include >pic related, like a druken dipshit

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>Shinji was too autistic for Asuka to rely on.
he was friendly with her from the start and still got shit on for not being the assertive man kaji is. again, she made moves on him the moment she got shut down by kaji. shinji was her only source of attention.
>acknowledges your faults and wants you to acknowledge hers
not gonna argue against the last part of it: "If you don't want all of me I don't want any of you at all." she said something like this.
but the first part is so fucking wrong. she doesn't acknowledge shinjis problems. she expected him to make a move on her when she kissed him. considering he fears intimacy this expectation doesn't make any sense. she doesn't care about him or his problems. she cares about herself and only her, which is why she got so utterly btfo by that angel who mindfucked her when she was confronted with her selfishness.
>But ofc dense sexdoll fiends who pick Rei will continue to fester through the decades
not gonna acknowledge ? ignorance truly is asukas greatest ally.

I don't use the term "friendly" loosely. Asuka puts up a front of false security in her everyday life, while Shinji communicates at a distance, withholding eye contact, being autistic. Shinji was at best a bit agreeable with Asuka, but not "friendly", their most intimate interactions were through animosity/rivalry. Kaji was openly "friendly", smiled, gave clear signs of enjoying her company.
Sure Rei isnt a braindead doll, but she's basically an infant who's all open for manipulation for you to carve into your ideal waifu.

>she cares about herself and only her
Exactly like Shinji

Not him, but Shinji does care about his friends and Rei

>rey ayanami fans are autistic enough to compile all emotional reactions of a character within the show just for sake of winning single argument in pointless debate

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And so does Asuka, until she's met with their autism. Her brain operates on a different wavelength and sees things more literally, worrying that Rei's not looking at her because Rei hates her (rather than the truth being because Reis autistic). For an example, Asuka slaps Rei at the elevator when Rei says she'll follow orders to the grave.
Asuka didn't have the comfy parents Shinji did and lacks the deeper understanding Shinji has because of it, but they both want the same things with different limitations. But what I'm trying to say is Asuka is as defensive as Shinji is in respects, but Shinji works with it differently in serving everyone around him because he's afraid of them and thats worked for him in the past. Asuka has found being outwardly confident has worked for those same problems in the past. Same inner dilemma

>Shinji was at best a bit agreeable with Asuka, but not "friendly"
fine, then they're not freindly but a bit agreeeable. that makes things worse though, it means she doesn't enjoy his company and vice versa. that doesn't make a healthy relationship.
not that both of them are healthy in any way to ever have that.
>she's basically an infant who's all open for manipulation for you to carve into your ideal waifu.
and you got it wrong again. she btfos gendo, saying "I'm not your doll." and leaves him behind. he had all the time in the world to manipulate her into doing everything he wants.
>inb4 she did all his biddings all the other times!
there are clones of her right? why would they keep her alive and not simply replace her everytime she acts up? she was a captive all along. this was her only opportunity to do as she wanted because there was no time to replace her.
>the mc being shit suddenly warrants another shit character to be good!
you fell on your head, right?

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And he did manipulate her, until Shinji entered the picture and made her aware of unconditional affection. But my point stands either way, she's an infant and if she's your wife she'll becimr your clone, and that bejng your wish for an ideal wife speaks volumes about the type of person a reifag really is.
To rest of post, read my other response.

>that bejng your wish for an ideal wife speaks volumes about the type of person a reifag really is.
>i can't win the argument so i'll ad hominem the shit outta you!
i was so generous to ignore the projecting in but now you get insufferably ignorant. want me to pull the big guns? fine

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I mentioned that Asuka sees things more literally in the other post I dorected you to, but this whole inner thinking NPC nonsense is a meme you do realize? The board is called "robot" 9001 because it predated this leddit Jow Forumsoutside meme. Asuka is caoabke of dynamically reflecting on what she experienced in interaction, as any of the others, but her perspective has more concrete observations to go off of. Shinji could be analyzing an autistic interaction with Rei for weeks and not come beyond conjecture, because that all "inner thinking" really is. Acting out in the real world is what's conclusive, and that also happens to be the whole point of Evangelion.

Asuka is *capable

misato is actually the best. she's pretty redpilled and also not a cuck like rei.

Ferri-Chan is best girl!

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these are my boys

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>Asuka is caoabke of dynamically reflecting on what she experienced in interaction, as any of the others, but her perspective has more concrete observations to go off of.
citation needed.
i understood that
point is, she was an insufferable cunt all the time. everytime she got some screentime, it felt wasted as she did nothing but ruin everyones mood.
she tried to lead when she had no clue about anything instead of lettin someone who does take the lead.(see the sewer part where she suggests going right and rei simply going left)
selfishness; we already had that. about her caring only about herself.
the hunger for attention. proven by the leading point and the other parts i already mentioned.
this list goes on and on, but i wanna finish this, so ill leave it open to other anons to fill the list. she stayed an insufferable waste of screentime until the end.
coming to rei. when she was still a child, she was manipulated, not gonna argue. but she did find her way out of it when she entered the age of independent thought. she was following orders to her demise, but as mentioned, she was a prisoner with no choice. the moment she finally had a choice, she did what she thought was best and even left the man who held her captive behind. i'd argue that there is manipulation possible anymore.
>used goods and an alcoholic who needs a 14 year old to take care of her.
contrarians choice. if you mean it outside of being a contrarian, maybe you should volunteer in an old peoples home, youll find plenty of old used up hags there.

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Misato is literally Asuka 20 years later if she didn't get with Shinji. If Asuka did get with Shinji she'd become peak perfomance waifu, hell even Misato sensed something she was missing

>i'd argue that there is manipulation possible anymore.
i'd argue that there is NO manipulation possible anymore.

>citation needed
Watch the show, also again NPC is a meme.

Sewer example is miniscule, but sure Asuka was trying to be successful so she could get praise, which is the only positive attention she was getting from everyone. Shinji wants attention as much as Asuka does, but he fears betrayal so he'd rather stay in a safe limbo of mild interaction and dulled impulses. Asuka has the same dilemmas Shinji does, watch the instrumentality episodes and EOE again

She could still be manipulated because she has a limited worldview. You want her to get into surfing? Show her surfing and she'll surely get into it since her daily life is vacant anyways

i did watch them. yes, asuka struggles wants to be successful, but she doesn't suggest but orders people around and then gets mad when things don't work out. pic related was such a good example of that, i really wished for rei to slap her, so she might wake up and start using her head. the wish to be successful doesn't warrant being a cunt to everyone. especially if you don't know how to handle things.
>"why are you not in running in?"
>runs in and would've died if it wasn't for his eva to go berserk
>blames it on him for listening to her
>she has a limited worldview
she doesn't understand feelings, that's not a limited worldview to me. she started to understand them when she self-destructed to kill that tentacle angel. but feelings are not the world around her, seeing her performance in school, she was extremely disinterested in the world, not ignorant about it.

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