
Happy old image, edition

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neighbor fucked my dog and raped my wife in the ass again lads

Im digging the dominos addition mates

Nth for being a unbearable ball of stress and paranoia about my phone call with the police 2moro

wanna plow fat pussy

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People always say cultures and races should stick together and then their favourite thing to do is go on holiday and appropriate someone elses culture. Stupid. I don't feel any more unsafe around the immigrants than I would the chavs.

Sick of it Iads

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Fascinating lad thanks for the input *walks off*

you can go your own way!
goo your own wayyyyyyy

>just wanted a beer and a bit of telly and for all these silly women to piss off
was he /ourlad/?

who else lurks the general from time to time to feel like they're one of the lads

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Could be comfy feels after today. Here's to hoping. I hope you all are well.

Ate you that excited about new year's? Anyone else hate it?

Me, I don't even live in Britain

It's just rare to see a good balance of banter and bro behavior. The aussies are too unhinged. And most of us muricans don't bant
this place is comfy

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He had a sweet ride as well

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Not that bothered really about new years, just another noisey night
How could it get be comfy feels lad?

I might have real autism

What now?

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Just have a few house issues that are being sorted today but I always assume the worse. I need.to relax more and be positive but I always have a negative Outlook and feel

use it to get autism bennies

Buy a thinkpad

fook off yank nonce

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>wanna plow fat pussy

Lose some weight first you fucking whale

Back with muh cans lads. Ordered some pizza too

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Just been binge eating all morning agaub, lads. What the fuck I can't stop eating in gonna die

I ain't gay but 20 bucks is 20 bucks

What can you got? I have a couple buds on floor. Not gonna be cold :(

>British brothers arrested in Thailand over suspected drug trafficking
Darren you nutter

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Strongbow. Every time I get them from this shop they arent cold though so whacked one in the freezer

Nice one DM lad. Hope you enjoy.

They definitely look like drug traffickers. Or secret tranny lovers.

Thank you annoymous friend

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>reminds me of the second tiiiiiime
>that l followed you home

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Not him but the bants does my tits in at times. Have to listen to it when I'm at work and have never got it, and never really join in on it on here
Always take things too serious so can never tell when somebody is joking

I go to work just to do my job and nothing more. I don't get involved in any internal politics or gossip

I shall open a can now *cheers*

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You see she deleted her anti-thanksgiving video?

cant wait for the social credit system to be implemented here so all the chavs and miscreants learn to behave

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Didn't see it tbqh. Was it typical her ranting?

pakis are either uggo or slags
didn't this one shoot up youtube's offices

It was her and her two drunk gay flatmates and she was saying we shouldnt celebrate genocide. Didnt get a chance to read the comments

>didn't this one shoot up youtube's offices
what u fuckin say about 'are kid, cunt?

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>we shouldnt celebrate genocide
20th April
Remember the 6 gorillion
Three cheers for /our guy/

debating whether or not to buy 4 old games or one new one
Elite Dangerous (No DLC)
Fallout 4
Final Fantasy XV (No DLC)
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

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If in doubt keep them out
If it's brown turn it down

Are you the lad with the storage heater issues?
I have a few issues at mine but not bothered as I'll be moving out in next 18 months

Get the four old ones

>you won't regret it my guy

Love a bit of Nasim tbqh

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>Fallout 4
>Final Fantasy 15
Also it isn't a hard choice, you will get more value out of the 4 than the 1

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Get the old ones and by the time you're done rdr2 will be cheap

Call out names see if anyone here is called it; Elias

Game space lid, fucking game data takes up all my disk space
>Fallout 4
>Final Fantasy 15
Are these shit games? i thought they would be good not great but good

Sounds like it could have been a funny one. Most he videos have been a bit boring as of late.

>Are these shit games?
Mostly yes.

>i thought they would be good not great
then fair enough, you probably have a good time with them then. I pirated FO4 when it came out and whlilst it's not the best Fallout game, i sunk a decent amount of hours into it still. It's like most bethesda games where you can have 15/20 hours of fun then start to realize how dogshit and poor-quality the game really is.

FF15's combat system isn't the most engaging, it's flashy but when it comes to playing it, is extremely boring

Heading to shop, you lads want owt?

I'm good thanks pal. Treat yourself!

How to stop being fatty boom boom lads?

unironically eat less.

Run a mile every time you whack off

No not me. Can you please give me a you in hope that it sorts out for the best

old image, happy new challenge
jigsawID oldbritfeel

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Just had my final laser session!

Also I've started putting my hair in a ponytail full-time!

When you chopping your dick off mate?
Do your mum and dad know you're gay?

bitch your hair isn't even long.

It's real carwash hours

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How autistic do you have to be to get bennies? I have Asperger's and I/my family never got any kind of monetary benefits for it. Yet some others I knew who were also autistic did get them. I am only very mild on the spectrum though

My hair is past my shoulders, that's like the longest tier of hair length

Mum called me a freak yesterday but apologised later

Imma gas you faggot

Is your car the one with 6 million in the ashtray?

Wash it yourself ya lazy sod

my hair is nearly waist length

It his company car

where you going today lad?

>washing the company car
not mine not my problem

post a full face picture please.

But there aren't any more hairstyles that open up for you at that length compared to "past the shoulders"

Get me a pint, cunt

-200 social credits, off to the re-education centre you reprobate

>we are young
>heartache to heartache
>we stand
>/britfeel/ is the lads land
>love is a battle field

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Eat my cock you beta

You'd know how to take it well

Life fucks you anyways

>tfw a bunch of normalcunts from my primary school are now dropping out of university and getting depressed
>this brings me nothing but joy

Anyone else know this feeling?

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How do I eat less then u show offs

Is this a haiku lad?


Fuck off normie, you fell for the uni meme too

an ounce of self control

Seeing your drunken bastard father lose everything as you destroy his once perfect life

Yes lad. Messed up a bit at the end tho

How do u have self control then you wally pooftas

got 8;43 wahey lads

like black dudes a lot

ffs mum I told you to stop posting here

I'm not Elliot Rodger but I saw Chad and Stacy holing hands today and wanted to whack him on the back of the head

Black "people" deserve the rope

>He has a job

Not welcome here

Why is it so difficult to get out of bed?

Been awake since 11 still haven't managed to make it to the shower.

Fucks sake.

I have a setup where a bucket of milk gets dumped on me as an alarm
Been mooing in my sleep lately


Get out right now, stand up and move about. You'll instantly feel a bit better. Have a shower and you'll feel better again.

Please do this user, and tell me results

Just had a shower now my left ballsack is inflated fs lad thanks

>left ballsack
why do you have two ballsacks? Greedy

Can do. Hope you get it sorted user, and get to comfy ASAP