Life is utterly pointless

Life is utterly pointless.

All I do all day is exist. I don't want to do anything, I don't want to see anyone, nothing is fun, I just feel empty. I'm not depressed, this is intense boredom and apathy with existence.

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Consciousness is thine enemy

You're depressed stop denying it.

You and I both, OP. I have no solution to offer, just affirmation, sorry.

>you're depressed
social death sentence.

>you must be really fun at parties
all that matters is being social.

Nihilism, nihilism, nihilism, nihilism, good ol' nihilism. No string of text - especially if from Jow Forums can help you, buddy. It's better off that you just kill yourself and end your little existence that's utterly pointless in the end. After all, life is only pointless and has no meaning, right?

It's nice to know someone else understands, thanks user

I feel the exact same but I am depressed.

Unironically just kill yourself then. You own your life so do what you want with it.

Dying involves effort and ironically I'm not suicidal

Hate everything but too lazy to stop it. You deserve to suffer.

You're just a pussy then. wew fucking lad.

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What the fuck do you think depression is lmao?

You're describing literally the definition of depression. Please get help, it doesn't have to be that way

Depression is a mental illness, I'm just being honest about life

Go to church nigger.
I dont mean like convert to religion or anything. Just go to church tue next time youre bored as fuck at 12 pm. It might not do anything to you but it did a lot for me.

You're just a failed normie, try looking inward once in your life

Stop being a boring idiot then. Experience life. Everything takes effort. Nothing comes out of the sky.

Merry Christmas

What did it do for you?

A mental illness that manifests itself in the exact way you're feeling

You can't be honest to yourself if your brain isn't working the way it's supposed to

I got out of this

yea you suck.. can you transition to a girl? so at least you are fuckable :)

I get a lot of pleasure from magic Internet board games. Try weichi and shogi, two different games.