Roman Empire Collapse

What is the reason the Roman Empire fell? Nero?

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Other urls found in this thread: 250/210 Reasons.htm

venereal disease, if I recall correctly.

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Unironically women poor leadership/communication and liberalism

The failure to reinstate taxation and to reintegrate various peoples into the imperial power structure. There were dozens of times during Romes long history where it could have fallen, but the west fractured off because it just never managed to retake those lost lands.

Romans were waiting in old Roman provinces for a hundred years to rejoin the empire, but the empire never came back so they just got on with life.

The Ides of March Julius would say

Collapse of the western roman empire:

Shitty government, unloyal military, collapsing infastructure, the ERE took the rich provinces, continual civil war, migration crisises, collapsing urban population, economic stagnation followed by complete economic collapse, increasing wealth inequality, the collapsing rights of citizens, many large urban centers were destroyed in civil wars and raids, government was increasingly ruled from the top down, leaders were increasingly ineffectual and drowned in bureaucracy, environmental changes, insane levels of corruption, tribes were begining to be better armed and were adopting roman tactics, foederati revolts, actual non-mercenary roman armies were kept intentionally weak to prevent civil wars that were rampant, decreasing pay for soldiers, diseases

Collapse of eastern roman empire:

non-stop war against the persians, Muslims fuck them up after 20 year brutal war with persians, constant two front war against slavs and arabs+turks, betrayed by crusaders and sacked, always on the retreat, betrayal by crusaders left them weak and easilly destroyed by the turks

too much diversity

the liberally accepted the enemy hordes our of compassion.

Yeah too much diversity/foreigners. Also gay emperors.

widespread lead intoxication

Something like the last 8 Roman emperors were gay, according to Nixon.

After Marcus Aurelius the Emperors began to become more and more corrupt. Barbarians were everywhere and towards the end they just started letting barbarians run the military

Hadrian wasn't that bad for a flaming homosexual

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However, tranny emperors were 100% shit

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>so much corruption it made india look like a well oiled machine
>western roman empire was becoming more and more weak, people like attila constantly plagued both the west and eastern empires
>incompetent and corrupt emperors
>barbarian hordes moving throughout all of europe
>christianity and other beliefs eroding what made rome strong to begin with
>complete and total stagnation, military was becoming increasingly ineffective with little pay or any incentives to actually fight, civil wars and infighting happening en masse, and again groups like the huns and goths, to name a few, putting more and more pressure on them
Basically Rome itself completely stagnated in every sense of the word, even if you were to take out the muh gey emporors, muh libruls memes Rome was doomed to collapse unless a Stalin tier purge happened, which wouldnt have. Plus any army that wasnt completely made up of mercenaries were intentionally weak due to the infighting and civil conflicts that occured.

They spent far too much money on war and social programs, which led to higher taxation, which caused increased poverty, which led to social unrest, especially at the extremities of the empire, which caused even more poverty, social unrest, lack of loyalty, will to fight wars for the glory of the republic, etc. etc, and the whole thing came crumbling down.
Literally every single great empire in the history of the world fell because of deficit spending on wars and social programs, and this is also how the US and western Europe will fall.

Has pretty much it on point

Also has it on point.
Would argue that not even "Stalin tier purge" would save the empire, it would only postpone it at the very best. It was simply impossible to hold the throats of somany diferent cultures, languages and large amount of people at the same time without breaking apart. The empire grew too quickly and the ocupied people never really saw themselves as citizens of rome.

After much prosperity, the goverment and its people stared lusting for wealth and luxuries, curruption took place, the empire changed emperors very quickly in very few years dude to assasinations, people were too busy thinking about, sex, money and confort.
The with the confort, the empire's population began to decline while the other nation's population continued to grown rapidly. Soon the empire had to resort to hire mercenary armies to guard the country. When shit got real, people began to retake their lost lands, the mercenaries noticed also that the emperour had no clothes and turned agaisnt their masters.

If you get the Kobo app, you can download The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire for free.

Alternatively there's 210 (often contradictory) reasons at 250/210 Reasons.htm

Please don't blame my wife

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A wide variety of things that led to the focus of Rome being projected onto the fringes of its borders instead of its center, resulting in fatal political and martial divisions. Probably easier to ponder on what circumstances allowed it to exist in the first place and then work from there.

Extreme inequality which lead to the general populace not giving a shit about the wellbeing of the state. Same reason the shitmerican empire is gonna collapse.

Christianity ruined Roman virtues.

Too much money flowing out to the East compared to not enough money to pay foederati.
White man come home to the based Orthodoxy of Rhomaion.