why don't you just fuck a cute fat girl?
Why don't you just fuck a cute fat girl?
Pic one.
only fat bitches perceive themselves as cute
unironically a fpbp
>cute fat girl
I seriously would at this point, I'm that desperate.
I would probably judge her as she cooks food and make her cry.
Because she wouldn't fuck me.
Id be lucky if I got any cute girl of any size desu
Got myself a semi-fat gf
literally can't keep up an erection when I'm with her in bed.
Can fuck her for like 2 mins before I go soft
Fuck my life.
I want to rest my head between those thighs and have her stroke my cock.
>why don't you just fuck a cute fat girl?
cute fat girls still want only chad cause they believe they deserve him. of course chad only pumps and dumps them
ugly and fat are the only ones desperate enough to settle with anything
Id date a fat girl if she had equally fat tits
But the only fat girls i see all have like A cups and giant guts like why do you even exist
Probably the cutest face I've ever seen was on an obese girl. I felt really bad cause she started to lose a ton of weight really fast and get better after she got a boyfriend and it made everything saggy even her face, I'm sure she's better off but it even made her face look uglier. This was not the typical case, it's fucked up but if I was willing to date her it would have been before the weight loss.
Almost did, but she was drunk so I didn't want her to freak out and pull a rape claim on me.
>ended up ghosting me afterwards
little secret: fat girls are much better at sex.
Because cute fat girls don't want to fuck me
i have, with a couple different chubsters.
one of them had some massive tits.
those were some great times.
what i wouldn't give to do it again.
haven't banged in years, but at least i'm not a virgin i guess.
I've tried user, but it's pretty difficult when you look like fucking Harry potter and you can't afford laser eye surgery
plus my ears stick out a lot
Because, unless they are actual prostitutes and working, even fat women wouldn't want to do anything sexual with me.
Fat girls want even fatter guys to make them look slim.
Fat girls sit around waiting for Chad. 85% of fat girls have been fucked by Chad or beta-Chad at some point in their life, so they think that ONE day they will finally land one.
my friend did a fat girl and i just fucking laughed at him
fat girls are scum. they should be used to pull heavy objects, nothing more.
I pick both, bitch. I don't live by your faggy ass elitist rules.
thick not fat, if they have a gut then no go
Yep, this one's going in my breeding cow compilation
Depends on your definition of fat. I would need to see a full photo of the OP but to me she is not fat, but chubby. There was a really nice looking chubby girl I was interested in, but I had no idea how to speak to her and now I have no idea where she is. Typically when normies say "well if you really wanted to meet someone you would go for a fat girl, they're desperate" they never mean an actual fat person, but an attractive chubby person. They themselves don't hang out with actual fat people because they see them as lesser. If someone says that to you write them off as a person because they are effectively telling you that you are less than human in their eyes. If they cared at all about you they wouldnt say to narrow your search to a shallow, superficial looks level.
Sauce OP? ?!?1/11dd
because that's an oxymoron, kiddo
Because i'm not a gym bodied six pack chisled face chad, they want nothing to do with me.
Fat women hate fat men.
cute and fat are literally the opposite of each other