What are your thoughts on abortion?

What are your thoughts on abortion?

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God is dead.
Kill em all.

It should be mandatory for everyone.

I think it's murder, always.
But I'm antinatalist so at the same time I welcome it, especially if the kid would have been born from a degenerate roastie that would use abortion as contraception.
I hate the double standard where, if a woman aborts, it's not considered murder but if a man kills a pregnant woman it's double murder, pathetic.
Imho people that want to use abortion as contraceptive must get their tubes tied so that they can never get pregnant ever, clearly not fit to be a parent.
But it's utopia wanting people to actually create a better society when all they bitch about is muh freedom of choice, even if that means delving into degeneacy to the point of societal collapse, no different than a kid throwing a hissy fit because mommy didn't get them their favorite candy.
Nobody wants to be disciplined anymore.
Being a shitty person is enabled and encouraged.

If they're Muslim or Jewish it should be mandatory.

It's a way for te government to make the republicans that actually matter happy by paying for a one-time procedure instead of paying for poorfag children from birth to 18 and most likely for life due to disabilities, crime and incarceration.

Only acceptable if it's a rape baby or is bound to having a physical/metal deformity.

Takes strain off of urban housing and stops women from having unwanted children in a world that is already overpopulated. The only downside is the baby dying I guess but that should only bother you if you believe in some kind of intelligent soul which is getting short changed here because even if the baby is a person that should be missed/mourned the only people that would are the ones aborting it in the first place.

Works when they're non-white.

it's a necessity and a force of good in this dark world.

i like it and also never gave a fuck about it.

but when i do remember it exists, i become happy because it allows me to double down on nihilism.
when people give me shit for being bleak, i just bring up abortion and say, "they started it".

your people must really not give a fuck if abortion is that prevalent.

>Only acceptable if it's a rape baby
Fuck off.

You have plenty of time to start contraception after the rape. If a fetus develops, your abortion will be worse tha the rape.

The suffering of a lifetime outweighs the one time suffering of death.

>the only people that would are the ones aborting it in the first place.
I take it you haven't seen the imaginary friends/families threads yet.

The value of life comes from connection to other people. People shouldn't care about abortion in the same way they don't care about the thousands of people dying all the time.

>people don't care about the thousands of people dying all the time.

People carry about people when they're close, you dirty venereal monkey fuck.

And there's nothing closer than a tiny human plugged into you

A mother definitely could care about her fetus. But if someone is getting an abortion, then their fetus is clearly not valuable enough to them to keep it alive.

Ya good point.

If I murder a midget, I clearly dont care enuf. so that means I can kill midgets.

But in that case, someone will almost certainly care about that midget's life. That is why murder laws are in place. A fetus isn't going to have relationships with other people from the womb. If the mother wants it dead, there is no point in stopping them from killing it.

>What are your thoughts on abortion?
I simply do not care.
Do not want any kids myself, and in case that changes I am not going to be the one who has to strain to push something that size of a soccerball out of a tennisball sized hole anyway.
I do think the father should get more say in it, but it is not like you can easily take it out of the mother and let it mature in a tube instead.

It is like the whole LGBT shit to me: Something that is simply not my problem, so the people who can't shut up about it, and want to shame everyone into agreeing with their fucked up views are annoying af.

aborting every child from now on would be the most ethical action possible.

it fucks up the human body and is unnatural.
the child should be born and then be disposed of..
the age of abortion should go up to 4 years imo because that's when the child becomes conscious enough to not be considered an animal.

It is morally wrong. However, morality is none of the government's business, and they shouldn't be funding it or banning it.

Conscent = murder = not allowed
Non Conscent = allowed