Starting to understand why women are so evil

Starting to understand why women are so evil.

>Be friends with girl for 20 years
>We best friends
>I crush hard since we were kids
>Date once as teens doesn't work out
>Girl finds out of been crushing on her for 20 years
>Abandons me even though I've been nothing but loyal
>She's also a lesbian now

The fuck happened to women.
This girl used to call me every morning on her commute cuz she missed talked to me.
We took vacations together. Now she's suck lesbian who ended a friendship spanning 20 decades because I think she's cute. Fuck women. 2 decades of my life wasted on this Thot.

I feel like I'm drowning my depression has turned to rage and its consuming me. Women need to get put back in there place

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Do you think maybe she was questioning the whole time and you confessing your feelings to her was what made her want to commit to it? Not as an attack on you but a way to prevent herself from hurting men again. She probably knows you can't be "friends" if you have unrequited feelings.

Also no wonder she is a dyke after reading your last sentence. Dodged a bullet desu, kys via auto erotic asphyxiation.

I've noticed that women can stop talking to you in the drop of the hat.meanwhile i've known my male friends for like 14 years..

Women literally do not feel what we know as 'loyalty'. It is completely alien to them. Women will hang out with people (men and women, friends and bfs, husbands etc) as long as they are serving them some means to an end. Once they can no longer provide a service or benefit, they will be discarded, regardless of how long or 'meaningful the relationship supposedly was.

Better to learn this sooner rather than later

She came out last year but everything was fine for 19years then she says I'm gay and dates some man hating cunt who didnt let her be friends with dudes or women. They broke up a couple months back. And it's not like she didn't know feelings was an option we've almost gotten back together like 4 times so we dated in 2010

similar thing happened to me. was friends with her for 5 years. asked her out. she said "that sounds like a date." and then told me that i'm creepy and don't speak to her again. i hate women.

I'm meming cuz it's r9k I live with a woman there not all bad. Just most of them are brain dead cunts with little to no personality

>I'm meming cuz it's r9k I live with a woman there not all bad.

kek fuck off OP you're just a poseur mate sitting on the fence like a pussy.

I honestly hope you don't make it. If you weren't so dumb and shitty maybe she'd just be bi right now but as is, you're the best example of a male partner she had to work with. Sad

I only hate women who are wife material. The ones like my roommate who sleep with guys whenever they want and are just dude personalities are fun to hang with but will never be wives or raise families. The other chick tho was pure small blonde, she was someone you'd impregnate and marry. Those pure girls always end up being cunts who have everything and still complain

What was I to do rape her? She's got daddy issues her and her brother are gay... Seems unlikely to me.

Fair philosophy actually. In my opinion they are all trying to be wifes some are just better at presenting themselves as such than others.

>Women literally do not feel what we know as 'loyalty'

>Better to learn this sooner rather than later

Shut the fuck up you incel Trash. You're just unfuckable

kek probably had more sex than you

You've gotta be proper naive mind haven't you?

What's your body count?

Anime pillows and cum socks don't count fag

Either you have a vag or your existence is dictated by vag
Either way your only use in life is to bend over and take a hard cock in your ass.

You jumped straight to rape? How fucking dumb are you man?

I lost my virginity at 15 and have had pretty much constant sex over the course of 5 gfs since then (10 years)

Again, you must be naive as fuck and fairly inexperienced with women if you think they experience loyalty. It is ridiculously easy to get girls to cheat on their bfs/fiancees/husbands.

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Lmao says it's my fault she's gay. Implies a real man would of kept her straight. How do besides sex. Also she dated a fucking ripped Greek god and dumped him. This guy was a 10/10 chad. She's fully gay. Couldnt be saved.

Wow he was ripped, there's no possible way he was a fucking idiot tok.


Either way sorry your oneitis is a dyke but you gotta work on yourself. Stop posting incel tier shit like this if you actually want to make it and improve yourself since i'm guessing you're halfway to 30 by now.

>since i'm guessing you're halfway to 30 by now.

>says in OP he has known girl for 20 years
>guess he's halfway to 30

Someone failed GCSE maths.

I love a bit of cock in the morning

You've never had sex. I would bet my ass on it

Bet whatever you like senpai

Oh no a weeb. My only weakness

If he is not halfway to 20 and knew someone for 20 years that means he met her when he was fucking two

>she doesn't know about filters

How could he be halfway to 20 or 30 if he has known someone for 20 years? Halfway to 30 is 15, If he has known someone for 20 years that means he is at least 20 if he has known her since birth, but he is most likely older. He cannot be 15.

Loyalty and honor are male concepts and you should never apply them to women with any realistic expectation of expecting them to embody those characteristics. They are impulsive, emotional and reactionary because that is their nature.

I need a story op, how did this happen and what was said?

Halfway to 30 assuming he is old enough to post here, yet I understand where the confusion lies now. My bad

I'm 24 u morons he was right. Halfway to 30, her and I met in kindergarten and have been best friends since. Also I stopped making advances towards her in 2014 after she told me she liked me then we went on a road trip to meet her favorite author. (fucking trip cost me 1000$ by the end of it) she made us late to the book signing and didn't get to get shit signed just attended the Q/A. It rained one day and she just wanted to stay in the hotel and watch cringey YouTube videos. Bought her dinner and tried to have a romantic night in the hotel. She leaves to go get icecream with some random chick she's talking to on social from the area. But I'm retarded and my gay redflags didn't show up. Just thought she was a retarded cunt.

But despite all this dumb shit you still saw her as a potential partner? Kek

>I'm 24 u morons he was right. Halfway to 30,

24 isn't half of 30.... Where the fuck did you people go to school?

>he thinks crushing on a girl for 20 years but not telling her is going to get him the girl
bruh look at this DUUUDE

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>20 decades
I'd probably get sick of someone after 200 years as well.

>Calls me at 4am
>Me: 'Hun what's up it's 4am'
>Her: ' OMG don't call me hun'
>Don't flirt with me user I'm gay
>I respond "then get ugly"
>She goes on this tangent about how it's disrespectful
>I call her out on some feminist shit
>Freaks out says I don't believe in lesbians and she's not a feminist.
> I made one comment like a year ago about LUGs (Lesbians until Graduation) cuz some of her college friends (girls) made out.
> Then she tells me I better just fuck off.
>Try to cuck myself and take her shit
> sorry I didn't mean to flirt (lul)
> Was tired forgot ur gay now.
> Whydoesdatmatter.feminism
> Like what u just said I can't flirt cuz your gay
> Make a point she never minded my flirting when she was straight
> I've been flirting for 20years
> She asks why I even flirt with her.
> You know why cunt
> Fucking she knows cuz we've been on off will they won't they for years.
> Constantly get mistaken for as a couple by literally everyone
> Friends and family included

Then she deletes me on everything stops responding tells my roommate I was flirting and she's done with me. Ghosts me know everything. 20 fucking years. I was the only one there for her through her dad's alcoholism, her parents divorce, her moves, whenever she was upset she called me. Now I'm nothing to this bitch. Like I have had my life threatened by a stalker in college she had. Fucking fought the kid for her he even tried pulling a fucking knife. No I'm nothing. Literally no respect for women like this. I've sacrificed so much spent thousands on trips and dinners birthdays and holidays missed important events in my life because she needed me. Women have zero integrity. Im a simple man. If you're good to me I will be loyal and support you.

Like I said I stopped advancing the relationship in 2014 (4 years ago( we dated 2010 broke up later that same year, I ended it cuz she lived like an hour away and her dad didn't like me so I could only see her every other weekend)

Almost got back together like 5 times, then when she was dating another dude I fucked one of her friends. And then she told me I ruined us. Says she wanted to be with me even though she was with some other dude (another red flag I missed) but me fucking her friend ruined it. Then she told me she liked me again and we did the trip and I dropped the romantic. Agenda after that. Just been friends the last 4 years

Holy shit OP, 20 decades?

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>tfw James Monroe was president when they met
>tfw they remained friends through the Edo, Meiji, Taisho, Showa and Heisei era
>tfw they supported eachother though the american civil war and both world wars
>then he go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like I love you

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I don't get why you expect people to stay friends with you after you tell them you're not interested in being just their friend. Especially if they're in a relationship.

And to think, betas get mad at Chad for treating women like shit
He knows that they're all disgusting and awful

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>Now she's suck lesbian who ended a friendship spanning 20 decades because I think she's cute.
You know she probably ended it to HELP you, right? She doesn't want you pining over her when she's not even attracted to men. She wants you to get over her and be happy.