>trap thre-
>fembot feels threa-
>pink pil-
>fembot here, add my disc-
Trap thre-
thread of the week everyone.
we need more of this.
good work, user
yep fuck all those
Pretty based thread epic in here.
EPIC WIN TIME super epic victory
don't forget to reload basedboy
Can't believe these threads are among the top 5 threads of Jow Forums. Fucking mods don't do anything around here.
All these niggers all need to get off our board
Lets take back our great board Lads
Why did it all change
Bump because it's true.
It's all psyop or bait anyways, wondering when those people get bored selling HRT to innocent depressed men.
there seems to be a community on gay/trap/whatever recruiters.
they come here because they think robots are easy prey,
easy to brainwash and manipulate.
for some reason they want people to start taking hormones and shit, thinking they can become a pretty girl,
but really they're just going to fuck their shit up and turn themselves into an abomination,
which is most likely going to leave them worse off than they were before.
Sigh originolo
shut up Jow Forums you dumb normie ape :^)
why would you try to manipulate them into being straight then? when clearly they'd have a better life without women
just get back to Jow Forums you obviously failed and no one wants you on Jow Forums anymore
fuck off back to lgbt with the rest of your infestation
nobody is buying your HRT anymore kike Jow Forums is now a Jow Forums colonie
>r9k is now a Jow Forums colony
You faggots are next after the trannies
In your dreams nigger once trannies are erradicated we will turn Jow Forums into a self improvement board for the white man.
the average bangposter
Bumping for this to get attention
Fuck trannies
Fuck (((Fembots)))
Fuck jannies
Its actually in the best interest of everyone to end this recruitment campain the trannies and cesspool of r9cute have been shilling for.
If we back down we let them win.
Each soul that is lost to that ideology will lead a terrible life period.
For robots there is still the hope to some day make it, but as soon as you take those pills as soon as you let mr schekelstein cut your dick off for 10k as soon as you subscribe to the ideology that you just have to be a cute (((girl))) in order for all your social problems to fade away, you are lost.
You will 95% look like a freak a year after you start taking it and 100% after 5 years.
You WILL ruin your life.
DONT believe this crap.
So yeah *POP* *POP* *POP*
let's derail some threads!
actually, this is a pretty good graph. i'll check out daoism and
Put nietzsche into a psychological context and you have your answer.
Or get the willpower to ignore your will to live and transced suffering that way.
What a retarded ass picture some sperg wasted time making when he could just have said
>embrace social darwinism
>delude yourself into thinking you're the creme of the crop despite all available evidence to the contrary
when i first came here a few years ago,
Jow Forums was like a hang out, or community of depressed, anxious, socially retarded misfits who talked about their misadventures and woes in life.
it was pretty comfy actually as i relate to a lot of that.
instead of gay/trap spam there were tons of NEET threads, comfy threads, no gf threads.
that was like the worst of it, most of the time anyway.
i'm not anti gay or anything, i don't care what someone's sexuality is.
but the ones that came here fucked up this board and are constantly spamming it with annoying shit that belongs on lgbt.
get them the fuck out of here
let's slaughter all the tranny jannies, epic style might I add, gentlemen.
social darwinism is a meme.
Natural selection is nor closely beeing enforced strongly enough.
Unwanted life should be killed.
srsly we would be better off throwing the unfit over a cliff, me includet.
But regarding your post, you are not humanity.
Your value system is determined on an individual level. So your values and your meaning too have to be found on an individual level.
Feel with me, Anonymous.
Fuck off in an oreganiolial way
>Fuck off in an oreganiolial way
VIVA LA Jow Forums
Yes, brother. The bang posts are the last bastion against the fags
Pol killed this meme by making it political as always. It should be for all off board topics
Time we retake what is ours robots
i heard you needed a helping hand
BASED more of this please
"Facts don't care about your feelings"
"socialism doesn't work"
Ben Shapiro.
ben shapiro fucking DEVOURS a CHILD ON STAGE because LIBERAL FAIL
Based and originally unironically redpilled
unironically based and redpilled god fucking bless you